what are these little brown specks in my weed?


there was a mite issue before but i think it's taken care of, and either way these specks (while really small) are bigger than a mite, so i really don't think they're eggs or anything. they kind of look like basil seeds. they almost look like weed seeds that never grew into a full seed or something, although i don't think that's possible? i dunno, the weed tastes fine, i just can't remember seeing stuff like this in weed i've bought so i was curious what they were.


Well-Known Member
there was a mite issue before but i think it's taken care of, and either way these specks (while really small) are bigger than a mite, so i really don't think they're eggs or anything. they kind of look like basil seeds. they almost look like weed seeds that never grew into a full seed or something, although i don't think that's possible? i dunno, the weed tastes fine, i just can't remember seeing stuff like this in weed i've bought so i was curious what they were.
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they are unformed seeds.


is there something i'm doing to cause this? i've never noticed it before, then again i might not have been paying attention.


Well-Known Member
Well and also something to think about...it is either turning hermie in late flower or you are chopping too early....You could have a small light leak which will indeed cause plants to hermie.