people are so weird...


Well-Known Member
Lol, I run to the store all the time in totally dirty work clothes. I did every day this week. I'm going to run to the store myself and grab some dinner. I'll try an experiment. I'll wear some "scrub" shit and see what people say.
ahaha go for it, i think most people keep their mouth shut. some just don't know when they shouldn't talk.


Well-Known Member
i have no problem with looking like a bum to run to the store. it's not like you'll be running into the president at walmart.

what gets me is people who wear the pajamas but take the time to gel their hair into some sort of 'do, shave designs on their face, or put on makeup. at that point they appear to be making some sort of statement and i just want to punch them in the face. are you bummin' or not?

surely it was more effort to do their hair and makeup than it would have been to put on pants that don't have tweety bird on them. that's what gets me. clearly those people care on some level, so why pajama pants? it reminds me of when grunge started to get big and people were suddenly spending 3x as much time in the mirror just so they could achieve that "i don't give a shit" look.

people are fucking weird.
Yeah the rich kids I went to school with we're like that. Sloanes they were, kind of like US preppy, but there is a subset that always have the dragged-through a ditch hair, sweatpants and stuff... But these kids were filthy rich, wearing Jack Wills sweatpants and a Paul's Boutique bag, saying that even their shabby cost more than your Sunday Best but they are so down ties etch and they don't give a fuck but they clearly do?


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, I regularly go shopping in sweats and slippers, fuck em, you aint got shit to prove to anyone. last time I checked they all got here the same way I did.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LOL I couldn't go to the store in pajamas. I dont ever wear them and only have like two, but on the subject and after reading Cannabineer's response I do feel myself needing to mention that my favorite pair are of Polar Bears. :D

I do go out mostly in house slippers unless it's to an appointment. =)


Well-Known Member
i don't know, human people are strange creatures.

as soon as my spaceship gets finished at the shop i'm out of here.


Well-Known Member
don't need it.

on my planet every tree is covered in trichomes, you can glide your hand against a branch and collect a handful of them.
it's beautiful.

and if that doesn't work for you we have bho rivers and hash mountains... life is good there, not like this disgusting planet.


Well-Known Member
dude people dont say shit here they just stare. i cruze all over the place on my bike so any place i go there is always mud and dirty on the streets so my clothes are fucked anyway. id like to do what that poor lady says but fuck it i still have it looking like a destroyed mess.


Well-Known Member

I'd of taken that old lady down logic lane and thoroughly humiliated her thought process to think, of all the shit happening in that moment, a random persons choice of clothing to wear to the grocery store is worth bitching about.


Well-Known Member
i needed some grocery items earlier today,.
so instead of taking a shower and putting on some "real" pants, i just wore pajama pants, a hoodie, and threw on a baseball cap.

fuck it, right? i mean it's not like i'm going to a fucking opera.

well apparently this is frowned upon, because some older woman in front of me at the check out line decided to comment on my clothing. she said it makes me look like i'm a lazy person and i should wear appropriate clothing when i go out in public. she also said wearing a hat makes me look like i'm hiding something or hiding from someone... where do people come up with this shit?

i don't know about your area but when i go shopping i always see people wearing sweatpants and girls with their hair tied back, looking like a hot mess.
but that doesn't bother me, i don't give a shit what people wear at the grocery store or anywhere for that matter.

strange experience either way, but i hate social situations so it's not like i was going to argue with this woman at the check out line. it was pretty weird though.
you should of politely told this person your appearance unless it is causing public offense by indecent exposure is none of their business

some people are just ignorant and rude, and this "older woman" sounds both


Well-Known Member
i don't think i would have said anything even if i wasn't uncomfortable, or even if i had a super witty response. no reason to start conflict with random women at the grocery store, i just think it's strange how people think and feel about things these days. this day and age is all about looks.

commercials for makeup, face wash, acne cream, perfume, shampoo/conditioner, clothing, jewelry, and other accessories. such a strange society we live in.