Club 600

3 different soil mixes....too many choices for a mere man like me!! I really want to go organic, but which one

The first 2 are soilless mixes and require additional nutes. The last one is a super soil aka water only, with the exception of a few doses of tea for additional feeding. Personally, my best batch Iv ever grown was a mix of supersoil and tea.
Doobie... you are missing out for sure. Doughnuts have come a long way.

I laughed so loud when I read this.
I like my double chocolate cake doughnuts, mmmmmmm

I like to ride my bike through hops fields just before harvest... 30 miles of that smell is pretty awesome.

Iv been reading up on growing hops and think Im gonna make the plunge.... Now I just need to to make some 15-20 foot structures for them to grow on lol.. Or maybe I can try growing them horizontally?.?.?...
I've personally found that guano's leave a powdery residue on the foliage when used in that way. Probably wouldn't hurt. Wouldn't throw it late in flower, but a week, sure. A TREE SPIKE! YAAA! (Joke)
[h=3]Table 1 Influences determining the efficacy of foliar nutrient sprays[/h][TABLE="width: 80%, align: center"]
[TH="bgcolor: #3694D1"]PLANT[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #3694D1"]ENVIRONMENT[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #3694D1"]SPRAY SOLUTION[/TH]
Curricular wax​
Epicuticular wax​
Application rate​
Age of the leaf​
Photo period​
Application technique​
Air movement​
Wetting agent​
Guard cells​
Leaf hairs​
Adaxial leaf side​
Time of day​
Abaxial leaf side​
Osmotic potential of root​
Sticking ability​
Leaf Turgor​
Nutrient stress​
Surface moisture (dew etc)​
Nutrient ratio​
Cation exchange capacity​
Carriers, penetrates​
Nutritional status of the plant​
Growth stage​
[TD="bgcolor: #3694D1"] [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #3694D1"] [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #3694D1"]

From the dutch master website in their foliar feeding section: Other things that can be successfully used are a 1/3 strength grow nutrient solution. This can quickly correct any nutrient deficiencies

Thanks for the help guys.

EDIT: I have absolutely no idea what that table is saying.
How often can/ should I spray them? Just one time... couple times a day for a week... what?

And yes I have a wetting agent.

Seaweed (0.2-0-0.3) could be used to correct a small N deficiency for a week. That was my claim. =)

I just received some liquid kelp, its 0-0-1
The maxicrop Iv used for years is 1-0-4
and kelp meal is usually 1-.1-2
Yes it could kinda help fix a N deficiency... but why not use something thats higher in N rather than K to fix a N deficiency is all Im sayin. Iv been foliar feeding with teas made of guano's for years, no problem at all,,, the usual rule applies~~ rinse the next day after foliar feeding.
How often can/ should I spray them? Just one time... couple times a day for a week... what?

And yes I have a wetting agent.

Id use it twice a week until your problem is fixed. You'll be VERY surprised at how quickly plants can take in nutes through foliar feeding.
With lights off, naturally, it won't evaporate quite as quickly. I would hit 'em right after the lights turn off.

And the table shows factors which effect foliage feeding effectiveness. They are separated by location. I.E. Plant, nutrient,air,Etc.
Happy Friday Everyone. I called in sick today! hah, but im not sick, just sick off work.. i have now made a 5 day off weekend! man i love quitting jobs and using up all my PTO.
this is the life.
I was wondering if you could help me out. I have to come up with a business name when i donate meds. I have to fill out a bloody 1099 tax form now, and pay $35 for a licence.
Also i have been thinking about how i should flush my waterfarm. Just straight water, Final Flush, or maybe Dry KoolBloom?
Have a fabulous weekend.
Happy Friday Everyone. I called in sick today! hah, but im not sick, just sick off work.. i have now made a 5 day off weekend! man i love quitting jobs and using up all my PTO.
this is the life.
I was wondering if you could help me out. I have to come up with a business name when i donate meds. I have to fill out a bloody 1099 tax form now, and pay $35 for a licence.
Also i have been thinking about how i should flush my waterfarm. Just straight water, Final Flush, or maybe Dry KoolBloom?
Have a fabulous weekend.


I have 6 "tomato" plants growing under my 600w hps. Some of the leaf tips were starting to burn which suggests my light is to close. It was about 13" from the top of the closest cola.

Question is:
How far should the light be away?

Also, I have 1x 2300k 300w CFL & 3x 5600k 100w CFL spread around the plants to hit lower foliage and buds.
Hey mr.west. How's it going? You've been sparse. >>>>>>>>>>>:joint: ere!

happy friday 6 hun! to the bar batman!

friday special 2 double gin and tonics with squeezed lime in a pint glass YESSIIIRRRR!!!! :)
Man I miss tending bar sometimes. Those were some fun days. Have a good one Don.

What should I use to make a DIY cooltube for a 600 watt bulb?
I've tried and I wouldn't bother. If it's money, just pinch a couple of extra $20 and buy one, is what I'd suggest. Actually, if you're planning to just grow horizontal, most of us would recommend staying away from the cool tube and going with a air cooled hood for better footprint.

Happy Friday everyone. Amber, you bad girl, have a great holiday.
Docs Trichome
Amber Trichome
Dankdonator or Dankonator

Water would seem like a reasonable thing to flush with, but then that's me.

You have a fabulour weekend too.

Happy Friday Everyone. I called in sick today! hah, but im not sick, just sick off work.. i have now made a 5 day off weekend! man i love quitting jobs and using up all my PTO.
this is the life.
I was wondering if you could help me out. I have to come up with a business name when i donate meds. I have to fill out a bloody 1099 tax form now, and pay $35 for a licence.
Also i have been thinking about how i should flush my waterfarm. Just straight water, Final Flush, or maybe Dry KoolBloom?
Have a fabulous weekend.

Jig, I use rhizotonic as a foliar spray.

And Canavi, our man Jig here made his own cool tube. But first off you need to buy an E40 light fighting, I wouldn't try making one of them.

And for the rest....peace and happy Vrijdag!
