The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member

Got myself banned from Trichome Central by some "Joey555" cunt, I didn't even last 24 hours!

"A ban has been placed on your IP" - Tor browser will be circumventing that then, thick twat!
whatcha get banned for m8? ive been sent 4-5 invites to the site from various people but dont think they will apreciate a vodka swilling pisshead on the wind up lol


Well-Known Member
is ther any actual confirmed delivery of stuf of this hidden web?
the silkroad is on the ball m8, theres a escrow system i dont understand it too well but basically the bitcoins are held in escrow by the silkroad until u receive what uve ordered.


Well-Known Member
bye people im off to chop me plants reckon a good 4-6hr trim arrrrrrghhhhhh il get some pics up 2mora ava good night all.........


Well-Known Member
nice pics m8, looking big them buds, how many u got there? how far from finish?
just the 3 mate; a blue widow, white domina and a church. the small ones are clones, 3 white domina and blue widow. the big ones are on week 5 and lookin pretty good in terms of potential yeild, bud site are numerous and swelling nicely. i had a livers in there but the fucker hermied quite badly so i got shot of it. at this stage the blue widow thats yellowing at back will be getting chopped early, its showing a helluva lot of yellow even though im supplementing with grow nutes to push sum extra nitrogen into it, if it takes fine if not it'll be chopped at 7 weeks. the 2 clones ast the back are about 4 weeks freom actual clone, and the front two are only bout 10 days, not showing roots yet but im pretty confident.


Well-Known Member
Ill take a cutting of that widow m8, looks a bit yielder. Could be a cash cropper. Are u getting the blueberry smell???
ahll bring a cutting or two with me when ah next come tae c u? havny really noticed a smell other than jist general 'weed' smell. have you taken those cuttings ah asked you about btw?


Well-Known Member
ahll bring a cutting or two with me when ah next come tae c u? havny really noticed a smell other than jist general 'weed' smell. have you taken those cuttings ah asked you about btw?
Ive got 2 spare livers I could give u. If u want more, I could just give u the snips unrooted if u want???


Active Member
48 hours smoke-free and hating every lucid raw moment of it :D Why does this have to happen during my most major personal crisis since I came to this country?!

OK moan over - still feeling a bit raw I guess - any and all crass insensitive jokes will be highly appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
if you can ma bro's looking for 8 in total, he'll hang off until there rooted. jist geez a bell. ahll just get a livers snip off him, keep one as a mother and grow out 3. ah really dont wan any more than 3 in ma grow room due tae limited space.


Well-Known Member
48 hours smoke-free and hating every lucid raw moment of it :D Why does this have to happen during my most major personal crisis since I came to this country?!

OK moan over - still feeling a bit raw I guess - any and all crass insensitive jokes will be highly appreciated :)
Bacon flavoured sex lube - because just raping Jews and Muslims doesn't degrade them enough