kids and flavored tobacco products


Active Member
Also I did kind of agree, and in a less blatant manner said that mixed its kind of like crack weed, it is more intense,due to the nicotine rush making it travel round your blood stream quicker,but also making the effects last less time,but you are no more stoned,and the effects last less time,it would ware off in like n hr or so for me,a pure with the same amount of weed in can keep me going 3 hrs,still I am talking from personal experience for the first few months I was like wtf this is not the same it well different,I had been smoking tobacco with weed since I was 11,gave up at 22,so trust me half my life doing it is enough to know,anyway after getting over the creeper effect the high is the same,maybe clearer and less groggy to some extent,still each to their own :)


Active Member
well said crypt mate,couldnt agree more, a spliff is a conical smoke,my point was more Bob wouldnt of touched tobacco,none of the real rastas I know would either,they all smoke Ital, which is VITAL minus the V, love a bit of culture I do :D


Well-Known Member
i normaly smoke vanilla dutches 80% of the time but i have never seen anybody smoke one without weed thats crazy wait im lieing my grandpa seen a box in my room one time and wanted to try one lol he took a couple puffs and tossed he said it taste like shit i rember being pissed off cause he wasted it and it ws my last one lol


Active Member
I still can't believe people sully their weed with tabacco. I want it straight, pure, unadulterated and in a big tasty joint. I say joint since I haven't tried a vap yet.
i sometimes feel like people discriminate tobacco products because of cigarrettes.
last month i bougth a baggy of premium tobacco, cost me around $22 but it was a delight to smoke it

but when you put good weed (GOOD weed) with fine tobacco, it softens the smoke, burns evenly and slow. it's perfect.
here when you put tobacco in ur joint we call it "kickin' it" refering to other drugs mixed with crap to bulk up. i agree there's nothing like the pure stuff but if you find good tobacco you are in for a treat.
tobacco is a plant just like cannabis. it's just been mangled too much by industrialization.


Active Member
True,there is a welsh blend called swallows pride that was pleasant,like golden Virginia but minus the cancerous ammonia based pesticides they spray on the industrial tobacco fields(hence the radioactivity and cancer)infact if you have seen the simpsons episode with tomaccos in (tomato/tobacco hybrid) that is what they where joking about,, organic tobacco isnt as bad,but is still just a lesser of 2 evils,I mean its part of the nightshade family and not to far removed either, before any one brings up potato's or tomatoes they are far far removed, and not at all as poisonous

i sometimes feel like people discriminate tobacco products because of cigarrettes.
last month i bougth a baggy of premium tobacco, cost me around $22 but it was a delight to smoke it

but when you put good weed (GOOD weed) with fine tobacco, it softens the smoke, burns evenly and slow. it's perfect.
here when you put tobacco in ur joint we call it "kickin' it" refering to other drugs mixed with crap to bulk up. i agree there's nothing like the pure stuff but if you find good tobacco you are in for a treat.
tobacco is a plant just like cannabis. it's just been mangled too much by industrialization.


Sorry dude,Bob marley never touched tobacco, you need to look up ital living, it means not eating meats,only fish/organic veg etc,no alcohol no poisons your body is a temple kind of thing,so Bob wouldn't take medicine for illnesses yet would smoke a poisonous plant?,trust me coming from some on that knows roots and culture that is not true,spliff can also be a pure,its just Jamaican slang for it ;),that then got passed on to the uk with all our Jamaican immegrants I am very thankful for,can't beat uk dub and jungle music :D
I have literally talked to the people at the Rastafarian headquarters (dont know what to exactly call it...) in the Dominican Republic AND smoked with them. They ONLY smoke spliffs, WITH tobacco. I really dont think there is a better source than them.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
True,there is a welsh blend called swallows pride that was pleasant,like golden Virginia but minus the cancerous ammonia based pesticides they spray on the industrial tobacco fields(hence the radioactivity and cancer)infact if you have seen the simpsons episode with tomaccos in (tomato/tobacco hybrid) that is what they where joking about,, organic tobacco isnt as bad,but is still just a lesser of 2 evils,I mean its part of the nightshade family and not to far removed either, before any one brings up potato's or tomatoes they are far far removed, and not at all as poisonous
Potatoes are poisonous. :D


Active Member
Cool learn something new every day,and I used to be a chef too,still I knew they are part of the nightshade family,as obviously have an interest in gardening,I actually grow my own chillies/tomatoes/salad/herbs etc havent got any soil in my garden so has to all be in pots etc,still thinking of getting a large trough and doing some onions and potatoes this year,but potatoes could bring in blight, particularly as there is rosebushes in each neighbors garden,dreaded rose bushes that bring in all the pests you really dont want in your garden,

Solanine is present in every potato, high concentrations in the leaves and stems, and overly ripe tubers. =)


Active Member
believe it or not garlic and spring onion/chive attract earwigs,which I didnt realize, the earwigs eat every thing from your plants roots too your leaves,I learnt this last year,kept finding big holes in leaves or whole plants stripped bare over nite,coudnt find slugs or snails as am in a greenhouse,thought it was bizarre then picked up my garlic planter and my pots with chives/dwarfed spring onions in and they where infested with sleeping ear wigs on the bottoms in the roots though not under the pot,so lesson learnt there,I have to be really careful what I grow, for instance cherry toms or any hybrids of will do really well until just before fruiting,look like I was going to have several thousand cherry toms/tom berries and they got black dot,that stunted them then they got blight n died,the year before the same happened to my cherrys which is why I tested 2 more cherry breeds,only ones that ever survive are plum tomatoes,


Well-Known Member
are people/kids really smoking game blunts out of the package?

i just saw a goofy story on the local news about how the sharp decline in underage smokers has leveled off, and they are blaming flavored cigars.

the news guy was holding a dutchmaster and a game blunt and was rambling about how kids are buying these things because they are cheaper than cigarettes. then they showed footage of people smoking cigars. they interviewed high school kids and the kids seemed to agree that people are actually smoking these things. the whole thing was about targeting kids and how the cigars have managed to escape all the tax hikes that make butts so expensive.

i thought people were just rolling blunts with them. single sale cigars are now outlawed in the city of boston, and now they are going after flavored cigars, because of "the kids".

is it a conspiracy by squares who don't realize people of all ages smoke cannablunts, or is this an actual issue?
pisses me off cause now cloves dont taste the same

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
believe it or not garlic and spring onion/chive attract earwigs,which I didnt realize, the earwigs eat every thing from your plants roots too your leaves,I learnt this last year,kept finding big holes in leaves or whole plants stripped bare over nite,coudnt find slugs or snails as am in a greenhouse,thought it was bizarre then picked up my garlic planter and my pots with chives/dwarfed spring onions in and they where infested with sleeping ear wigs on the bottoms in the roots though not under the pot,so lesson learnt there,I have to be really careful what I grow, for instance cherry toms or any hybrids of will do really well until just before fruiting,look like I was going to have several thousand cherry toms/tom berries and they got black dot,that stunted them then they got blight n died,the year before the same happened to my cherrys which is why I tested 2 more cherry breeds,only ones that ever survive are plum tomatoes,
That's why I said MAYBE. :p Pennyroyal is my favorite pest repellent. Perfect for my garden, but SO many pests hate petunias. x) Tansy is a good one too. :)


Active Member

Bob Marley: Yeah, man. It's time to let de people get good herbs an' smoke. Government's a joke. All dey wan' is ya smoke cigarettes and cigar. Some cigar wickeder den herb. Yeah, man, ya can't smoke cigar. Smoke herb. Some big cigar me see man wit', God bless! Me tell him must smoke herb. Ya see, de people come together because is not de buildin', is not de buildin' me wanna see, me wanna see a nice level piece of green grass. Don' wanna haffa go in no elevator, gwan upstairs and talk wit' some people in a square place. Me wanna go out in a earth, man. Righteousness cover de earth like water cover de sea. Where I gwan is, me don' have time to be in building all de while, when de miracles happening all de while outside. For some time miracles happen outta de sky. Is good for ya to see it, y'know. Among some green trees, yes man! I mena, ya 'ave green trees in America.

No real rastas smoke tobacco ;), that is words from the mouth of bob,

A rasta that smokes tobacco is like a christian that doesnt go to church,they aren't really rasta!!


Well-Known Member
As for the original post, growing up around here everyone bought black and milds as kids, NOT swishers or anything else. As far as I'm concerned you can pick the kids who are likely to pick up smoking out of a line up 9/10 times.
I was just about to say Black and Milds are what we bought back in the day.


Well-Known Member
Well there is always something kids are getting into, and it can't possibly be the parent's everyone has to blame someone...TV, Drugs, Models, Singers, Cigarettes, Porn, Gas stations, snack foods, so on and so forth...I mean everything is ruining our kids...there will never be a society that doesn't harm children...because adult society doesn't run on unicorns and happy feelings...I think that instead of making the world sound like a happy freaking egg hunt we tell the truth so our children are better prepared for what they will realistically face.