First closet grow...NEED help!!!


Well-Known Member
looked really hard but couldn't find the red hairs you were speaking of. Are the at the interconnection of the nodes?


Well-Known Member
well, one of the plants I have on veg is showing the same thing so I dont think is any show of sex......
on the other hand, I saw something starting to develop in the interconnections of the nodes so I'll just keep an eye the next 2 days


Well-Known Member
its a boy, take it out now!!!
I chuckle every time I hear about kill the young males. Sounds biblical to me. (and I'm an atheist :) )

I have a seedling that is looking like it might be a male. I'm kinda happy. I'll set up a crappy flowering room on the other side of the house for him. (I want the pollen and some seeds)


Active Member
hey they look really good ,so how much has ur power bill jumped for one month and what are your cfl wattages ... as i am trying to get a good idea on what mine would or could run?


Well-Known Member
cfls are cheap, I have a total of 10 cfls in mr growing closet but I changed all light to cfls in the house so the bill is not that much more.......


Well-Known Member
as i was taking the boy to the basement to be chopped up I decided to take some pics with my web cam and it actually takes better pics than my shitty digital camera, all of you newbies!!!!this is hos a boy looks and if you see this then take it out and kill it



Well-Known Member
yes i think its a boy. in pic 2 you can see it best it looks like a bunch of little balls. KILL IT lol. sorry about your boy maybe you could breed it?


Well-Known Member
awwwww honey bears Im so sorry.........we can have red wine and chat about it later...remember what I told you last night about being grateful for the learning experience.


Well-Known Member
as i was taking the boy to the basement to be chopped up I decided to take some pics with my web cam and it actually takes better pics than my shitty digital camera, all of you newbies!!!!this is hos a boy looks and if you see this then take it out and kill it

If I remember correctly, each one of those balls will have enough pollen for up to 3000 ladies.


Well-Known Member
I have one more that has not shown balls and has some white hair on top so I'm praying...
Third one's gotta be a girl, law of averages says so. 1 plant you have a 50% of getting a boy. 2 Plants and you have a 25% chance of 2 boys. 3 Plants and you have an 87.5% chance of getting a girl. Those are some good odds.