(Withe Widow X Big Bud) 200 seedlings have become colored light yellow! NEED HELP !!!


WW+BB (Withe Widow X Big Bud) 200 seedlings have become colored light yellow or light green and the leaves are drooping. These are 1 weeks old. Please HELP !!!


Lights: 2x 150w HPS
Light cycle: 18/6
Temp: 20-28C*
Vents: Passive intake, 20CFM exhaust fan (cycles the space ~2 times/min)
Watering: ½ cup distilled water every 2 or 3 days
Soil: Best quality soil+perlite(~30%)

No additional nutrients have been added yet.

Uploaded photo 4 plant.Total has 200 plants (WW + BB) all have the same problem as in the photo!All plants were planted on the same day,after 3 days all in same yellow.I grow marijuana for four years, but this problem happened the first time.Very please help me find an answer what's the problem?THANK YOU!!



Well-Known Member
it looks like a nute def but since its happening to all of your plants maybe its just the strain? I think it will turn out fine.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
im thinking its because you are using Distilled water to feed your young seedlings! Almost looks like the beginning stages of necrosis but i highly doubt it at such a young age so rule that out. maybe magnessium? i would say switch over to regular tap water for feeding till you begin adding nutrients in the ext two weeks to come! tap water seems sketchy but i assure you that whatever city you live in that the city has a water plant that filters anything harmful(other than chlorine) out of the water. A good way to test your water is to purchase an inexpensive TDS Meter to measure the total disolved solids in your city tap water :)

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
other than switching over to tap water i agree with godslave.... looks like nothing to worry about! i've seen this on my own crops without anything bad stemming from it.


Well-Known Member
I have a WWxBB RDWC grow going right now and didn't experience this. But I also started on light nutrients very soon after taking the cuttings and making clones. I also sprouted the Mother from seed and got her on a very light nute solution early on.

I don't see any reason to be alarmed. Have you tried feeding them yet? I would give a light feeding and see what happens.

I also started out using RO water but switched to plain old tap water. I don't do anything special to prep the water other than open the nozzle and stick the hose in the reservoir. The main reason was my friggin' water bill. I think you have to filter about 500 gallons to get 50 gallons of RO !!! My damn water bill was 75% of my electricity bill.

Anyone want to buy a gentle worn RO setup? PM me!


Active Member
I wouldn't even worry about the water. Seedlings at this stage don't need much, no nutes, just some TLC, and the type of water is really a non issue. Now, extended use of tap water can build up on you over time, and the chlorine kills all the micro organisms in organic soil. But for a use here and there, and on seedlings, I have never had a problem. I really really think nothing is wrong, as was mentioned above, new growth can sometimes look a little yellow for a day or so.
I do suggest if you use tap water, to fill up your gal jugs or whatever, and let them sit for 24 hrs with no lid. This evaporates all the chlorine. But your still left with the dissolved solids, which build up over time and can cause problems. Luckily my tap is only about 115 ppm, but some places it is much, much, higher. I grow SOG and have found that for 8 weeks, my plants don't seem to build any problem salt lvl's, so I use tap that has sat for at least 24 hrs on my flowering plants. But for my mama's, I use distilled because I don't want the salt build up.
My .02


Very grateful for your answers, but the problem is still undecided!I made a few more photos after 6 hours and it is a nightmare !!! Plants are still in progress in yellow, the leaves began to change its structure(mutation).200 plants BB + WW and all identical in critical condition.Water is good i guaranteed 100%,four years growing with the same water, and no problems.I think even a few days and they will die.It must be way out!?

If it helps, I have:

1. HPS Lamp 400W,600W,1000W
2. MH Lamp 400W,600W
3. Hesi Nutrients (full set)

I used only 2 x 150w HPS ,NO NUTRIENTS !



Well-Known Member
are you using all of that light for seedlings? if so its the light. from what i can see the yellowing it's not really in the nute burn spot.

kevin murphy

New Member
he says he using 2 x 150hps for the seedlings..how close are the lights and what uis the compost called that our using why didnt u start with a seedling compost and put them in second stage compost on repott


Well-Known Member
Now looking at the first pics, they look fine. seedlinds are not always dark green, just like some phenos will demand nute's earlier. some pheno's are not packed with as much of a supply of food.


I agree with Kevin. After now seeing the progression, I believe you are burning.
I do not use any nutes of the first 2 weeks,plants are too young to get a dose nutes.I do not think that the soil was too warm (~22C*).During the 4 years of growing never had a problem with yellow leaves.I am very disappointed to see that my little babies dies !!!

kevin murphy

New Member
please tell me u were joking when u said the soil temp is 22
I do not use any nutes of the first 2 weeks,plants are too young to get a dose nutes.I do not think that the soil was too warm (~22C*).During the 4 years of growing never had a problem with yellow leaves.I am very disappointed to see that my little babies dies !!!