Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

ummmmm why arent you growing a room full?? how many are u aloud to grow? u are most welcome here jin u nutter ;) i bet aussie erb is completely different, both great in their own unique way, hey funny thing, i was just doing a final trim on my out door, and found this massive thought to be a faaaaat calyx, only one on the whole batch!, gave her a gentle squeeze.......OH MY GOD. WE GOTTA FUKIN SEED!, U BET UR ASS!! wow, grew my first seed, is this viable?? it's perfect if you would like to see a pic, its massive, and brown, with patterns of in seeing as though this is a very rare fuckin seed and it looks like i could germinate it.... in time, would this be a female or no way to tell?

edit: here u go


It would probably be a female. I'm not sure about the viability, but sometimes the weak looking ones pop and the strong looking ones are duds.

The rare wilted seed is not uncommon in sensimilla. I find a shriveled underdeveloped seed once in a blue moon. If you get a good one, it's a keeper. Didn't find any live ones in my Tahoe, unfortunately.
Okay, believe it or not, I'm actually kinda' running low on weed. Let's see how many of these huge, clear roaches I make as we draw nearer to harvest. Lol.

Oh, BTW. These clear wraps are the best. I can't believe I ever used paper. Yuck. Not only are they way cooler to look at, it's a hell of a lot easier to roll, and even if it starts burning crooked, it will even itself out instead of running. Brilliant. And the roaches are a lot cleaner too. Highly recommend to all joint smokers.

Edit: Oh and how could I forget??! They taste way cleaner than paper. It's almost like it isn't there.
cheers for that info jin :) i thought she might be a nice to have it, if the strain got lost over time.....i would most certainly set it up to be a mum
cheers for that info jin :) i thought she might be a nice to have it, if the strain got lost over time.....i would most certainly set it up to be a mum

How's this for info? Here's some highly likely female bagseeds I found from top shelf OG from my favorite shop. These eggs are a treasure, mate.

Now imagine how these would do under the hot, Aussie sun? And what if some crazy Aussie were to start cloning these? Just saying... Just imagining, that's all.

Your mates would be all, "Culver City? Where's that, mate?"

And you'll be all, "Just smoke it, mate."

You could be the "Ghost" or "Raskal" of Australia. Just saying...


What had me extra excited about finding seeds from these two particular OG's is that these two are two of my faves! The Culver is very Skywalker-like while the Goliath is named for its large, cement-like nugs.
Far out, gives me the shivers, very rarely are there strains that make people gasp at, some truly remarkable strains, how do we do a swap ;) man an og in australia, word would get around soo quick. i'm looking for my next baby now, have mine as backup, but this amster gold is looking fine, aswell as this Jack herer/skunk both hard to choose, amster = big yield and nice quality (pics i showed u) and the jack, well, i think u may see that very soon, my mentor is vegging right now, so could be perfect timing! i may have to buy a backup pot to start my baby in, and if worse comes to worse, i'll setup my cooltube in the laundry to keep her alive until ive harvested! :) hmmm sounds like a plan
Far out, gives me the shivers, very rarely are there strains that make people gasp at, some truly remarkable strains, how do we do a swap ;) man an og in australia, word would get around soo quick. i'm looking for my next baby now, have mine as backup, but this amster gold is looking fine, aswell as this Jack herer/skunk both hard to choose, amster = big yield and nice quality (pics i showed u) and the jack, well, i think u may see that very soon, my mentor is vegging right now, so could be perfect timing! i may have to buy a backup pot to start my baby in, and if worse comes to worse, i'll setup my cooltube in the laundry to keep her alive until ive harvested! :) hmmm sounds like a plan

Dude, I think the very idea of OG's in Australia is pretty awesome to just about everyone here.

You got a killer lineup, but adding OG's cloned straight off bagseed moms from LA? Now that would be something. You say it's from LA, people would be like "bullshit." ...until they smoke it. Ha ha!
This is Tahoe and Larry OG Kush...

Thanks for tuning in.

I can't tell you the number of times I've gotten funny looks and sneers when I ask for two healthy clones.
Okay, believe it or not, I'm actually kinda' running low on weed. Let's see how many of these huge, clear roaches I make as we draw nearer to harvest. Lol.

Oh, BTW. These clear wraps are the best. I can't believe I ever used paper. Yuck. Not only are they way cooler to look at, it's a hell of a lot easier to roll, and even if it starts burning crooked, it will even itself out instead of running. Brilliant. And the roaches are a lot cleaner too. Highly recommend to all joint smokers.

Edit: Oh and how could I forget??! They taste way cleaner than paper. It's almost like it isn't there.

what kind of papers were they? im using these at the moment...


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Attractive Undercover Cop Poses As Student And Entraps Teens To "Sell" Her Marijuana - by Tony Newman


Working at the Drug Policy Alliance for the last twelve years I have read and heard countless stories of people having their lives ruined because of our country's cruel war on drugs. Last weekend, the nationally syndicated show This American Life highlighted a story that is so insane, you don't know whether to laugh or puke.

Last year in three high schools in Florida, several undercover police officers posed as students. The undercover cops went to classes, became Facebook friends and flirted with the other students. One 18-year-old honor student named Justin fell in love with an attractive 25-year-old undercover cop after spending weeks sharing stories about their lives, texting and flirting with each other.

One day she asked Justin if he smoked pot. Even though he didn't smoke marijuana, the love-struck teen promised to help find some for her. Every couple of days she would text him asking if he had the marijuana. Finally, Justin was able to get it to her. She tried to give him $25 for the marijuana and he said he didn't want the money -- he got it for her as a present.

A short while later, the police did a big sweep and arrested 31 students -- including Justin. Almost all were charged with selling a small amount of marijuana to the undercover cops. Now Justin has a felony hanging over his head.

This story is not unique to Florida and it reminds me of 18-year-old Mitchell Lawrence, a young man from Great Barrington, Mass., who served two years in jail for selling a joint to an undercover cop. The officer befriended Lawrence and his friends and would hang out with them. One day the cop asked if Lawrence had any weed. Lawrence gave the cop a joint. The cop handed him $20. Lawrence hesitated, but the cop insisted on giving him the money. "Selling" the joint, because they were hanging out less than a 1000 feet from a school, and thus was considered a "drug free school zone," carried a mandatory minimum two-year sentence.

The drug war is sick. How much money was wasted by our law enforcement to get these few bags of marijuana "off the streets"? How do these cops look themselves in the mirror? Seducing 18-year-olds to fall in love or pretending to be friends and then tricking them into procuring small amounts of marijuana so they can charge them with felonies is beyond slimy and diametrically opposed to the officers' charge to "serve and protect."

We often hear that we need to fight the drug war to protect the kids. As these despicable examples show, more often the drug war is ruining young people's lives and doing more harm than good.
Tony Newman is the director of media relations at the Drug Policy Alliance ( .
Attractive Undercover Cop Poses As Student And Entraps Teens To "Sell" Her Marijuana - by Tony Newman


Working at the Drug Policy Alliance for the last twelve years I have read and heard countless stories of people having their lives ruined because of our country's cruel war on drugs. Last weekend, the nationally syndicated show This American Life highlighted a story that is so insane, you don't know whether to laugh or puke.

Last year in three high schools in Florida, several undercover police officers posed as students. The undercover cops went to classes, became Facebook friends and flirted with the other students. One 18-year-old honor student named Justin fell in love with an attractive 25-year-old undercover cop after spending weeks sharing stories about their lives, texting and flirting with each other.

One day she asked Justin if he smoked pot. Even though he didn't smoke marijuana, the love-struck teen promised to help find some for her. Every couple of days she would text him asking if he had the marijuana. Finally, Justin was able to get it to her. She tried to give him $25 for the marijuana and he said he didn't want the money -- he got it for her as a present.

A short while later, the police did a big sweep and arrested 31 students -- including Justin. Almost all were charged with selling a small amount of marijuana to the undercover cops. Now Justin has a felony hanging over his head.

This story is not unique to Florida and it reminds me of 18-year-old Mitchell Lawrence, a young man from Great Barrington, Mass., who served two years in jail for selling a joint to an undercover cop. The officer befriended Lawrence and his friends and would hang out with them. One day the cop asked if Lawrence had any weed. Lawrence gave the cop a joint. The cop handed him $20. Lawrence hesitated, but the cop insisted on giving him the money. "Selling" the joint, because they were hanging out less than a 1000 feet from a school, and thus was considered a "drug free school zone," carried a mandatory minimum two-year sentence.

The drug war is sick. How much money was wasted by our law enforcement to get these few bags of marijuana "off the streets"? How do these cops look themselves in the mirror? Seducing 18-year-olds to fall in love or pretending to be friends and then tricking them into procuring small amounts of marijuana so they can charge them with felonies is beyond slimy and diametrically opposed to the officers' charge to "serve and protect."

We often hear that we need to fight the drug war to protect the kids. As these despicable examples show, more often the drug war is ruining young people's lives and doing more harm than good.
Tony Newman is the director of media relations at the Drug Policy Alliance ( .
only in florida my friend, nowhere else on earth do the feds have more funding than here. sounds perfectly believable, colleges here love to fuck students over and really i dont think their outside life should even matter.

i think the cops should look out for the ones who are out doing this shit in public, setting up a raid is like going overboard unless serious drugs come out of that place.
lets put it like this. the cops are hunters, and the heroin dealers are vicious bears, while the pot dealers are harmless sloths(were slow as fuck dont even deny hahaha). the "hunters" should set up bear traps rather than going to hunt in the woods, if they catch a bear, great, but if they catch a sloth, then sucks for him.
we all know, some of the hunters are scared to go and take down a bear, but if they can take out a sloth and get the same amount of money for a sloth that you would get for a bear at the market(lets say the market is their police cheif), why go catch bears?
FL cops are a bunch of pussies, they love getting their pay upped for ruining someones future, mostly teenagers. back in my days, if someone had weed at school, they tried to figure out why you did it and made sure itll never happen again rather than putting him on probation and making him disqualified to be in government. its fucked up.
even pulling people over for no reason and trying to search them, it happens to me all the time. i never get caught with anything but maybe a lighter, they will try you for that as well. dont come down here, its just a bunch of sloth hunters in a forest of bears, just a bunch of pussies scared to do their job.
only in florida my friend, nowhere else on earth do the feds have more funding than here. sounds perfectly believable, colleges here love to fuck students over and really i dont think their outside life should even matter.

i think the cops should look out for the ones who are out doing this shit in public, setting up a raid is like going overboard unless serious drugs come out of that place.
lets put it like this. the cops are hunters, and the heroin dealers are vicious bears, while the pot dealers are harmless sloths(were slow as fuck dont even deny hahaha). the "hunters" should set up bear traps rather than going to hunt in the woods, if they catch a bear, great, but if they catch a sloth, then sucks for him.
we all know, some of the hunters are scared to go and take down a bear, but if they can take out a sloth and get the same amount of money for a sloth that you would get for a bear at the market(lets say the market is their police cheif), why go catch bears?
FL cops are a bunch of pussies, they love getting their pay upped for ruining someones future, mostly teenagers. back in my days, if someone had weed at school, they tried to figure out why you did it and made sure itll never happen again rather than putting him on probation and making him disqualified to be in government. its fucked up.
even pulling people over for no reason and trying to search them, it happens to me all the time. i never get caught with anything but maybe a lighter, they will try you for that as well. dont come down here, its just a bunch of sloth hunters in a forest of bears, just a bunch of pussies scared to do their job.

That's kinda' scary the way you put it. I love Florida for its women, though.
That's kinda' scary the way you put it. I love Florida for its women, though.

yeah i know, us weed growers have to stay way secret out here, telling one person is like filing your own search warrant here. and yeah, if you go to the rich parts of town thats true but that almost goes for any state really. bitches is bitches lol.
yeah i know, us weed growers have to stay way secret out here, telling one person is like filing your own search warrant here. and yeah, if you go to the rich parts of town thats true but that almost goes for any state really. bitches is bitches lol.

Hm. I guess I'm so used to the laid-back environment around here that I often forget it's not the same everywhere. I'm sick of all these 'different little Americas." There should be only on America... Our America.

I don't agree.You will find far fewer hotties in the midwestern and southern states (apart from Florida). I do believe California and Florida have the highest concentrations of hot women in the US.
Hm. I guess I'm so used to the laid-back environment around here that I often forget it's not the same everywhere. I'm sick of all these 'different little Americas." There should be only on America... Our America.

I don't agree.You will find far fewer hotties in the midwestern and southern states (apart from Florida). I do believe California and Florida have the highest concentrations of hot women in the US.

i know, federal and state law keep our states different, its like how the division of europe led to civil war. i feel like the entire west will be medical states and soon enough itll be up to florida to stay 20 years behind as usual and let their economy suffer, and that also accounts for our shitty school systems giving out false propaganda on the adverse effects of weed.

and thats true theres probably more of them per miles there though lol
i know, federal and state law keep our states different, its like how the division of europe led to civil war. i feel like the entire west will be medical states and soon enough itll be up to florida to stay 20 years behind as usual and let their economy suffer, and that also accounts for our shitty school systems giving out false propaganda on the adverse effects of weed.

and thats true theres probably more of them per miles there though lol

I really do feel for those living in the 'less progressive' states. All I can do is keep growing and smoking it and promote its benefits online.
I really do feel for those living in the 'less progressive' states. All I can do is keep growing and smoking it and promote its benefits online.
thats about all i can do without getting apprehended by FL's worst. and less progressive states are dominantly red states, just a statement but i think it says a lot for those states that arent afraid of open mindedness. then again dmt is the most illegal drug in the country but we produce it when we sleep, we might as well make our brains illegal.