check me out


Well-Known Member
Plants still grow when they are in the dark... even notice heavier nute intake on the off cycle... people have done side by side comparisions and have chose 18/6 time after time... to each their own though
Agreed each to there own.
Just to add the op's point was that 18/6 vegging plants are more likely to be female than 24/0 vegging plants.
This was my issue.
I don't get involved in rucks about which lighting regimes are better or which lights.
No point.


Well-Known Member
Agreed each to there own.
Just to add the op's point was that 18/6 vegging plants are more likely to be female than 24/0 vegging plants.
This was my issue.
I don't get involved in rucks about which lighting regimes are better or which lights.
No point.

not that anyone asked me or anything lol

i never had any males when sprouting from seed on my 24/0 light cycle, have done a few times...

now with that being said...

MY THEORY on the whole thing... I'm almost willing to throw down some serious money haha... that people that experience lots of problems with seeds being male is because they buy shitty pot (or shitty seeds from a non reputable seed bank) that they thought was a good batch and saved the seeds... odds are it was reggos that you bought (or someone ripping you off overseas thinking you bought choice seeds) and it came from mexico where there are plants grown next to males and and all kinds of pollen flying around... naturally making seeds via reproduction, it's been happening for centuries... you're going to get a WIDE mix of seeds guarenteed, and there are usually from my experience been males (which was years ago... we dont mess with that mexigrass anymore now do we :)

Well people that are familiar with indoor choice cannabis as growing indoors is becoming evermore popular, know that you will not very often find a seed. However when you do you've probably hung on to it... grown it and it was a female. Over the years it seems that breeders have come to find that when you have ALL FEMALE PLANTS in an environment *typically always indoors* and one spouts a banana (male flower)... that the resulting seeds are going to be... you guessed it... feminized!!!

In my experience i've never sprouted a seed from indoor grown cannabis, and i knew where it came from, that didnt turn out to be female... probably done it a half a dozen times... and i veg on 24/0 light... just saying :)