Club 600

Im like damn i put alot of time into this! Now its all from scratch. Stupid haxers got to me :( Thanks jigfresh and everyone else pr0n seems to be helping :) A bit more might give me the motivation to change my avatar.. lol
Could someone be as kind as to teach a newb the skills of adding big pictures :)? Ill try not to spam it all up :)
IMAG0098.jpgIMAG0105.jpgIMAG0108.jpgVK-3leaf.JPG Barney's Farm Violator Kush! My 1.Grow.
Oh yeah whats with the like button? I to like everything!!! :D
Kev got but hurt about something and started talking shit all over the forum and took all his minions over to grasscity I think. Was a mass exodous of dumbfucks.
Will put the pics back up shortly Jig-ster, at the pub just noo, sometimes it is good to ne back. Bloody cold though, lol.
I think where I live 'would' be the perfect place to live... if it weren't so damn cold, haha. But that's what keeps it from being crammed full of people, which is what I like. Tradeoffs.

Loving all the pron you peeps are posting up.
The beer is doing the trick my friend, it's a nice 8%er.....the bong from earlier has worn off though. Oh how our tolerance is soon lost.
Nice one, I am enjoying mine, the non purple phenotype smells the bomb as well, can't wait to give it a bash.
Kev got but hurt about something and started talking shit all over the forum and took all his minions over to grasscity I think. Was a mass exodous of dumbfucks.

That sounds about right. If you aren't into butting into everyone's thread and spamming the shit out of 'em. . . then you're not with him. Fine with me. The Piper led the rats right outta town. He actually had the nerve to PM and tell me that if I wanted to send him some beans, it'd be cool. Fuck off, booger. At least offer a trade.

I think where I live 'would' be the perfect place to live... if it weren't so damn cold, haha. But that's what keeps it from being crammed full of people, which is what I like. Tradeoffs.

Loving all the pron you peeps are posting up.
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.

The beer is doing the trick my friend, it's a nice 8%er.....the bong from earlier has worn off though. Oh how our tolerance is soon lost.

D, welcome back. I feel the same way about the tolerance. . . Sometimes it's like I've never left after that first rip.

I "LIKE" all the posts so far too.

Me too. Where's my fucking like button, Bassman? Tell them to give it back, please.

Alright 6ers, I'm off to do shit today. :peace:

COF-- I'm with you! was an exploit someone decided to finally exploit. (first exploit is a noun, the second a verb)

I loved the "Weedxploitation" movies from way back on Feb 21st the best...

Jig, just ripping over on the admin thread about the site being down lmfao classic. People over there are outta control! Keep it up bru!
few pictures of my auto turbo diesel aswell 45in tall a few of them 22 in a 1.2x1.2 tent


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I am sorry, but that's life, shit happens, houses burn down, pictures are lost, websites are hacked, ffs people, we still have our memories, and that's how I will always remember you....

saying that, if anything ever does happen, you can find me at [email protected]
wait, what happened?


Just switched on the CO2 this morning (the first time)

So now I have a nice 4x8 Veg room and a 8x8 Flower room with 2x600

Fucking came a long way in a short period of time. Now it's time to rest.

I will get a video up tomorrow.
Looking forward to seeing your grow spaces, mike :-)

I've got some video footage, too. but need to make a little background music for it.
Am bummed about my previous cello experiment.
I have figured out a way to use my microphone as a volume controller controlled by how soft or hard I blow into it, very much like playing clarinet.
I have to figure out how to record both the breath-control part and the MIDI notes of the cello.
Adds a huge, rich dimension of sound to it, to where it sounds like someone really playing a cello.
Just need to figure out the audio routing to get it recorded properly...

Loved your vid, jig!
The ladies are looking real nice!