New Member
You're absolutely right about the need for advertising. And I dont fault them a bit for it, or thier products. It's the outlandish claims they make that gall me. They all but say that if you use thier products you'll have a bigger dick.
I agree with you. More than half the time they are talking straight shit out of there ass and if the industry was more regulated there is no way they could get by saying what they do. But, like a lot of other companies they are doing what's best for them according to what they believe. If they wanna hype their shit up because no one is watching them then that's their choice. We as consumers have to be the judge of as to whether their product warrants our money. They are a BUSINESS...their sole design is to make money. They aren't a Non-Profit. So if they wanna claim their nutes will give you 6lbs. off a 4' plant then go for it. I'll be the judge of whether they survive the tests in my own grow room.