Fan Leaves?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Always been told to leave the fan leaves on until they die. Yesterday on this forum I was told to definitely take the very large fan leaf's off once a shoot has formed between the main stem and the axis of the fan leaf. Input? Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
some people here are idiots. always keep this in mind.

fan leaves are your friends. if they are healthy, leave them on. when they are looking ragged, take them off.


Active Member
I've always been a 'fan' of bending the larger fan leaves underneath the secondary leaves/bud sites. This doesn't stress the plant out nearly as much as removing the leaves (if at all), the secondary bud sites/leaves get more light, and the bent fan leaves still absorb light. It's a win win win!



Well-Known Member
fans feed plant and stems solar collectors
in my opinion not needed after stretch
in fact sum plants start dropin them ater 1/2 of flower
i have a fire og bx getin close to finish

bald now for over a week in a air pot
like the pporn stars just leave enough for needs
leaves associated to budage left alone
fans gone
all left 90 % sugered only

dont believe erryting you hear try things for self
once i did a side by side of same strain and pulled all fans from one after stretch
same difference like i said dont fuck wit sugered nutin fans or regs i sumtime leave the top two fans on each bud
experiment bruh dont be scared you will learn
not all will be good sum things you learn will be dont do that shit agian
but id rather experiment then ask
not all know whut they speak of
sum speak whut they heard sum whut they read
i spek on whut i tryed

best to you



Active Member
Always been told to leave the fan leaves on until they die. Yesterday on this forum I was told to definitely take the very large fan leaf's off once a shoot has formed between the main stem and the axis of the fan leaf. Input? Thanks in advance!
Why would you wannt to take away your plants ability to create energy...leave them on .they are the solar pannels of plant energy and cell production....anyone whome tells you anything different just doesnt get it..(at all) time you will figure out were and when two prune a few out for beneficial production...


Well-Known Member
i have always been told a lot of things sum by peeps wh sumbody told them

but lately i always experiment on all

just finished wit 12/12 experiment
sum just go by whut they hear the best to them
i dont -and i tried side by side i dont do halusinagenics
like i said to me not needed after stretch and veg
i cant prove it to you
and the only thing i suggest is to experiment nutin less
never told nobody to do it
there is 100 ways to do each step of this game
nutin is right nutin is wrong
it is a weed wit survival instincs
not a delicate tropical plant
cut its head it gic=ves you two
break its arm it grows a new body
if female threatened it will tern to a male for sirvival
can keep seeds for 100 years and germ
so you do you i do me i never tell nobody whut to do
but i do tel peeps to experiment
and dont be afraid
cause you will always lern if nutin els whut not to do again



Swisher Sweet

Active Member
i have always been told a lot of things sum by peeps wh sumbody told them

but lately i always experiment on all

just finished wit 12/12 experiment
sum just go by whut they hear the best to them
i dont -and i tried side by side i dont do halusinagenics
like i said to me not needed after stretch and veg
i cant prove it to you
and the only thing i suggest is to experiment nutin less
never told nobody to do it
there is 100 ways to do each step of this game
nutin is right nutin is wrong
it is a weed wit survival instincs
not a delicate tropical plant
cut its head it gic=ves you two
break its arm it grows a new body
if female threatened it will tern to a male for sirvival
can keep seeds for 100 years and germ
so you do you i do me i never tell nobody whut to do
but i do tel peeps to experiment
and dont be afraid
cause you will always lern if nutin els whut not to do again


The reason I am so impressed with your post is the fact there are so many opinions with no right or wrong but just an education. I get 10 different opinions on one question all thinking the are right. The point is all of them might be. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
you gota do whuts best for you and your set up not the next guys

thats why good to experiment yo setup -whut works best wit it

a guy could be growin hydro wit 2 x 1000w light
givin advice to you

you a soil man under a 250w so whut da fuk

is whut works for him gona work for you



i have always been told a lot of things sum by peeps wh sumbody told them

but lately i always experiment on all

just finished wit 12/12 experiment
sum just go by whut they hear the best to them
i dont -and i tried side by side i dont do halusinagenics
like i said to me not needed after stretch and veg
i cant prove it to you
and the only thing i suggest is to experiment nutin less
never told nobody to do it
there is 100 ways to do each step of this game
nutin is right nutin is wrong
it is a weed wit survival instincs
not a delicate tropical plant
cut its head it gic=ves you two
break its arm it grows a new body
if female threatened it will tern to a male for sirvival
can keep seeds for 100 years and germ
so you do you i do me i never tell nobody whut to do
but i do tel peeps to experiment
and dont be afraid
cause you will always lern if nutin els whut not to do again


Nothing to do with the thread but man your post stands out (especially cauz you write in verses haha) Good info!


Well-Known Member
I think that marijuana is a weed and will flourish in a variety of styles of applications of methodology. I've seen plants with nearly zero leaves halfway through flower perform marvelously, with only compost tea as nutrients. I've seen massive hydro setups using every advanced piece of equipment and the most expensive nutrient lines also produce amazing results. Some people advocated pulling tons of fan leaves, and some were adamant about leaving them all on. What it all came down to, was personal preference through experience. Your grow style, strain, and personal preference will determine what is right for you and how you manipulate your plants. Mostly when I remove fan leaves it is to control the height of the canopy and hopefully stall the vertical growth of the tallest plants in the tray. I would happily stunt the growth of one or two plants out of 20 to have a more even canopy.


Well-Known Member
you are free to grow your own way

experiment find out whut that is

for you your setup and your style of growing


good karma




Active Member
I'd say at most you can pinch the tips off the fans which encourages them to die back and push their sugars back into the main stalk. Alot of old timers say pinching the fans increases potency which may hold some truth since your actually simulating a bug attack and the plant also uses thc/resin as a defense mechanism. I had a nice outdoor plant on a hill one year and the grasshoppers ate the fans so bad that they had shotgun holes in them but they didn't touch the buds. That weed was legendary amongst my friends.


Well-Known Member
I am not saying you should or shouln't cut them, but a fact of plants in general is that they want to have equal amounts of foliage and roots. So if you have a small root system and a large(r) plant maybe cutting off some fan leaves isn't a bad idea. It certainly will increase light penetration.

An why do people always forget about about all the other leaves on the plant, at the nodes. yes, they are there, being shadowed by fan leaves. Ever think that if you could get all the light to them it would equal the same amount of light to reach the plant.

This would be more likely used in a SOG setup or something similar, Its just something to think about.