I like smoking weed but


Well-Known Member
man ive jerked so much when im high my dick get all red and scabby............too much?
Well here's the thing about penises. The majority of the animal kingdom (place where atheists believe we evolved from) does NOT Masturbate. It is a mental disorder, it should never be tried at anytime. Doomed is the man that cannot stop stroking or beating his dick. It will soon bleed and fall off. Trust me, I'm a natural medicine doctor, not a motherfucker that gets paid to say masturbation is cool. I don't want you to get sick man. Stop beating your dick. STOP!

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...spaced out, holding an electric fence? Kidding - do you have an active imagination?..social anxiety? I'm thinking prefrontal overload.


Active Member
My Legs Twitch When I'm Really Baked, But Only When I Think About Them Twitching, But If I Think They're Relaxed, They Stop Twitching. :P


Well-Known Member
When I'm feeling really baked, I get a headrush while exhaling some potent vapor and it feels like freefalling next to a waterfall.

the large d

New Member
Just lay it inside of that hole in the menroom's stall and somebody will pour out a cup of zippofluid on your pecker the way you like it! I think loose vagina is what your looking for and, well this is a marijuana chatboard I'm not sure how many whores we have left since the Great Whore Fire of 2011
how about you come stroke it for me, big boy.


Active Member
Well here's the thing about penises. The majority of the animal kingdom (place where atheists believe we evolved from) does NOT Masturbate. It is a mental disorder, it should never be tried at anytime. Doomed is the man that cannot stop stroking or beating his dick. It will soon bleed and fall off. Trust me, I'm a natural medicine doctor, not a motherfucker that gets paid to say masturbation is cool. I don't want you to get sick man. Stop beating your dick. STOP!
Die Hard Christian I Presume?


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking daily since I was 14 . I'm now 27 and I still get high as a giraffe pussy on a ladder after one hit !!
Im 18 btw...
I like marijuana but the only thing i can do when high is listen tto music and take a walk , if i try to watch a tv show or something im too spaced out , and i dont smoke it "to fit in with the cools kids" i smoke exclusivly alone and my friends compare marijuana to heroin.
I would love to smoke some sativa strains(or a sativa dominant hybrid) like many of you mentoned but the sucky thing about prohibition is that variety doesn´t exist , and begginer smokers are peddled with f** soap bar hash mixed with god knows what.
Amsterdams harm reduction plan ( with the coffeeshops) should be implemented worldwide.
I dont twitch anymore while im high , that happned to me because i started taking bong hits to save my weed on the first few times and had an adverse reaction.


Active Member
If you don't like feeling numb and what not, you should quit because that's kind of the appeal to weed.

I just finished week 1 of not smoking. I'll probably still smoke in the future when I'm hungover on Sundays, but I like not smoking right now. It's a pretty dumb habit unless you're always bored.


Well-Known Member
Long interval use has the opposite effect, in my experience. Daily use will numb you out for sure. But even when abstaining, sometimes we get "numb" from the very nature of the stressors of life and an internal jadedness that can result. When used respectfully as a medicine, and saved for these key times when we feel numb WITHOUT being high, it will help to dislodge that resistance and allow you to feel again.

Kush Roller

Sounds like you need to find some people who smoke pot to chill with, will make it more fun plus you wont focus on the weed feelings you will be able to get high and focusing on the funny stuff and fun shit you and your stoner friends do. And after a while of hanging out with your stoner crew you will get used to being "HIGH" and enjoy it a little more when its in full effect. I mean how many people do you know have gotten drunk for the first time and said they enjoyed puking? After that most people learn how much it takes to make them puke and how much they need to get that buzz. Same with pot....