Drug test help?

that's the thing cary, i don't really know, but what i do know is that piss not kept in the fridge gets nasty in hours..

i'd think that piss kept in the fridge in a dark container would keep longer than piss not in the fridge, that's for sure, but exactly how long... i've no idea.. it would suck to risk it though imo..

Freeze it. This only works if you have time to run home and put it in the microwave before your test, but if you do....works just fine.
One important thing to those that try to clean out their system. Always piss for a second or two, then stop if you are good like that, and then piss in cup. The first build up has the toxins. If it's early in the morning, piss as long as you can before you piss in cup. The more frequent you piss the cleaner it is, that is how some freaks can just drink gallons of water till it is literally running through them.
If a person tries the dilution method it can flag your sample and request another sample be supplied. If your test gets sent to a lab they check for your normal urine contents (createne and so forth) as well as drugs. If you try the dilution method that means everything would be void from your urine and I've talked to a bunch of people getting called back in to take it again.
i have some really interesting news. i recently began smoking after 1.5 year break. i'm scared about testing positive on a drug test. i considered long and hard about starting to smoke again and was thinking about a diuretic BP med so that i test clean. i didn't go to the doctor, but rather picked up an over the counter diuretic called Pamabrom. i have take about 3 good hits throughout the day today, the last one was at 6:30pm and am still high. i was reading this thread about 40 minutes ago and just realized that i had these Pamabrom in my cabinet from a couple of months ago when i was contemplating returning to my smoking ways. i took one 50 mg gel capsule with a glass of water at 8:42pm. felt the urge to piss about 30 minutes later. i have a sheet of bulk THC strips i can cut as i need them so i can monitor level daily. at 30 minutes later i am testing clean. i tested myself earlier in the day when i woke and hadn't smoked for 13 hours and i was testing positive.

so the bottom line is i am high right now, took a over the counter Pamabrom capsule and 30 minutes later i am testing clean. this is a revelation as far as i am concerned. i did a RIU search on Pamabrom and there are no mentions of it anywhere.
when i was a young lad i passed a court ordered supervised test with certo and was a pretty heavy smoker. Some people swear by it. Drink about an hour before the test, drink a good amount of water, take a piss, and then your next piss is the one you supposedly want to use for the test. My girlfriend recently passed an unsupervised test at a laboratory using the synthetic urine.
certo works for probation
I had one today for a job. This is in NY state. I used quick fix plus from spectrum labs. It was 3 0z. They wanted about a fourth of that. the batch was P7G-12. I had 3 days to show and went after my fingerprints the 2nd day. I brought a bottle of water to chug for effect. The night before I sewed a small sock to the inside my boxer briefs so it would not fall down my leg if i was walking. I only sewed a small patch on one side of the sock so that it could move and not be rigid when I sat down and walked around. The heat pack felt strangely comfortable. Then I put a 2nd pair of boxer briefs on over the first ones making sure that if they had me lift my shirt up they wouldn't see 2 pairs of elastic. I wore loose fitting jeans. I practiced getting it out of my gooch quickly the night before. When I got in the bathroom the temp stip was black, which means too hot. I put the heat pack in my pocket making sure to not drop the rubber band, and dipped the bottle in the toilet water for a few seconds. Then I layed it on it's side on the cold porcline toilet tank while i pissed for real into the toilet. shook it up a little then I filled up the cup, replaced the bottle in my sewn in nut sock. The temp on the cup was 96. I didn't use the squeeze cap just the regular one because of the sucking noise the bottle makes when you squirt it. I'll let you know if it worked...
HAHAHAHAH It worked like a charm! Just found out today. Look how long they made me wait, 6 business days + the weekend. But today I got a call, and I start training tomorrow.
HAHAHAHAH It worked like a charm! Just found out today. Look how long they made me wait, 6 business days + the weekend. But today I got a call, and I start training tomorrow.

Nice, I got a job test driving the Grand Cherokees when the new body style was developed a few years ago using quick fix.
I remember in my younger days when I had to take supervised piss tests for det,I would use ready clean,this stuff would come out looking like diluted moutain dew,guy would look at it then me shake his head ,but I would pass everytime it was obvious they didnt care.Tried the same shit in livonia MI and when they looked at it this time they failed me ,had to go in front of judge got reinstated and so I quit for a year lol.
I have a prob drug test tmrw, I smoke everyday, but I have taken niacin, chugged water, and taken pamabrom. Any advice for a good girl just trying to stay out of trouble.
Fuck. Can you get something better like Huel said with the ready clean, or are you just wanting us to pray for you? lol. I will.
I love fake piss kits! They work every time . You never have to detox with a stupid drink or pills and then worry if they actually cleaned you out. I saw in one of the posts that someone paid like 80 clams for a pee-pee kit. Don't do that! Theses dudes www.pass-a-drug-test-guaranteed.com have kits for like 15 bucks.
Ben piss testing since ronnie raygun decided it was a good thing since the early to mid eighties. Unfortunately if it is for the feds, it is random and very controlled setting. I quit for literally decades (mj that is). If it is serious testing by the feds, you are rolling the dice, I've seen a lot of people burned by playing the guessing game. Serious drug testing is really testing for mj. Everyone I know stayed away from mj and did psychedelics. Mj is a crap shoot as to how long in system and how long it will be detected, believe me. I'm am expert on the knowledge base on this subject. If you stick with psychedelics they are virtually undetectable (always a 3 day clearing window), unless you are on them when they are testing. The test is looking for the traces that your body (liver) converts the drug to. I believe drug testing is to find the mj users. Drug testing will only find them (mj users) or the drug users who are habitual as in the case of cocaine, meth, etc, because they are doing them fairly constantly. Most drugs will clear body in 3 days, even heavy users, except mj. I've known heavy users be clean and not pass 6 weeks latter. I've also known heavy users clear in 3 weeks. If you know a test is coming before hand (I've known people in this position, the over the counter stuff has helped them), the over the counter stuff has worked, but once again this is not what I would call random drug testing. I've always been in the severe side of things.
heres what I did for my UA for a job.

items needed:
1x hand warmers
1x bottle of elmers glue (extremely well washed and rinsed out)
2x ace bandage
1x sports tape
buddies clean urine 10+oz to be safe. can be stored in freezer if needed. its a good idea to use male if your a guy and female if a girl. just as a precaution.

pour thawed/room temp urine in elmers glue bottle. use 1/2 ace bandage to secure hand warmer to elmers glue bottle. then other ace bandage to wrap that to your inner thigh. then the sports tape to secure everything in place. make sure you can remove the bottle from your inner thigh rather easily when your in doing your test. go to testing site. when inside room, shake bottle vigorously to create "foam/bubbles" and either squirt or pour from bottle in collection cup. place gle bottle back in ace bandage slot, and hand the lady your specimen cup and say thanks.

worked for me last 4 times.
I just talked to a younger person who had to give a sample for a job. He gave the sample to the person collecting, and that person pored it out and told them to give another sample, which he did. He told me he felt like they know the tricks being used by the people being tested. He had stopped for some time knowing the test was coming and passed.