How to fix Ph in FF Happy Frog soil??

I am using the FF Trio pack along with liquid karma...bud candy....superthrive...and snowstorm ultra....i aerate my water for 24 hours before feeding/watering....i use an aircooled 400 watt Super hps hortilux eye bulb with a 400 watt electronic ballast and my temps are between 75 and 79....the air in my room is cleared and replaced every minute.....From what i have read this seems to be a common issue.....the Ph of my soil keeps dropping to about 5.5 when my feeding is Phd at drops dramatically within a day or 2....since i cant add dolomite lime what can i add in my water to help keep my ph buffered in the soil so it wont drop or at least wont drop near as fast.....please any help with this will be greatly appreciated...dnt wanna lose my babies now after all this work....happy growing:joint:

Elite Nugz

Active Member
Feed with 6.5 ph water, each and every time you water and make sure to flush on a regular basis and you'll be good to go.
Feed with 6.5 ph water, each and every time you water and make sure to flush on a regular basis and you'll be good to go.
flush with what Ph if its dropping that low that getting cal/mag lockout bcuz it drops so fast....and whats a regular basis for flushing....i thought u were only supposed to flush about 2 times a grow....this is an autoflower to by the way and is on day 41 its life is about 70 to 77 days...thanks for the help
Looks like a Sulfur deficiency to me. Not Calcium and Magnesium.
mag is locked out at 6.5 and below and sulfur is locked out below soil is between 5.4 and veins are green sulfur isnt like that from what ive seen and my yellowing is starting at the tip not the back like sulfur:weed:

Elite Nugz

Active Member
A Mag deficiency usually effects the older leaves first. Your problem looks to be on the new leaves.

It could be mag deficient... but could also be Zinc, Iron, copper and Sulfur. My bet is on sulfur.

Your soil isnt your problem... its whats in your soil that causing your PH to shoot down. This is common when salts build up. You've made your soil acidic, and the best way to correct it is by flushing with a very mild nutrient mix. You can add Lime, but that will only be a temporary fix. Until you correct your acidic soil, you'll continue to have the problem.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
mag is locked out at 6.5 and below and sulfur is locked out below soil is between 5.4 and veins are green sulfur isnt like that from what ive seen and my yellowing is starting at the tip not the back like sulfur:weed:
Who told you Mag is locked out at 6.5?? Find a new source brotha... thats some bad info you got.
A Mag deficiency usually effects the older leaves first. Your problem looks to be on the new leaves.

It could be mag deficient... but could also be Zinc, Iron, copper and Sulfur. My bet is on sulfur.

Your soil isnt your problem... its whats in your soil that causing your PH to shoot down. This is common when salts build up. You've made your soil acidic, and the best way to correct it is by
flushing with a very mild nutrient mix. You can add Lime, but that will only be a temporary fix. Until you correct your acidic soil, you'll continue to have the problem.
my older leaves were affected first and most are dead and gone and its still eating away at the older leaves worse then the new and the only new growth that looks like that is at the very top of each plant and not under...and ive only fed like 3 times lightly and just flushed with 7.3 water less then 2 days ago and fed it yesterday with 7.0 ph and it slowly went from 6.7 to 5.4

Elite Nugz

Active Member
flushed once...its only been getting fed about 3 weeks at about quarter strength once a just started the 3rd week of flowering
I see several issues here. Go Full strength on your base nutrients and half strength on all your supplements. You also dont have any type of Bloom Booster. If you want some big buds... then I would recommend getting a booster... Something like Monster Bloom, does a good job.

Then feed, then flush.... feed, then flush... feed, flush and continue in that pattern. You've only flushed once, which is why you have this acidic build up in your soil, causing you all of these issues.

Also... your in the part of flowering, where you'r plants start to consume more Calcium and Magnesium... so getting a good supplement for that would be a plus too. A good one is General Organics CaMag+.

But first... give it a few good flushes, before you start adding stuff. To speed things along, get a flushing agent like FloraKleen and that will help break things up in your soil some, and get you back on track.