Starting today in NE

I live in New England and it's been extremely warm last week and is going to be warm all this week, so I've assumed it's okay to start growing now. I'm currently germinating a few of my seeds. Will update whenever I can. Anyone else starting now?
From seed? Clone? Either way, good luck. Temps for the next week are gunna be like High 60s Low 40s. What happens if the next few weeks dip into freezing, or even snow?


Well-Known Member
I'd wait til May. Not enough hours in the day yet, they'll go directly into flowering now and not grow. They may do that and start reverting once daylight gets to around 14 hours a day to veg. But they will never reach their potential unless they go straight into veg until fall


I live in New England and it's been extremely warm last week and is going to be warm all this week, so I've assumed it's okay to start growing now. I'm currently germinating a few of my seeds. Will update whenever I can. Anyone else starting now?
I also live in New England, and will be planting for the first time this year. It has been extremely warm, and I was kind of wondering about the same thing as you, but I think that I am going to wait till a couple weeks into April at the earliest to make sure that its not going to throw a final freeze at us. Does it tend to be fine just putting the seeds in the soil, or is there a huge advantage to getting the seeds to at least produce a root before planting?
I also live in New England, and will be planting for the first time this year. It has been extremely warm, and I was kind of wondering about the same thing as you, but I think that I am going to wait till a couple weeks into April at the earliest to make sure that its not going to throw a final freeze at us. Does it tend to be fine just putting the seeds in the soil, or is there a huge advantage to getting the seeds to at least produce a root before planting?
I'd say you're better off getting a small root before planting first, in my experience it's easier. Also do you think it'd go directly into flowering now? If so I'll probably find a way around that, or make something myself. I'm hoping for the best. I have 15 Northern Lights seeds. I am planting 4 now, if they don't go well I got 11 more, all females to my knowledge, although I'm hoping for one male to pollinate one plant :)


Well-Known Member
I live in New England and it's been extremely warm last week and is going to be warm all this week, so I've assumed it's okay to start growing now. I'm currently germinating a few of my seeds. Will update whenever I can. Anyone else starting now?

if i were you i would start them indoors on 16/8 and wait until may to put them out.


Well-Known Member
I also live in New England, and will be planting for the first time this year. It has been extremely warm, and I was kind of wondering about the same thing as you, but I think that I am going to wait till a couple weeks into April at the earliest to make sure that its not going to throw a final freeze at us. Does it tend to be fine just putting the seeds in the soil, or is there a huge advantage to getting the seeds to at least produce a root before planting?
your planting in the outdoors bro, wind, rain, etc..your gonna need more then A root. what if a deer comes along and decides to take a small bite?? it will be see you next season for you. grow a good rootbase prior to planting. 1 month minnimun from sprout.


Well-Known Member
I kicked one out today. see how it does, hope it makes it, but if not no great loss.
your planting in the outdoors bro, wind, rain, etc..your gonna need more then A root. what if a deer comes along and decides to take a small bite?? it will be see you next season for you. grow a good rootbase prior to planting. 1 month minnimun from sprout.
Yeah, I am going to do that. I've been doing multiple things at a time so I'm not getting all details down, I'm starting inside, but bringing outside as soon as I can. I guess that's a bit more detail then.


Well-Known Member
it will flower and re veg this time of year
has a while before it will start to flower;-) My seed patch has a bunch of babies poped out to say hi..These guys are just extra shit that got swept off floor and dumped over the compost bank. One year had a plant make a comback that got tossed and still made a qp with 0 care.


Active Member
ide start indoors now and wait till mid april. farmers wait till last full moon but remember we had that april fools snow storm bury us


Active Member
If u do seeds theyll adapt and be ok thet wont flower.Id wait till mid april tho....4/20.If u did clones theyd def go into flower and cost you months of re veg time


Active Member
im going to wait till 420 to plant, but im going to go start digging/clearing some sites up soon, and lugging shit out into the woods, lol


Well-Known Member
im going to wait till 420 to plant, but im going to go start digging/clearing some sites up soon, and lugging shit out into the woods, lol
come clear a spot for me lol... I dug holes in my lawn that i never mow...flower gardens all around my house ..hell one year i had a 7 footer by my door that no one even spoted