Who is going to become the nominee for the GOP?

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I must admit it gets more interesting all the time, it's like watching a war of attrition.

I'm going to venture to say both Paul and Gingrich are done, that leaves two or maybe another dark horse coming out of nowhere?

I'm going with Romney although I hope Santorum wins. It would be interesting to watch Santorum try to convince america to vote for his faith and family based platform.
If Ron Paul is "done" (he is not done by a longshot, he is probably winning actually) then Obama will win, Ron Paul is the only one that can get independent and liberal votes to beat obama. And inspire first time voters.

Nobody is inspired by Mitt Romney or the other ones.

Ron Paul Revolution is not going away, even after he is gone he would of made waves of liberty. :)
I must admit it gets more interesting all the time, it's like watching a war of attrition.

I'm going to venture to say both Paul and Gingrich are done, that leaves two or maybe another dark horse coming out of nowhere?

I'm going with Romney although I hope Santorum wins. It would be interesting to watch Santorum try to convince america to vote for his faith and family based platform.
He's out is he? Just how many delegates have been assigned so far? I think it's somewhere between -1 and 1.

Watching people call this is like watching people try call a hockey game before the first goal...
We all know the score of a hockey game before the first goal is scored. If Mr. Paul is such a force why is he not leading the GOP in a run-away? I am not saying he does not have his appeal, especially to his base, the problem is his base is a small fraction of the GOP as a whole. He will draw some independent votes away from somebody but not enough to swing this election away from President Obama in my humble opinion.
We all know the score of a hockey game before the first goal is scored. If Mr. Paul is such a force why is he not leading the GOP in a run-away? I am not saying he does not have his appeal, especially to his base, the problem is his base is a small fraction of the GOP as a whole. He will draw some independent votes away from somebody but not enough to swing this election away from President Obama in my humble opinion.

your wrong, its a pretty good chunk

I must admit it gets more interesting all the time, it's like watching a war of attrition.

I'm going to venture to say both Paul and Gingrich are done, that leaves two or maybe another dark horse coming out of nowhere?

I'm going with Romney although I hope Santorum wins. It would be interesting to watch Santorum try to convince america to vote for his faith and family based platform.

The GOP race is completely undecided right now. Regardless there is shady shit going on. If the GOP has their way it's Romney from the start.

your wrong, its a pretty good chunk


That's a winner right there. The red vote would stay red no matter what.
If Ron Paul is "done" (he is not done by a longshot, he is probably winning actually) then Obama will win, Ron Paul is the only one that can get independent and liberal votes to beat obama. And inspire first time voters.

Nobody is inspired by Mitt Romney or the other ones.

Ron Paul Revolution is not going away, even after he is gone he would of made waves of liberty. :)

ronald polls worse than romney or santorum in a head to head against obama. that is fact based on scientific polling, not your rose-colored speculation.
This is the kind of racist BS we do not support around here.

Sounds like you deem it racist. This image came from google under "Obama LOL". Not my problem, dawg. It's just some photoshop. The president is not even dead in this pic, he is smiling. Where's the hate?
Sounds like you deem it racist. This image came from google under "Obama LOL". Not my problem, dawg. It's just some photoshop. The president is not even dead in this pic, he is smiling. Where's the hate?

Fine let me set the record straight. I am black. Please don't think I am being racist against myself that is just silly and makes me look bad. I am fully happy with my blackness. My pic just shows how useless Obama really was when people thought he would change the country. That is where my humor comes from. The guy is not even a slave. In fact, there are no slaves at this time. We are all voluntary servants to the beast. Laugh a little :clap:
IMO you are 11x the troll I am. But still, why does a pic with the president and fried chicken and bling have to be all about the KKK and killing blackpeople or keeping blackpeople from their free entitlements of today?

i can't understand you, take the cock out of your mouth and try again.