DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

Thanks for the advice bond... As far as my girls go, I inoculated 4 days ago, checked em last night to add more tea/check ph etc. 1 of them has exploded new root growth all around out the sides of the net pot where she never had roots before and is looking overall much better, the other 1 is looking healthier I think but no noticeable new root growth as of yet. It sure was nice to see my water level had gone down some, that was the first sign of hope after 2 weeks of no growth and slow deterioration. I lost 1 before I had a chance to brew, so I'm down to 2 dwc sites, and 1 girl in soil that has been doin great the whole time. Hopefully both dwc sites pull through, if not I know at least 1 will, so at least I'm confident I'm not lookin at a total loss now. This tea will now be a staple in my garden. Will I need to extend my flower time on the plant(s) that were affected, as their growth and development was basically stopped for 2 weeks (they got sick about a week after I flipped them, and revegging isn't an option bc other plants are in flower in the same tent). Thanks again heis, and everybody contributing in this thread!
Thanks for the advice bond... As far as my girls go, I inoculated 4 days ago, checked em last night to add more tea/check ph etc. 1 of them has exploded new root growth all around out the sides of the net pot where she never had roots before and is looking overall much better, the other 1 is looking healthier I think but no noticeable new root growth as of yet. It sure was nice to see my water level had gone down some, that was the first sign of hope after 2 weeks of no growth and slow deterioration. I lost 1 before I had a chance to brew, so I'm down to 2 dwc sites, and 1 girl in soil that has been doin great the whole time. Hopefully both dwc sites pull through, if not I know at least 1 will, so at least I'm confident I'm not lookin at a total loss now. This tea will now be a staple in my garden. Will I need to extend my flower time on the plant(s) that were affected, as their growth and development was basically stopped for 2 weeks (they got sick about a week after I flipped them, and revegging isn't an option bc other plants are in flower in the same tent). Thanks again heis, and everybody contributing in this thread!

This story is like the exact same to mine.. haha. It's been 6 days for me, though. And it's about 24 plants. :bigjoint: Happy to see my roots coming back now, and on the way to recovery!

They're all in veg, I had 5 of them in bud for a week and I took them out and put them back in veg. I can see buds on them haha I hope they don't turn gay on me.
Thanks for the advice bond... As far as my girls go, I inoculated 4 days ago, checked em last night to add more tea/check ph etc. 1 of them has exploded new root growth all around out the sides of the net pot where she never had roots before and is looking overall much better, the other 1 is looking healthier I think but no noticeable new root growth as of yet. It sure was nice to see my water level had gone down some, that was the first sign of hope after 2 weeks of no growth and slow deterioration. I lost 1 before I had a chance to brew, so I'm down to 2 dwc sites, and 1 girl in soil that has been doin great the whole time. Hopefully both dwc sites pull through, if not I know at least 1 will, so at least I'm confident I'm not lookin at a total loss now. This tea will now be a staple in my garden. Will I need to extend my flower time on the plant(s) that were affected, as their growth and development was basically stopped for 2 weeks (they got sick about a week after I flipped them, and revegging isn't an option bc other plants are in flower in the same tent). Thanks again heis, and everybody contributing in this thread!

increased water uptake is a sign of recovery and that the tea is working. nice to hear about the new white roots on the one plant. good stuff. dont forget to give ur soil plant some tea as well. if the slime delayed your flowering by about two weeks, you may need to push back your harvest date a bit, but the best judge of harvest time isnt a set length of time -- its how the buds look, how the hairs look, and the color of the trichs. grab a $20 scope if u dont have one.

hey microbe heads any one used plant sucess's new product orca? its like a gel, i still have 3/4 of a tub of GW powder left from my last grow the tea really helped stretch it out im harvesting a week today so il post up roots plants are so big i cant get them out there pots anymore but man they had some roots on them last time, healthy roots equals healthy buds as u can see.........

great thread helsinberg ...great read with pure no bullshit info..i like it...keep it up your a great help to growers around the world ..

one question thought ..with the dwc ive started not im using the canna aqua veg and h202 are they ok to mixed before using...also its a 20 litre dwc with airpump but adding new stones to it..does it matter how many pumps are in..
So far the best looking microbe product I've found is xtreme gardening tea brews. I mentioned them a few pages back but nobody seemed interested, this is the only way to brew if you ask me.
So far the best looking microbe product I've found is xtreme gardening tea brews. I mentioned them a few pages back but nobody seemed interested, this is the only way to brew if you ask me.

Heisenberg posted his review on it, that's why we are all sticking to his method. :bigjoint:
The extreme tea kit lists pumpkin pro (mykos) as it's ingredient, which only includes one species of glomus fungi. As far as mycos themselves go, cannabis probably only uses glomus, but it can use several different species from the genus. (yes, that means all of the ecto and some of the endo species in these product are negligible for cannabis use) This product contains no trichoderma fungi (which are not technically mycos) and no bacteria or nematodes, which makes it less than ideal to combat slime.

one question thought ..with the dwc ive started not im using the canna aqua veg and h202 are they ok to mixed before using...also its a 20 litre dwc with airpump but adding new stones to it..does it matter how many pumps are in..

Not quite sure what you are asking. If you are using h202 to sterilize water make sure to give it a full day to break down before using that water with bennies. The number of pumps should not matter unless they are somehow adding heat to the situation.
Here is another great page with information about microbes.


I found this bit interesting.

There are three types of mycorrhizal fungi inoculants commercially available endo, ecto and ericoid. Most are available in dry form. Ecto is in spore form and endo is available as propagules, i.e., spores, root fragments and hyphae. Endo in spore form alone is a poor inoculant if you want results within 6 weeks according to research that has been published. Research has shown that endo mycorrhizal inoculants with spores, root fragments and hyphae are superior to those containing only spores. Research shows that hyphal fragments are most infective, followed by mycorrhizal root fragments and then spores. Root fragments actually contain many spores and are better at protecting spores from adverse environmental conditions compared to spores alone. Ericoid is presently is in dry form.

Reasons why spores alone are dangerous for an inoculant:
1. Spores degrade over time, even when dried
2. For some species, spores are the only infective propagules and when they degrade the inocula are effectively dead.
3. For many species in Glomus, hyphae from root fragments can be up to 10X more infective than spores.
4. Root fragments, when dried, are not as susceptible to degradation as spores, especially in a formulation containing high organic matter.
5. Ergo (from 4 above), even if part of the inoculum degrades with storage, infective propagules still can be present for a longer period in a mixed inoculum formulation.

The reality of inoculum marketers today is that most are just that "marketers". Some sell a single strain of mycorrhiza mixed in with a carrier backed with all the claims thousands of research studies will support. Some sell liquids. Some sell powders. Some sell only one kind. Some sell tablets. Most sell "cocktails" containing a variety of organisms. Some have formulated for numbers. Some for results.

One company that has been in the industry for 10 years marketed a transplant product for trees and shrubs which contained no beneficial bacteria package. What were they thinking not to include such an obvious package. Most landscape materials are planted in disturbed soils. What logic is there in not including a bacteria package? Bacillus subtilla, for example, is an effective "mycorrhiza helper bacteria".

Diversity is THE name of the game. The ground beneath our feet is a macrocosm of hundreds of systems and billions of participants. Diversity - include as many natural organisms and systems as feasible - that's the signature of a manufacturer that understands their correct role. Ingredients that support a clear biological advantage to support plant growth in logical amounts and and at appropriate times.

This explains a bit why the ancient forest amendment seems to outperform the powders produced in a lab. It contains hyphae and roots as well as spores, which probably translates into quicker colonization.
ahh I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's working in my 3 gal bucket but my 5 gallon water jugs seems to keep turning brown. I screwed up the first time and inoculated the rez with nutes. Everything was brown the next day. Scrubbed them all up again and added Beenies only for 12 hrs and Nutes yesterday and the Brown crud is back, New growth is white but for the most part the root mass is still brown. How many days does it take to notice the old stuff clean up or not getting worst?

I don't seem to be getting any foam in the brew bucket. Aqua shield - ZHO- EWC.

Thanks for the help.
ahh I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's working in my 3 gal bucket but my 5 gallon water jugs seems to keep turning brown. I screwed up the first time and inoculated the rez with nutes. Everything was brown the next day. Scrubbed them all up again and added Beenies only for 12 hrs and Nutes yesterday and the Brown crud is back, New growth is white but for the most part the root mass is still brown. How many days does it take to notice the old stuff clean up or not getting worst?

I don't seem to be getting any foam in the brew bucket. Aqua shield - ZHO- EWC.

Thanks for the help.

Same thing recently happened to me, I think I was just putting too much ancient forest in panty hose and I should of strained my tea when I was done I think.

Reading all of the posts, they say it's not really a problem as long as you still have white roots forming and growth is good. I think it also goes away after a few days.
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ahh I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's working in my 3 gal bucket but my 5 gallon water jugs seems to keep turning brown. I screwed up the first time and inoculated the rez with nutes. Everything was brown the next day. Scrubbed them all up again and added Beenies only for 12 hrs and Nutes yesterday and the Brown crud is back, New growth is white but for the most part the root mass is still brown. How many days does it take to notice the old stuff clean up or not getting worst?

I don't seem to be getting any foam in the brew bucket. Aqua shield - ZHO- EWC.

Thanks for the help.

Just to be clear, the old stuff doesn't 'clean up' -- it just gets crowded with new, white root growth. The roots that have been exposed to the slime will stay brown for the duration of the grow and slowly turn a lighter color to a brownish/yellowish color. Also if you are in flower, you won't experience new root growth as quickly as if you were in veg. Make sure you have enough air in your system and that it isn't being adversely affected by anything that would raise the temperature (lights, power, even your air pump).

Let us know how it goes.

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Thanks guys . They are starting to look a lot better now. Feels great ! I'll be slinging beenies every where ! Even in my soil stuff. In fact I all ready have. !

Thanks again.
Just to be clear, the old stuff doesn't 'clean up' -- it just gets crowded with new, white root growth. The roots that have been exposed to the slime will stay brown for the duration of the grow and slowly turn a lighter color to a brownish/yellowish color. Also if you are in flower, you won't experience new root growth as quickly as if you were in veg. Make sure you have enough air in your system and that it isn't being adversely affected by anything that would raise the temperature (lights, power, even your air pump).

Let us know how it goes.


Oh cool info man. I think my problem was that I was using too much EWC or I was using not thick enough panty hose cause that ancient forest stuck to my roots and stuff. I made a new batch with a sock and less and the tea looks a total difference color. lol ;p
oh nevermind, i see now. our site admins lack skillz, got attacked, and had to restore from a month-old backup. sahweeeet.
Hey, Heis! It's been a while since I've posted in your thread. In the last few months I've switched from DWC to flood & drain SoG Al B. Fuct style. As much as I liked DWC, I am loving F&D as it requires such little maintenance and it's nice to have each plant in separate pots to move them around under the lights to even out the growth. The trouble that I was having was with cloning; I could clone in rockwool cubes, but that required watering them twice per day and I'm just too lazy to do that. There are some days that I don't even look in on the op. So, I tried cloning in a bubble cloner and an aero cloner with h2o2: two batches of 36 clones in the aero cloner (one with the pump running 24/7 and one batch with a timer of 1 minute on and 5 off) and two batches of 19 cuttings in my bubble cloner. Funky algae formed each time in the bubble cloner but not in the aero cloner, but never a root in either, even after a month. Then I remembered your magic tea. I brewed a batch and filled up both cloners with cuttings and tea. 2 weeks later and I have 16 out of 19 with the craziest roots I've ever seen on clones from the bubble cloner, and after only a week half of the aero cloner cuttings have rooted!!! Success! I just want to say thanks again, Heis. Your tea is the shit. Have a great St. Patty's Day weekend, and keep it green ;)
We did lose a month of posts. I am able to recreate them, but honestly they were mostly redundant anyway. If someone feels they had an important question that was missed, or had pics for us, they should re-post.

Hey, Heis! It's been a while since I've posted in your thread. In the last few months I've switched from DWC to flood & drain SoG Al B. Fuct style. As much as I liked DWC, I am loving F&D as it requires such little maintenance and it's nice to have each plant in separate pots to move them around under the lights to even out the growth. The trouble that I was having was with cloning; I could clone in rockwool cubes, but that required watering them twice per day and I'm just too lazy to do that. There are some days that I don't even look in on the op. So, I tried cloning in a bubble cloner and an aero cloner with h2o2: two batches of 36 clones in the aero cloner (one with the pump running 24/7 and one batch with a timer of 1 minute on and 5 off) and two batches of 19 cuttings in my bubble cloner. Funky algae formed each time in the bubble cloner but not in the aero cloner, but never a root in either, even after a month. Then I remembered your magic tea. I brewed a batch and filled up both cloners with cuttings and tea. 2 weeks later and I have 16 out of 19 with the craziest roots I've ever seen on clones from the bubble cloner, and after only a week half of the aero cloner cuttings have rooted!!! Success! I just want to say thanks again, Heis. Your tea is the shit. Have a great St. Patty's Day weekend, and keep it green ;)

Great, more success. I had little luck with tea in a bubble cloner but that's probably because I had a slime infection on top of everything else. Good to know it can work.