Sex or Drugs?

Sex or Drugs?

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A good mixture of both can be fun, drunk sex is sloppy and never how one imagines. I've only ever really done both while on E and mesk, but real passion needs no drugs, only lust between 2 people, after that a few bongs are fucking awesome lol :)
but real passion needs no drugs, only lust between 2 people, after that a few bongs are fucking awesome lol :)
only a woman would come up with soemthign like that :) ... although i do find passion in doing lines off tits and asses now n then , lettin her do em off my unit is always fun to
A good mixture of both can be fun, drunk sex is sloppy and never how one imagines. I've only ever really done both while on E and mesk, but real passion needs no drugs, only lust between 2 people, after that a few bongs are fucking awesome lol :smile:

ow sloppy could not be so good. when i have had a few drinks, some of the best sex was when i was parting or clubbing and if your drunk were throwing up chunks ow hell no but if the music i correct and the drinks are superb and the women is dressed to kill ow my god lil prity toes and superman staletoes fweoooo man FIRE. some of the best close shedding experiences for shure thanks to the drinks leting loose and having a great time to the sun comes up.. lolz
ow sloppy could not be so good. when i have had a few drinks, some of the best sex was when i was parting or clubbing and if your drunk were throwing up chunks ow hell no but if the music i correct and the drinks are superb and the women is dressed to kill ow my god lil prity toes and superman staletoes fweoooo man FIRE. some of the best close shedding experiences for shure thanks to the drinks leting loose and having a great time to the sun comes up.. lolz
yea thats a buzz crusher man.... some skank puked all over my cock n balls one night when she was servicing me.... too much tequila never works out well .... i puked ona skank one night to.. so i guess it was karma
well i aslo woke up thinking man what the fuck!!!!!!!! trien to find my close wen the ugliest chick wakes up talking about lets go another round right then i'm thinking what the fuck happend last night, lolz fuck being a wing man hahaha i must have had to just be that fucked up lolz awww man..
well i aslo woke up thinking man what the fuck!!!!!!!! trien to find my close wen the ugliest chick wakes up talking about lets go another round right then i'm thinking what the fuck happend last night, lolz fuck being a wing man hahaha i must have had to just be that fucked up lolz awww man..
yur a real friend then .. ive taken a few for the team..wingman duty sucks some nights ... same thign man i woke up next this kinda fat very ugly skank ... told er i was goin to the store for smokes and never came back... i felt slight shame , just slight tho LOL
hahaha i didnt want to go into fat!!! man, but you took the words right out of my mind lolz.. just imagine trien to run for the door and the chick know what your up to and starts trien to takle you for the next round.. OW HELL NO YOU AINT GOING NO WERE... lolz.. jk lolz but thats when the bottle comes in handy again not to hit her but to indulge big time...
What makes you want sex more than anything else? Why haven't you had it yet?

because ive come real close several times and still never got it, and the only guy I want to do it with wont do it with me, yet everytime he gets me worked up and all over him, but he'll never let me and I want to finally do it! Been waiting forever
because ive come real close several times and still never got it, and the only guy I want to do it with wont do it with me, yet everytime he gets me worked up and all over him, but he'll never let me and I want to finally do it! Been waiting forever
why doesnt anyone wanna bang you? have you looked into senoir citizens and homeless yet? someone out there will pop that big ole cherry one day
because ive come real close several times and still never got it, and the only guy I want to do it with wont do it with me, yet everytime he gets me worked up and all over him, but he'll never let me and I want to finally do it! Been waiting forever

maybe you would have already if you weren't so annoying
Maybe you wouldn't have to listen to her insecurity if people like you weren't such assholes.
How can you blame him or us or anyone else? All she does is say how fat and ugly she is, sometimes she says shes not a good person....maybe if she had a lil self esteem and didnt advertise the fact shes all the above and cant get laid to boot. Like i said before...either shes full of shit or shes really and truly this lame. Sad on both accounts , im not gonna be held responsible for somebodies low opinoin of themselves. She says it all, we jus agree with her
How can you blame him or us or anyone else? All she does is say how fat and ugly she is, sometimes she says shes not a good person....maybe if she had a lil self esteem and didnt advertise the fact shes all the above and cant get laid to boot. Like i said before...either shes full of shit or shes really and truly this lame. Sad on both accounts , im not gonna be held responsible for somebodies low opinoin of themselves. She says it all, we jus agree with her

If she lived near me she wouldn't have a problem getting laid...
Attention Whores

Urca is just honest about aspects of herself she dislikes. She only appears lame to you because you all censor the bits you don't like being seen on the internet; it's not her fault you're so in love with yourselves you'd make love to yourselves if your equipment was long enough.

You just said she should get a little self esteem:

maybe you would have already if you weren't so annoying

Comments like that are why a person doesn't have any. And when she does try and assert herself, she gets beaten down

You're 'confident' because you're a self-proclaimed asshole. (so said your avatar etc) Now if Urca decided to become a total asshole to take herself 'out of the firing line' you'd all have something to say about that too...
because ive come real close several times and still never got it, and the only guy I want to do it with wont do it with me, yet everytime he gets me worked up and all over him, but he'll never let me and I want to finally do it! Been waiting forever

That didn't answer my question. What about sex, specifically, makes you want it more than anything? ANYTHING? After consideration I'm sure you'll... reconsider.

Sex is very overrated imo.

What drugs have you taken? Being on MDMA feels way better than sex, not only that, it encompasses your entire body, not just the sexy bits. Your whole body feels like it's having sex!

It sucks you have to experience things for yourself, I could save you 3-5 years of trouble seeking sex. Not all that it's cracked up to be.