First try at clones


Active Member
IM001581.jpgIM001582.jpgThis is my first try at cloning. I broke a couple of branches while I was watering so I figured I would use them for clones. The one in the cup took to root so I transplanted it to the solo cup in soil the one to the far left also has started to show roots so I will be doing like wise.
The strains are Big Bud, Ice, Crystal.Seems pretty easy to do just cut, use some cloning jell and insert into some rock wool. Mist daily and cover them with a humidity dome. I take the dome off for 20 minutes a day to give the some air. I use no nutes just tap water ph at 6.8.


Ebb n Flo

Active Member
Make sure after you take your clones off your mother to did the stem of the cutting in a glass/cup of water to remove any air inside the stem. everything looks ok right now...


Active Member
did better then me
Started with seed, Dont want to do that again. Alot of stress with the first grow, lost 30 plants to males and 3 hermies. Think it was mostly due to genetics. Purchased the seeds from a well known bank but did buy the reg seeds (fem where too expensive plus I wanted mother plants and fem seeds not good for that).
So now I know what I have and all girls next grow.


Well-Known Member
When you cut did you put them under lights immediately? How long did it take for the roots to show?

I will be attempting my first clones Wed night when my Clonex arrives. Only going to take one from each plant. I'm using tree bark starter plugs and clear/frosted cups as a dome.


Active Member
When you cut did you put them under lights immediately? How long did it take for the roots to show?

I will be attempting my first clones Wed night when my Clonex arrives. Only going to take one from each plant. I'm using tree bark starter plugs and clear/frosted cups as a dome.
I put them under floro lights right after the cuts, it took about 10 days to see roots.


Well-Known Member
Clones should be directly under soft fluorescent or ambient lighting right away for 24 hours a day. There is no dark period needed for clones at all.

My Suggestion is make your own aerocloner. Stinkbud outlines the steps on his post here:

So spend the $50 to make yourself an aerocloner and there is zero science and maintenance to getting 100% success without having to mist once or use any type of humidity dome. No more pre-soaking pellets. No more moldy pellets. No guess work. Hell, you don't even need to use rooting solution if you don't want to. There are hundreds of people that use an aerocloner with just tap water and get 100% rooting success with no maintenance.

Using an Aerocloner
We take our cuts as we are cleaning up our plants & place the cuts into water until they are ready to be dipped into hormone and placed in the aerocloner.
Once they are ready, we recut the clone's tip, dip into rooting hormone and place into the aerocloner.
We leave the aerocloner off until we have it full of clones so the hormone has a chance to absorb into the clone's stem.
Once they are in the aerocloner, we set the cycle timer for 1 minute on, 5 minutes off and walk away.
1-2 weeks later we have 100% rooted clones with absolutely no misting, no watering, no maintenance, no worry.
These clones will last up to 2 months in the aerocloner with no further fertilizer. Definitely one of my favorite things about using an aerocloner..

Building an aerocloner will be the best $50 you ever spent and that's a promise. And of course, a million people will tell you they get 100% rooting success with a million different intracacies of methods and I'm sure they are all telling the truth. This just happens to be the easiest, cleanest, and most care-free method of cloning.