Club 600

nice work ptone! am i seeing red trichs scattered everywhere!? that shit looks dark and evil! mmmm sticky my friend nice!

Thanks! If you see red trics its just the red from the HPS. 1200w of HPS is hard to get completely out of the picture.
I've seen hippie folk use a freshly grown willow branch simply thrown into the bottom of a cloner. Others use $500.00 worth of solutions. Clonex, Dip-n-grow, earth juice all work well.
I've seen hippie folk use a freshly grown willow branch simply thrown into the bottom of a cloner. Others use $500.00 worth of solutions. Clonex, Dip-n-grow, earth juice all work well.
Other than maybe another air pump for the cloner, I really don't want to get into buying more product. With all the EM's, beneficial bacteria and fungus that I have I'm not into throwing more into the mix. Funny you mentioned the willow afrawfraw, I'm surrounded in willows and I steeped some a couple of summers ago after reading about it. I wonder how that would work in a tea?
Wow. What's going on? I've gone and done all kinds of things and no posts? Oh yeah, Friday. Other people have lives. Forgot.

Well, for when you get back then. After examining all my new seedlings and everything else, I feel confident I'm back on track and decided to lay some primo gear down in the dirt. Two of each we have, DPQ F2, Deep Psychosis F3, Casey Jones S1 and Cesspool. I feel a really exciting spring and summer coming on.

Wow. What's going on? I've gone and done all kinds of things and no posts? Oh yeah, Friday. Other people have lives. Forgot.

Well, for when you get back then. After examining all my new seedlings and everything else, I feel confident I'm back on track and decided to lay some primo gear down in the dirt. Two of each we have, DPQ F2, Deep Psychosis F3, Casey Jones S1 and Cesspool. I feel a really exciting spring and summer coming on.


I am still lurking,,,ever vigilant looking for a new-used car to replace the one I sold.
lurking here as well. cruising job postings, unstoned. can't smoke since i'm planning on leaving my current job, damn pee test. its been a week so far and a bad one too. two people left my company last friday and all the work has been dumped on our dept, not cool. so i'm stressed out and cant smoke, hate drinking since i get hives and the asian glow. its a cruel world.
I am so pissed!! All the cars I want sell 15 min b4 I get to them. This is getting to be crazy. The problem is its car buying time (taxes) too much competition. I dont want to make a snap decision, and that makes me miss some great deals.

I re-potted my Gods gift, damn was she root bound, went from 3 liter to a 7 I would top her as she is going straight up with a single stalk still, but I have no room for her when she spreads her wings. So tall bean pole she stays for now.

I am going to just hack my moms I think spring is just too far off to deal with these monsters right now.
got a nice morph here... bud sites developing on the leaf stems and directly on the main stalk.

I'm trying to ID her, she is from a freebee pack of KC Brains seeds. Let me know if you know, I might try her in my greenhouse if she is a early finisher.




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I'm thinking it's Mango

it was a super slow start to the veg but then just recently picked up fast.

Here's that mango from the KC Brains site... a lot more stretched out than mine, but it looks to be outdoor.

that is a big girl. i had some KC Brains in the past. grew out the NL Special and Brazil, some decent buds. i still have a few packs from way back in the day, overgrow days when gypsy and mongoose did the KC brains promotion. damn that was a long time ago.
Lol... asian glow. Crazy thing that. I was usually the recipient of the drinks my friends ordered and could only drink a few sips of. Good times.
I've seen hippie folk use a freshly grown willow branch simply thrown into the bottom of a cloner. Others use $500.00 worth of solutions. Clonex, Dip-n-grow, earth juice all work well.

Sorry guys, I was out at a house party last night and just woke up....

Funny, I use to use WIllow bark for brewing a tonic to use as a rooting hormone (there ar eloads of willows in the Dam). It contains IBA (indolebutyric acid) which is a root stimulator. And can also be used in a similar way to rhizotonic. Like everything natural though, you need to keep brewing up tnoics as it doesn't last long, get's all scheumy on top (in my experience)......I never really classed myself as a hippie though, lol.
well there is a cure for the asian glow = pepcid AC. i take the extra strength version, it helps combat the redness and allow me to drink a lot more. we asians lack an enzyme to process the alcohol
Get on it whodat, when I pitch up at your farm I expect to see natural rooting hormone a plenty!!! Gotta cut, got cheese to cut......laters dudes and dudettes....

I have 6 "tomato" plants growing under my 600w hps. Some of the leaf tips were starting to burn which suggests my light is to close. It was about 13" from the top of the closest cola.

Question is:
How far should the light be away?

Also, I have 1x 2300k 300w CFL & 3x 5600k 100w CFL spread around the plants to hit lower foliage and buds.
Wow u got buds and colas on ur tomato plant nice jk lol just move it up a little if it isn't hot on the back of ur hand it should be ok