How to fix Ph in FF Happy Frog soil??

I wouldnt live by those bro... I know dudes that swear that 6.3 - 6.4 is the absolute best range to be at, and their plants are super healthy. Plus nutrients dont just lock out all of a sudden. They gradually become unavailable. Let me see if I can find you a better one.
i hear 6.8 is prime for soil and hydro is 5.5-5.8 not to sure on hydro...
but yea if u can find a better one i would appreciate it.....bcuz thats all ive been seein and if its wrong or off i def wanna know bcuz i hav been livn by it
Here's a better one bro...

i see....but either way i would be happy with anything between 6.3 and 7 thats what im tryn to get my soil to stabalize at...i just flushed with alot clean 7.3-7.4 phd water and have only fed lightly 3 times so i wouldnt think there would be saltbuildup right now but like i said im new

Elite Nugz

Active Member
You'll also see, that the more charts like this you look at... the more and more different they'll be. The facts are... there are WAY too many variables that effect nutrient availability to the roots. There's different types of organic acids, that work as chelates, that help the absorption of nutrients through the roots. There are also different forms of things like nitrogen. There are organic based and then there's just straight salts. Everything is absorbed in different ways. Also your soil isnt just soil... you can have perlite, coco, peat, clay and all kinds of other junk that effects the best possible PH for good nutrient uptake.

So I stay away from those charts. The majority of them are junk. The one I posted is from a University study. One of the ones you posted, looks like a copy of the first one, but on an excel spread sheet.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
i see....but either way i would be happy with anything between 6.3 and 7 thats what im tryn to get my soil to stabalize at...i just flushed with alot clean 7.3-7.4 phd water and have only fed lightly 3 times so i wouldnt think there would be saltbuildup right now but like i said im new
OOoohhhh..... you've only fed lightly 3 times??? Man... your plants are STARVING!!!! Thats the problem for sure. Feed those things.... and feed them HEAVY!! Trust me bro... I've been doing this for a long time. People tell you to go light, because most beginners like to go nuts with their nutrients. So its stressed like crazy to go light. Start feeding them FULL strength. There big enough to be able to handle a real big dose... So hook em up how I explained earlier.
You'll also see, that the more charts like this you look at... the more and more different they'll be. The facts are... there are WAY too many variables that effect nutrient availability to the roots. There's different types of organic acids, that work as chelates, that help the absorption of nutrients through the roots. There are also different forms of things like nitrogen. There are organic based and then there's just straight salts. Everything is absorbed in different ways. Also your soil isnt just soil... you can have perlite, coco, peat, clay and all kinds of other junk that effects the best possible PH for good nutrient uptake.

So I stay away from those charts. The majority of them are junk. The one I posted is from a University study. One of the ones you posted, looks like a copy of the first one, but on an excel spread sheet.
yes the mix is primarily peat based so should i do as the other guy suggested and sprinkle some lime on top and water it in since peat doesnt keep ph very well and dnt think theres enough oyster shells in the mix to buffer the ph...

Elite Nugz

Active Member
yes the mix is primarily peat based so should i do as the other guy suggested and sprinkle some lime on top and water it in since peat doesnt keep ph very well and dnt think theres enough oyster shells in the mix to buffer the ph...
Soil buffers your PH and everything else like crazy. Dont add the lime... just add your base nutes at full strength, and all your supplements at half strength. Get something like Monster Bloom of KoolBloom and add that at the full recommended strength. If you dont start feeding these things, you'r not gonna be very happy when it comes harvest time.

So start there, and give it about a week and you'll see things start to green up a bit and you'r plant will look a lot happier.
OOoohhhh..... you've only fed lightly 3 times??? Man... your plants are STARVING!!!! Thats the problem for sure. Feed those things.... and feed them HEAVY!! Trust me bro... I've been doing this for a long time. People tell you to go light, because most beginners like to go nuts with their nutrients. So its stressed like crazy to go light. Start feeding them FULL strength. There big enough to be able to handle a real big dose... So hook em up how I explained earlier.
alright bro ill give that a try.... that could be it....guess it couldnt hurt...thanks for the feedback:joint:

Elite Nugz

Active Member
Oh.. and a CaMag suppliment. Your plants look like they can really suck down some CaMag... so give that at recommended strength.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
alright bro ill give that a try.... that could be it....guess it couldnt hurt...thanks for the feedback:joint:
It is it... just wait and see. And give it at least a week, before you start trying something else. Oh... and water at 6.5, instead of 7+. Things will work themselves out if you do this.
Soil buffers your PH and everything else like crazy. Dont add the lime... just add your base nutes at full strength, and all your supplements at half strength. Get something like Monster Bloom of KoolBloom and add that at the full recommended strength. If you dont start feeding these things, you'r not gonna be very happy when it comes harvest time.

So start there, and give it about a week and you'll see things start to green up a bit and you'r plant will look a lot happier.
they say autoflowers are alot more sensetive to nutes is why i was shy with it...

Elite Nugz

Active Member
Yea i have gh calimagic cal/mag for that...and tiger bloom and bud candy also have some cal mag in it
Oh.... I missed the Tiger Bloom. Add that one at full strength. That GH Calmagic stuff is concentrated... add that one at half strength. But if you get the G. Organics CaMag+, do that one at full strength.

So you sound like your set. Hit em hard, and see how happy they respond. As scared as you might be to do it... trust me. Your plant is like a starving tiger, that hasnt eaten a zebra or anything else in months... he's starving and weak... So give em a full meal and they'll show some happiness pretty quick.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
they say autoflowers are alot more sensetive to nutes is why i was shy with it...
Oh man....autoflowering?? You keep hitting me with new information. Lol. Its all good dude... you can tell that their hungry. If the plant is over a foot tall, then it will easily handle full strength nutes. It will probably even want more afterwards.
Oh man....autoflowering?? You keep hitting me with new information. Lol. Its all good dude... you can tell that their hungry. If the plant is over a foot tall, then it will easily handle full strength nutes. It will probably even want more afterwards.
i told you on the 3rd post...but yea im gunna go ahead and hit em with the nutes