The Left-Libertarian is still here, I bring you latest government propaganda review


New Member
So old news, If your into pop culture I am sure you have herd about this coney 2012 video, at 82 million views currently.

High tech eh? Interesting this should all surface just before campaign time eh?

Now at first I watched this video and I thought..wait a minute they are trying to motivate people for violence, thats a bit suspicious, but I tried to keep an open mind. I remember this story from a decade or so ago as being legit, so I did some research to see what people in Uganda are actually saying.

As it turns out this koney character is actually not even in Uganda anymore, he left 15 years ago, and he doesn't have a child army. So regardless of that its true, koney did terrible things and invisible children organization has a good mission. So why should this go unpunished, regardless if it was 15 years ago right?

Well, because The LRA guilty of the same things we accuse Koney of is now being armed to go after koney, because it is in the past. Yet again we pretend to care about Africa only before it was only hollywood, now the government is capitalizing on this with their new propaganda weapon facebook they are now selling weapons to Uganda. There is nothing we can do about the past but there is a lot we can do about the current situation in Africa if we really cared, but we don't, the government especially doesn't. Need I remind you of sudan, darfur, chad, ruwanda, ethiopia...need I go on? Africa long ago recognized we don't care, especially governments do not care about them, the only solution is for them to unite as a people and fight their own battles it seems as we only capitalize on their suffering tragically. A prime example of how governments do not work in the best interest of people, Africa.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
What does this have to do with the title? You realize the people who started the Kony2012 bullshit are evangelical far right leaning Christians, right? What does this have to do with Libertarians or Liberals?


New Member
What does this have to do with the title? You realize the people who started the Kony2012 bullshit are evangelical far right leaning Christians, right? What does this have to do with Libertarians or Liberals?
hmm well it can have quite a lot to do with it, philosophy is related to everything. The point of the topic is that I am still here for another post. The post is a left libertarian perspective on the latest government propaganda.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
hmm well it can have quite a lot to do with it, philosophy is related to everything. The point of the topic is that I am still here for another post. The post is a left libertarian perspective on the latest government propaganda.
ahhh.. I thought you were blaming this on left leaning libertarians or liberals.... my mistake. I took a stupid pill this morning.


Well-Known Member
I 100% agree. The rest of the world has basically come into Africa and then once they realized they were in too deep, they left. (In the form of direct gov influence) Instead we will make money off of the most lawless continent in the world. Providing the money for the dirty work to be done by the people who call Africa their home. Kony pissed me off because all the sudden this one "news" story has made it to facebook and thats the only reason why they care about it. Let alone most of these recently awakened people when asked whether Africa is a country would say yes. U.N. soldiers and other peace keeping forces are forced to peace make instead of peace keep. The culture that the feet on the ground for the U.N. experiences is terrible. U.N. workers running prostitution rings etc....


New Member
I 100% agree. The rest of the world has basically come into Africa and then once they realized they were in too deep, they left. (In the form of direct gov influence) Instead we will make money off of the most lawless continent in the world. Providing the money for the dirty work to be done by the people who call Africa their home. Kony pissed me off because all the sudden this one "news" story has made it to facebook and thats the only reason why they care about it. Let alone most of these recently awakened people when asked whether Africa is a country would say yes. U.N. soldiers and other peace keeping forces are forced to peace make instead of peace keep. The culture that the feet on the ground for the U.N. experiences is terrible. U.N. workers running prostitution rings etc....
The internet is a powerfull tool for freedom but at the same time it is a tool for tyranny, We witnessed Phase 1 of the Governments Zombie Army last year: Arab Spring

Now be witness to Phase 2 of the corrupt Zombie Army: Koney 2012

People of the world we do not need these Corrupt Leaders, We control our own destiny, without us they are powerless! Fucking Zombies! Again I bring you back to Bob Marley's philosophy, Chase these Crazy Baldheads out of town!




Well-Known Member
The internet is a powerfull tool for freedom but at the same time it is a tool for tyranny, We witnessed Phase 1 of the Governments Zombie Army last year: Arab Spring

Now be witness to Phase 2 of the corrupt Zombie Army: Koney 2012
Vote Kony (D-Uganda) for President 2012!!


Well-Known Member
Please stop dude, your not helping
Dude realistically, who cares about some African war-lord? Theres literally HUNDREDS of them, Kony is no different.

Making a big deal about something that doesn't effect us or we can't change isn't very libertarian.


New Member
Dude realistically, who cares about some African war-lord? Theres literally HUNDREDS of them, Kony is no different.

Making a big deal about something that doesn't effect us or we can't change isn't very libertarian.
So isn't that the whole point of the thread? whats your damn point? Your just spamming shit thats going to piss people off, trolling basically.


Well-Known Member
The point of this thread is to point out that this is propaganda that is going to get the United States military caught up in another conflict on another continent, which will further expand our empire and degrade our national security. It is undeniable that their are atrocities going on all over the world, but we should not be throwing our military into the middle of all of this. It is the responsibility of the people to stand up and fight. Nothing will change if we intervene. We will, as always, only perpetuate and prolong the problem.


Well-Known Member
The point of this thread is to point out that this is propaganda that is going to get the United States military caught up in another conflict on another continent, which will further expand our empire and degrade our national security. It is undeniable that their are atrocities going on all over the world, but we should not be throwing our military into the middle of all of this. It is the responsibility of the people to stand up and fight. Nothing will change if we intervene. We will, as always, only perpetuate and prolong the problem.
If you honestly think America would intervene in Africa, you are delirious. Africa has huge oil reserves but we wont even touch it because nothing but complications will occur. Read up on American responses to African tragedies.


Well-Known Member
Dose of culture shock for the day. American Colonialism at its best.



Well-Known Member
If anything the Kony story will show people exactly who gets your generous "Foreign Aid" I suppose.


New Member
If you honestly think America would intervene in Africa, you are delirious. Africa has huge oil reserves but we wont even touch it because nothing but complications will occur. Read up on American responses to African tragedies.
Your right in one sense, we have never intervened there for a legitimately good cause but indeed we have intervened many times over, more recently Libya and now Uganda we sent '100 advisors' over this to really just see how we can profit off arming the LRA in the guise of 'going after koney'.