brown spots spreading


Active Member
2 days ago i noticed brown spots on of the first true leaves of my plant, Now they have spread to not only both ffirst true leaves ,but the next set up as well.

I was told i was getting water on the leaves ( which was true ) and the water under the lights was burning the micro organisms as they were feeding on the leaves which were leading to these dark spots, but it seems as though it's spreading , these are the pics below.

11 12 (1).JPG11 12 (2).JPG11 12 (3).JPG11 12 (4).JPG11 12 (5).JPG11 12 (6).JPG

11 (2).JPGThis picture is from last night before i went to bed. Also i didn't water her yesterday, i watered her the day before.

my question would be, would it cause the plant too much stress to just cut the leaves off?


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like those leaves were in the dirt at some point, and that will make them look the plant growing alright? if it is then just pull those off and don't worry about it. And if you aren't feeding yet it would probably be alright to feed it a tiny bit. if you are feeding then keep doing what you are doing and just pull those off...


Active Member
to me looks like u have root bound plant on ur hands lower leaves over 50%damaged remove,id increase nutes 80 ppm then 50ppm every watering until plants respond no higher thanwork ur way up to ec2,0 or 1000ppm more is not always better trust me u want plants always eating not full this is y i believe in evry feeding not phase feedings n half nut flush 2weeks but 1.5ec or 750-800 ppm is safe starting point also add h202 5ml 10liter for healthy grwth n disease control


Active Member
to me looks like u have root bound plant on ur hands lower leaves over 50%damaged remove,id increase nutes 80 ppm then 50ppm every watering until plants respond no higher thanwork ur way up to ec2,0 or 1000ppm more is not always better trust me u want plants always eating not full this is y i believe in evry feeding not phase feedings n half nut flush 2weeks but 1.5ec or 750-800 ppm is safe starting point also add h202 5ml 10liter for healthy grwth n disease control

Um, English please so a newbie such as myself can understand


Active Member
sorry this is newbie version,1 re pot in larger pot twice sized easy,2 mix very low strengh nutes evenly balanced npk or less n than pk example 3 N 5P6k or starter/flower food going up slighty every week if needed just remember more is not always better take ur time when raising ur nutes its way easier to give more food than waiting for plants to get back on track from over feeding