Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

So i've been smoking nothin but oil for a few months and I just busted out my last harvest that's been curing for a month. Smells amazing, ash is all white when it's done burning...and it got me really stoned. Nice cerebral buzz but relaxing at the same time...have I temporarily lost the ability to taste weed because my taste buds are used hittin errl on a TI? Cuz it just tasted bad combusting it

I guess i'm asking if this has happened to you guys lol

once you get away from smoking for awhile, you realize how gross it is when you go back to it....
vaporizer users tend to never go back once they make the switch for that exact reason lol
Yeah I get that but before I started dabbin I could taste good flowers lol now it's like non existent

Fuck combustion!
I really liked using an herb iron for my flowers.. it was like a hot wand without having to torch up the glass..

great for bubble hash too!
I really liked using an herb iron for my flowers.. it was like a hot wand without having to torch up the glass..

great for bubble hash too!

U know.. Ive tried many vapes and I still like to roll a fatty... I get the pure taste.. the way it should be...IMO anways.. to each their own
heh... dont tell dougie
I jst order a couple of the V3 14mm from AquaLabs. they are f%#king expensive. 80 bucks a but they dont sell them around Canada tho.. so I had to buy
my friends in Canada say their Ti is lower quality. And that they don't use nails because they blast thru them too quickly.

$80... same here. I think I paid 84 for the 18mm.
Honestly i probably smoke 50/50 Concentrate/Flowers and i love both!

Concentrates are good at putting you to that next level that's almost unattainable when you smoke flowers consistently over years. They have great medicinal benefits, especially in my experience with indica concentrates and needed pain relief. I feel personally that they CAN be very economical, dabs get you more for less. They are great when you are in a rush, dabs allow a person to rip anywhere from a bowl to a fat blunt or more in a rip. The taste is impeccable, i mean not saying flowers cant be... But in my opinion properly made concentrates will always taste better then the original flowers used.

I love flowers for there nice relaxing smoke, especially for the fact that now that i vape oils flowers are less effective in turn making the high a lot calmer and relaxing, something that i really enjoy. Not only that but in my opinion there is nothing better then smoking a big fat nicely rolled joint filled with copious amounts of delicious ganja over a nice circle of close friends. That's the one area i feel concentrates lack, the social aspect. I mean yeah it's nice to dab your friends up fat and watch them get as high as they did when they first started blazing it... But overall in my experience dabbing people generally leads to getting everyone to high... I really only dab it with my seasoned friends, smoke flowers with everyone else. Not only that but i just really enjoy the act of smoking herb, watching tv blazing it, hiking blazing it, painting blazing it, golfing blazing it, eating blazing it, etc.

Id say overall my personal favorite is to get things started with a dab, then just chill on a bowl over the next hour or so..

Also, anyone else notice the "flowers" word being used A LOT more since the oil movement started getting bigger? I mean ive always heard it used scarcely but not near as much as ive been hearing it lately... I mean i never used to use it and i probably used it 10 times in that post right there. Overall i like it though because that's legitimately what it is.
Honestly i probably smoke 50/50 Concentrate/Flowers and i love both!

Concentrates are good at putting you to that next level that's almost unattainable when you smoke flowers consistently over years. They have great medicinal benefits, especially in my experience with indica concentrates and needed pain relief. I feel personally that they CAN be very economical, dabs get you more for less. They are great when you are in a rush, dabs allow a person to rip anywhere from a bowl to a fat blunt or more in a rip. The taste is impeccable, i mean not saying flowers cant be... But in my opinion properly made concentrates will always taste better then the original flowers used.

I love flowers for there nice relaxing smoke, especially for the fact that now that i vape oils flowers are less effective in turn making the high a lot calmer and relaxing, something that i really enjoy. Not only that but in my opinion there is nothing better then smoking a big fat nicely rolled joint filled with copious amounts of delicious ganja over a nice circle of close friends. That's the one area i feel concentrates lack, the social aspect. I mean yeah it's nice to dab your friends up fat and watch them get as high as they did when they first started blazing it... But overall in my experience dabbing people generally leads to getting everyone to high... I really only dab it with my seasoned friends, smoke flowers with everyone else. Not only that but i just really enjoy the act of smoking herb, watching tv blazing it, hiking blazing it, painting blazing it, golfing blazing it, eating blazing it, etc.

Id say overall my personal favorite is to get things started with a dab, then just chill on a bowl over the next hour or so..

Also, anyone else notice the "flowers" word being used A LOT more since the oil movement started getting bigger? I mean ive always heard it used scarcely but not near as much as ive been hearing it lately... I mean i never used to use it and i probably used it 10 times in that post right there. Overall i like it though because that's legitimately what it is.

def right about the "flowers" term. I never heard it used but now that errls are around its a everyday term lol.
hey thats a nice looking dab.

are you aware of the parameters for supercritical CO2? doing supercritical isn't even an option at home, so basically that word (subcritical) tell us nothing about your extraction parameters, just that you are using CO2.

I suspect you are doing liquid phase and/or mixed phase (liquid/gas) extraction if you are doing home CO2. Even with Eden Lab's CO2 set up. So... solid, liquid, or gas?

Phase Diagram of Carbon Dioxide

The phase diagram of CO[SUB]2[/SUB]has some common features with that of water: sublimation curve, vaporization curve, triple point, critical temperature and pressure. Of course, thePandTvalues of are unique to carbon dioxide. The phase diagrams of water and carbon dioxide are compared here.The triple point of carbon dioxide occure at a pressure of 5.2 atm (3952 torr) and 216.6 K (-56.4[SUP]o[/SUP]C). At temperature of 197.5 K (-78.5[SUP]o[/SUP]C), the vapor pressure of solid carbon dioxide is 1 atm (760 torr). At this pressure, the liquid phase is not stable, the solid simply sublimates. Thus solid carbon dioxide is called dry ice, because it does not go through a liquid state in its phase transition at room pressure.
The critical temperature for carbon dioxide is 31.1°C, and the critical pressure is 73 atm. Above the critical temeprature, the fluid is called super-critical fluid.
To be more precise, the various point of the phase diagram are further descibed below. In the phase diagram of (a) H[SUB]2[/SUB]O and (b) CO[SUB]2[/SUB], the axes are not drawn to scale. In (a), for water, note the triple point A (0.0098°C, 4.58 torr), the normal melting (or freezing) point B (0°C, 1 atm), the normal boiling point C (100°C, 1 atm), and the critical point D (374.4°C, 217.7 atm). In (b), for carbon dioxide, note the triple point X(-56.4°C, 5.11 atm), the normal sublimation point Y(-78.5°C, 1 atm), and the critical point Z (31.1°C, 73.0 atm).


Gas Properties
Molecular Weight

  • [*=left]Molecular weight : 44.01 g/mol

Solid phase

  • [*=left]Latent heat of fusion (1,013 bar, at triple point) : 196.104 kJ/kg
    [*=left]Solid density : 1562 kg/m[SUP]3[/SUP]

Liquid phase

  • [*=left]Liquid density (at -20 °C (or -4 °F) and 19.7 bar) : 1032 kg/m[SUP]3[/SUP]
    [*=left]Liquid/gas equivalent (1.013 bar and 15 °C (per kg of solid)) : 845 vol/vol
    [*=left]Boiling point (Sublimation) : -78.5 °C
    [*=left]Latent heat of vaporization (1.013 bar at boiling point) : 571.08 kJ/kg
    [*=left]Vapor pressure (at 20 °C or 68 °F) : 58.5 bar

Density & temperature calculation of the liquid phase
Given the pressure (in bar), this module calculates the temperature and the density of the liquid phase on the liquid-gas equilibrium curve
Enter the pressure in bar (between 7 and 26) bar
Critical point

  • [*=left]Critical temperature : 31 °C
    [*=left]Critical pressure : 73.825 bar
    [*=left]Critical density : 464 kg/m[SUP]3[/SUP]

Triple point

  • [*=left]Triple point temperature : -56.6 °C
    [*=left]Triple point pressure : 5.185 bar

Gaseous phase

  • [*=left]Gas density (1.013 bar at sublimation point) : 2.814 kg/m[SUP]3[/SUP]
    [*=left]Gas density (1.013 bar and 15 °C (59 °F)) : 1.87 kg/m[SUP]3[/SUP]
    [*=left]Compressibility Factor (Z) (1.013 bar and 15 °C (59 °F)) : 0.9942
    [*=left]Specific gravity (air = 1) (1.013 bar and 21 °C (70 °F)) : 1.521
    [*=left]Specific volume (1.013 bar and 21 °C (70 °F)) : 0.547 m[SUP]3[/SUP]/kg
    [*=left]Heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp) (1.013 bar and 25 °C (77 °F)) : 0.037 kJ/(mol.K)
    [*=left]Heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) (1.013 bar and 25 °C (77 °F)) : 0.028 kJ/(mol.K)
    [*=left]Ratio of specific heats (Gamma:Cp/Cv) (1.013 bar and 25 °C (77 °F)) : 1.293759
    [*=left]Viscosity (1.013 bar and 0 °C (32 °F)) : 0.0001372 Poise
    [*=left]Thermal conductivity (1.013 bar and 0 °C (32 °F)) : 14.65 mW/(m.K)

yeah its not common practice yet, but i will have an impact on how extractions just took a turn favoring green chemistry over current hydrocarbon extractions thats the common knowledge today. as a small fleet of men have been shown a method of extracting cannabinoids using co2 thru dynamic changes in its life cycle. 1st a solid, under pressure a subcritical liquid, and further pressure and heat it becomes a supercritical fluid, upon depressurization it reverts back into a snow containing some ballast and majority cannabinoid solution is now dissolved in the snow. then just sublime the co2. simple.
holy fuck and there about to be buddered up i see bery niceee. i smoke some shit from a tam extractor and wasnt impressed it was a black oil that tasted and smelled nasty, i was tellin the guy it was underpurged and he should heat and whip, and he was just like na my boy put it in the oven and popped the bubbles lol. i thought fuck thoughs tami extractors till i sazw this pick. now i know that guy is retarted
washedmf was critisizing my work and had validity. its too dark, so i got to thinking, im burning my money. less heat, recycled solvent distillation, under reduced pressure would preserve more taste and retain a golden colour better than boiling water @ 14.7 psi-212degrees F is way to hot. back to revisions.