How high have you ever been?


What experiences did you have, how much did you smoke? and of what strain? how tolerant are you? Just trying to get somethin started here...

For me I hit about 2 grams of blackberry kush as a beginner, maybe only been smoking for a few months. I knew that after I get to a certain point i would quit and just chill but I forced myself up there and torched that shit real fast. within about 15 minutes my legs had completely dissapeared from underneath me, I stepped outside and it felt like it was about 95 degrees, despite it being middle of january in Michigan. I was way past the munchies, I was delving into WWII on HD and other shit i would never normally watch sober.


Well-Known Member
on a couch wasnt my first but a mexican gave it to me and damn , frame by frame for well i dont remember the rest of the night. and once on the back porch with some viet kong but damn my whole body was gone.


Ursus marijanus
Once, after [n = a large number] hits of some Cinderella 99, I suddenly found myself on the floor, rotated 90º from my previous attitude. Thank goodness for carpeting. So high I went low. cn


Active Member
When i was younger i stopped smoking for 3 months cause of p.o. When i was done my boys had a pound and we went to town got so high i went outside and thru up like i was the exorcist


Well-Known Member
lol xtc brings up a good point. . Have you ever been so high you threw up? . . cause i know i have!

Once back in highschool I stayed home one day to smoke (thats how big a deal smoking was back then lol) and I made myself smoke 3 fat packs with the intention of getting 'as high as possible.' Not long after I finished I found myself so baked outta my mind I hardly knew what was up. I grabbed this decorative vase thing my mother had next to the fireplace and made good use of it as a puke catcher.


Well-Known Member
Oh I thought you were talking about the time I fell on the ice chest.
But yea I'm told I have some good ones on my head but I can't see them.


New Member
About the second or third time I smoked I got to where I was seeing things. My half brother looked like a demon to me, it was really freaky. Then he started feeling me up lol. He can't visit anymore.


Well-Known Member
I've been so high I keep smoking and I don't get high anymore.It happened a few times.And there has been times were I just get bad highs.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
lol xtc brings up a good point. . Have you ever been so high you threw up? . . cause i know i have!

Once back in highschool I stayed home one day to smoke (thats how big a deal smoking was back then lol) and I made myself smoke 3 fat packs with the intention of getting 'as high as possible.' Not long after I finished I found myself so baked outta my mind I hardly knew what was up. I grabbed this decorative vase thing my mother had next to the fireplace and made good use of it as a puke catcher.
I've chucked a few whities myself early in my smoking when I was new to it all and hanging out with veteran smokers...


Active Member
My second time smoking (first timE soking kush with a decent glass zong) at my friends party who had just started smoking. I brought my friend with me who started smokin about the same time also.
We go into the garage and they give me greens im like "ok" cool guys i dont knk what that is. Soi torch the whole thing. Suckin pretty hard and ill i remember is white walling it and hearing my friend say "damn" blow out the hitand i startfreakin out.. Coughin like a motherfucker walkin hella fast tryin to escap the garage having to puke i didnt want to doitwhereeveryone was chillin hahah. Next think i kno im in a wheelchair passed out i wake up look over and the friend i brought with me was passed out hard core in a car seat lmao look the other way see the trash can with puke all over it.. Me and my friend were needless to say fucked up!

Good times.