the real reason the site was hacked

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I just posted a new thread where I showed with incontrovertible logic that Unclebuck and his legion of leftwing minions are wrong... about everything... that they have completely wasted their lives.

Unclebuck replied to my post and admitted the jig was up (actually, he didn't say "jig"; coded language and all). He assured me that he was going to turn his life around and never utter the word "uterus" again.

Right after that the whole site crashed and JAHRULE took over.

I can't recreate my thread, it was a life's work.

Unclebuck is sure to deny this. He will be back with his talking uterus puppet lickety split.

Fuck all hackers in their eyesockets!

Real disclaimer:
Obviously I am joking.


I worked on a sports forum some time back and it was not uncommon for this to happen and hit other sites as well.

Buddy Hemphill

Active Member
Usually people post things that are helpful.

Except in political forums......

there is some of the meanest...most meaningLESS drivel in politcal subs its ridiculous.

Everyone is a zealot.

Everyone else is an

not you...or anybody....

just years of watching political forums run their course on different forums....

follks get U G L Y.....LOL......

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I thought when the site was hacked that perhaps we could start over on a more civil tone. Obviously, I was wrong.

That's what makes the politics forum fun, I guess.


Well-Known Member
I thought when the site was hacked that perhaps we could start over on a more civil tone. Obviously, I was wrong.

That's what makes the politics forum fun, I guess.
Why dont you post something political so we can argue about it...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Civil tone? I wish.. Too bad we still have leftist genocide loving progressive zombies here... The unrest is fun though..
"Too bad we still have leftist genocide loving progressive zombies here..."

Good one. That ought to stimulate a civil discussion ;-).

"A uterus in every pot, but no pot for any uterus!" Obama - 2012