The Left-Libertarian is still here, I bring you latest government propaganda review


Ursus marijanus
If you honestly think America would intervene in Africa, you are delirious. Africa has huge oil reserves but we wont even touch it because nothing but complications will occur. Read up on American responses to African tragedies.
Imo the idea that the USA might be positioning themselves as an international referee was heartily disproven by our simultaneous responses to Bosnia (small poor country, strategically located, tens of thousands are dying badly, here we come) and Rwanda (small poor country, strategically nothing, millions are dying badly, who?wanda). cn


Well-Known Member
That is correct. The constant instability of the 90% of the continent kills any thought of trying to complete a successful mission of rebuilding and reforming. The Middle East region is a hell of a lot more promising and that speaks volumes.


New Member
Imo the idea that the USA might be positioning themselves as an international referee was heartily disproven by our simultaneous responses to Bosnia (small poor country, strategically located, tens of thousands are dying badly, here we come) and Rwanda (small poor country, strategically nothing, millions are dying badly, who?wanda). cn
exactly, well put. This point I tried to make in the initial post.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The point of this thread is to point out that this is propaganda that is going to get the United States military caught up in another conflict on another continent, which will further expand our empire and degrade our national security. It is undeniable that their are atrocities going on all over the world, but we should not be throwing our military into the middle of all of this. It is the responsibility of the people to stand up and fight. Nothing will change if we intervene. We will, as always, only perpetuate and prolong the problem.
Must spread some reputation around :-(. Anyway, well said.


Well-Known Member
Your right in one sense, we have never intervened there for a legitimately good cause but indeed we have intervened many times over, more recently Libya and now Uganda we sent '100 advisors' over this to really just see how we can profit off arming the LRA in the guise of 'going after koney'.
Well in my first response to the thread I referred to the approach to Africa as non direct government rule but rather economical rule through private firms and other contractors. Industry can get tangled all they want but Government wont put to many chips in the pile. They learned their lesson from "spreading" democracy in Latin America under the guise of the Monroe Doctrine.


Well-Known Member
I have to resurrect this thread. Kony 2012 made me do some homework. I just wasn't ready to post on it yet. I have since done much reading on colonialism and on Africa's resources. I have been trying to see if I could figure out what people in Uganda think of US military presence (think Darth Vader threatening Lando Calrissian that he could leave a garrison of storm troopers in Cloud City). Uganda could produce 100,000 Barrels of crude a day for 20 years. The US fears that China will have this resource.


Well-Known Member
Imo the idea that the USA might be positioning themselves as an international referee was heartily disproven by our simultaneous responses to Bosnia (small poor country, strategically located, tens of thousands are dying badly, here we come) and Rwanda (small poor country, strategically nothing, millions are dying badly, who?wanda). cn
That's a major oversimplication of all the scenarios. There are always political motivations and it certainly does appear that right now the US wants to get involved with Africa (in large part because China has become so involved of late).


Well-Known Member
That is correct. The constant instability of the 90% of the continent kills any thought of trying to complete a successful mission of rebuilding and reforming. The Middle East region is a hell of a lot more promising and that speaks volumes.
Of course, in a lot cases, stability isn't the goal. It is the opposite of the goal in fact (middle east in particular).
I went to your link and it said i was blocked by copy right from some new orginazation. WELL! i will just have to look harder into this. ron paul rocks!


New Member
I have to resurrect this thread. Kony 2012 made me do some homework. I just wasn't ready to post on it yet. I have since done much reading on colonialism and on Africa's resources. I have been trying to see if I could figure out what people in Uganda think of US military presence (think Darth Vader threatening Lando Calrissian that he could leave a garrison of storm troopers in Cloud City). Uganda could produce 100,000 Barrels of crude a day for 20 years. The US fears that China will have this resource.
That is why It is more relevant what it has done to Uganda, How about the Uganda "kill all gays law" lol


1st- anal licking discussion
2nd- fisting demonstration
3rd -ask children to leave