Club 600

Ok Doobie, enough already. You're really making me fricking jealous! ;) No really bro, I know exactly what you're talking about and how most of the time your a day late or a dollar short. Very cool you're able to land these great deals on the things you want. I really like Ibaneze gear too. You can't go wrong. Yay Mrs. Doobiebrother! :clap:
"The Secret" in action:

Went to Guitar Center with the wife to get a pack of strings for my bass and maybe a pair of instrument cables so I can finally use the stereo output feature of my GT-10B fx processor.
It's a brand new store, opened a few days ago (Thursday night), and the wife wanted to get out of the aprtment and asked if I wanted to check out the new store.
Silly rabbit... of course I want to go! ;-) :-)
Once inside I go back to the area with the bass guitars and gravitated towards the wall with the 6-string basses hanging from it.
Spotted a nice Ibanez 6-string and decided to have it hooked up to an amp so I could check it out.
Fell in love with the tone immediately!
And had a great feel in my hands, too!
Actually had me shaking by the time I finished playing.
The MSRP on the back of the tag was $467, so even their "Guaranteed Lowest Price" was was out of my truly non-existant budget.
I only went there for strings and cables.
Here is where it gets interesting.
The "Guaranteed Lowest Price" on the front of the tag was marked at $197.
Being broke until March had me thinking I could come back down when I had the cash.
I let the salesman know that this guitar was at the top of my list of things to get and that I'd be back at the end of March to get one.
He offered a lay-away plan, and I let him know I'll talk with my wife about it while I got some strings & cables and would let him know.
We walk around the store looking at stuff and the wife says I should get the guitar while the price is good!
Took some convincing (not TOO much) before I caved in from all the arm twisting. ;-)
So I go back to the bass section and find the salesman and let him know I want to jump on the deal and buy it today.
He gets the guitar and scans the tag at the register, and the price come up as $300.
He realizes that in the haste to set up the new store, someone wrote the wrong price on the tag!
He lets me know what's up and says he'll have to clear it with the store manager, but that he'd make sure I got it at the marked price.
He comes back with the manager who authorizes it at the register, we pay, and I walk out the store with a super sweet deal!

Now, here's where The Secret comes into play:
I have been wishing that I'd had enough money to get a 6-string bass way back when I bought my 5-string bass.
At which point it became a goal of mine.
Researched affordable 6-string basses and came up with a Yamaha or a Schecter for around $600 to $800, and the Ibanez GSR206!!!
Much respect for those out there that can drop $500+ dollars on the things they want/need, but my health problems have kept me under-employed for a while now, and I refuse to get on welfare or SSI, so my income is limited to small quaterly dividend payouts that often just go to bills or things that are truly needed.
So even the normal asking price of $300 is at the limit of what I'm willing to go for. (*and I just dropped a LOT of $$ on Ableton Suite 8, so my budget was pretty close to finito)
$197 is a whole different ball of wax!
At the wife's urging, I bought it!!!
I am truly lucky to have a wife who puts up with my crap, and still lets me splurge on my music stuff.
Going to be putting it all to good use as the year progresses. ;-)


Nice Bass Doob!!! More six's in your life. I am amazed at how low the prices can get at GC sometimes.

Ok 6 gallons of RO water and emptied the the excess water out of the trays. That water tested at 6.0ph so i should be good. turned the lights down and gave them a light mist of plain ro water.
Right place at the right time, for a change.

I'm loving the 6th string, too!
Only took a few seconds to get used to it, and now it's like it was always there under my fingers.
Definitely a happy camper today!
Doesn't this look like a Rabbit? lol


What's up 600.... here's a shot of my Black Widow. Still about 10-14 days from harvest, more pics in my thread.



Here's my Mendo Purp @ about 36 Days

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I just put 4 seeds of MVK in soil yesterday.


Those beans came from a different plant from that mix. It had a strong 7up limy smell to her,,, and no telling who the dad was. I stuck it in the male room when the boys were blooming, could be spacebomb, another mvk, or BnS fathers.
Heres the mom from that mvk mix.
