Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


They're cheap, so I got three. So if one breaks down, it's no big deal. They're also refillable. I bet you anything these little cheap ones are just gonna keep working and working. So far I give these things high marks for smoking bowls. We'll see how long they go before breaking, though. Smoking bowls outside in the wind? You need one of these. You can also aim the flame like a laser for precision cornering. I'll never smoke with a bbq flame again.

I try to be as green as I can when it comes to lighters. If you're a heavy pot smoker like me who smokes bowls almost exclusively, you go through a lot of lighters. A big can like this goes for around $5-8 at most tobacco shops. Get two or three refillable bodies, and you won't buy a lighter again for ages. I really can't believe I used to buy lighters and throw them away each time. Insane behavior.
Stopped smoking last summer and went with the Magic Flight Launch Box. Lungs feel soooo much better now - no more tar and coughing. And... the taste of the weed is amazing with the vape. Your OG would be killer with a vape. Can't wait to harvest mine. :)
Hi LJ - As promised, new pics:

Day 38 from above:


Day 38 from under:


Chores done today:
-Callibrated Blue Lab pH pen
-Lowered pH from 6.2 to 5.8
-Added 30ml H2O2
-Set up both 110W 6500K CFLs and Kessil LED lights and moved them higher

I need to have some of this Dry Ice extract and then design the Scrog screen:


Last night when I was reading the "Plant Problems" sticky there was a post saying that if you have several air stones it can cause iron deficiency. Have you heard this and do you add extra iron?
Well it's a pretty blustery day. Check it out.
Sorry about the sound.
Stopped smoking last summer and went with the Magic Flight Launch Box. Lungs feel soooo much better now - no more tar and coughing. And... the taste of the weed is amazing with the vape. Your OG would be killer with a vape. Can't wait to harvest mine. :smile:

Hi, Green. Yeah, I want to start vaping again. Perhaps I'll look into it to celebrate my harvest. I have a cheap box whip, but have always wanted something better.

Last night when I was reading the "Plant Problems" sticky there was a post saying that if you have several air stones it can cause iron deficiency. Have you heard this and do you add extra iron?

Yeah, air-stones can do that. Magnetic driven pumps submerged in the solution, too. That's why we use Calmag plus iron.

Plant looks fantastic, btw. So does that big green chunk of green thing.
Its time to swell now :) thanx for your help with photobucket man, seems as though macs do shit themselves sometimes, see i got a little bit of nute burn on my tips, exactly what i was looking for, thats why i added more food, to see her limit, so now i backed off, and will feed just fresh water for the rest of the week, each day i have been adding 2 large frozen blocks of ice to my res, (4 litres total) to drop the res temp , as it feeds through, the ice cold water cleanses the roots, i can feel her drinking it, i can just tell, maybe im just a little hippie !!?? she is dripping in resin now, i am really happy with my results, its amazing to see such a different strain than yours grow completely different, these may be my biggest heads yet, and i thought they were going to be smaller
Hey, Rollitup. If this happens again, I'm taking my grows to Green Passion, THC Farmer,, ANYWHERE but here. And I'll announce where I'm going, too. What are you gonna do? Ban me?

Fucking stupid-ass website. Get your motherfucking shit together.

First, cover your asses. That means REAL threat management. And that means our asses are covered, too. Get it?

And if an asshole user makes threats against me and my family, you'll fucking take it seriously next time or you'll be in violation of the law again. That's FEDERAL internet threat laws. Hear that, motherfuckers? So unclog your brain of some that shit resin you smoke and think about it.

My journals are the most viewed on the entire site in any section. That means I generate traffic. That means FUCK YOU.

I clicked back just now and realized my shit got wiped out at day 2 of flowering. NO WAY IN FUCKING HELL COULD I GO BACK AND EVEN BEGIN TO RESTORE ALL MY DOCUMENTED HARD WORK.

Next time some troll with a thousand views fucks with me, what are you gonna do?

That's right. You'll do your fucking job.

And please don't make moderators out of users who can neither read nor write.

It's really irritating when someone not even as intelligent as my toe jam tries to tell me what to do.

Really irritating... And to get flamed by my own toe jam? That is insufferable.

So stop fucking around and take this as an important lesson.

These growers work hard and give great advice. THEY are the site. NOT YOU.

So stop making moderators out of your friends.

Get a real merit based system in place... and some FUCKING SECURITY, YOU DUMB FUCKS!

Yeah, this is really fun. This shit is fucking endless.



Think about that one.

Even all the fucking little trolls that hate me read every page of my updates.

And I read NONE of theirs.

That's kind of one-sided, don't you think? So how am I supposed to feel when they make threats against me in the most viewed thread on the whole stinkin' site?

Do you know the difference between a flame and a threat? It's pretty easy to distinguish the two. Federal judges do it all the time.



I'm getting pretty tired of doing this.

I haven't even smoked a bowl yet since I got home from work.

I really need to.

Smoke a bowl that is.

I'm feeling surly right now.

Must be because all my detailed, information rich pages are gone.



Have you learned yet that I'm doing the site a huge favor just by being here?

Well? Have you?

Answer me dammit.

I want answers.

I want the truth.

I'm through with lies and deception.

I want honesty and truth.

Okay, I've been doing this too long... starting to lose it.

I was upset about something when I started, but I've been posting pictures so long, I'm starting to forget why I was mad.

Kinda' losing my train now and rambling incoherently.

What was I saying? Oh, yeah, I was lambasting Rollitup.


Letting our shit get hacked. What a bunch of foul-ups.

Oh, my lord... I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Yeah, I'm almost there.

Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow.

Row, row, row your boat...

Gently down the stream...

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Life is but a what?

That's right!

A dream, motherfuckers. Life is but a DREAM!

And one day we're all gonna wake up from this dream.

and realize we were afraid all that time of NOTHING.

There. Now can I get back to updating currently please?

No more drama. Just ganja. And girls. Thank you.

Remember: You're called Rollitup... not Fuckitup.

Hahahaha, Funniest rant ever Jin!! Just what I needed after all this crazy shit happen!
Since I missed yesterday's update, I snapped photos and uploaded during their flush. They're getting rinsed as we speak.

No messin' around with music videos or anything like that tonight. Just straight pix.

Packin' on size in a hurry. Drinking like crazy. Smells incredible.

Tahoe Macros:


Larry Macros:


Woo hoo! Lookit that! More to come soon after I finish changing the water, get high, and take a shower.
i love seeing how that tahoe grows, spacy buds but its worth every last bit of potency the tahoe puts out. looking great jin.
now they are chunkin up!! man, larry is puttin the show on here!, yea tahoe is deeeelish! but larry looks sumthin extra special, look at how those trics are curlin the sides of the leaves up, that shits the go , that is gonna be some massive resin production! ohh larry u fukin ferrari
Hi LJ - Checked on the baby and the leaves have straightened. She likes that I pulled the light back. Checked the pH and it is back at 6.1 - WTF! I added more Mad Dr pH Down and I will check again in an hour. Those buffers make the pH stay and stay and then they take huge jumps so I need to take baby steps.
Hi LJ - Checked on the baby and the leaves have straightened. She likes that I pulled the light back. Checked the pH and it is back at 6.1 - WTF! I added more Mad Dr pH Down and I will check again in an hour. Those buffers make the pH stay and stay and then they take huge jumps so I need to take baby steps.

Don't be too alarmed by a little drift. 6.1 is not a disaster.
now they are chunkin up!! man, larry is puttin the show on here!, yea tahoe is deeeelish! but larry looks sumthin extra special, look at how those trics are curlin the sides of the leaves up, that shits the go , that is gonna be some massive resin production! ohh larry u fukin ferrari

i love seeing how that tahoe grows, spacy buds but its worth every last bit of potency the tahoe puts out. looking great jin.

Thank you both. I'll respond with tonight's Flower - Day 29 Part II update.

Behold, my finest two plant OG run to date:

Live. Right here, only on RIU (so far Lol).

I swear, these babies have me all giddy like a noob on Christmas morning.

Oh, and hey, FM? You want Larry? I'll give you Larry. Will you just look a this? Remember how this was once the weak side?

Whole lotta' Larry goin' on...

You know what I'm gonna do to you, Larry? That's right... I'm gonna smoke you, Larry. I'm gonna smoke you.

Oh, right, grow facts. You know what I'm doing differently? BOMBING with KUSHIE KUSH. They seem to be responding well.

All this bomb-ass LA CUT-ONLY OG KUSH to smoke and no one to share it with... YES!
you should get some really good macros while the hps is off so we can see those frosty trichs, which one has the most pungent aroma?

also, i had a tahoe og clone back in 2003 or 2004, looked exactly like this structure when it finished.