The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words dudes, appriciate it...

hahaha an accesory, uuummmmm... do-able...

browines.... i`d eat them all myself..

the tent looks good har, what exhaust fan do you use? nuggs... if i can get a big bag of them, i will be a very happy man..:)

@jingle, how much screen have you left to fill dude?
I have the TT125's set on high cos of all the ducting, they're strong but they're not quiet! Ill transplant those plants into 10L pots about a week before flower, that should give them 2-3 weeks to fill the bigger pots.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
wouldn`t mind the noise as there doing there job, looking at the pics makes me want a proper tent, seems a proper mickey mouse job when i look in my press..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
little picture update..

now i got fem seeds but don`t the males fly up? i have three of the five that are about 15 inchs tall the rest are maybe 5 inchs tall, could be strain difference but i doubt that as there 3 of one strain and 2 of another so wouldn`t they all be the same ?



Well-Known Member
Not long now... just water from now on.
.. next Tuesday is a busy day for me... My veggers are getting to big so fimming was done to buy me some time till then...

This is a mazar kush, and is getting to heavy for her own good...!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
very nice jay, so what time will we call round for a sample ;)

and how do you get the pics to come up in the post like that?


Well-Known Member
Not long now... just water from now on.
.. next Tuesday is a busy day for me... My veggers are getting to big so fimming was done to buy me some time till then...

This is a mazar kush, and is getting to heavy for her own good...!
God forbid man...youre not one of those "flushers" are you?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thanks dave, not bad for a few cfl`s ... the bags are just tesco shopping bags folded over there lined on the inside with black sacks so no light on the roots, plenty of holes for air and water regulation :)

why not flush har? i read that it gets rid of nutes and makes the smoke bit tastier?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah i tried to link off photobucket but it wouldn`t take the link i even tried all 4 links but alas wouldn`t work....

they look awesome mate...

wonder how lu is getting on he hasn`t been on in good while!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just fitted new locks to both doors getting to the press so no more trouble there, heading to town later to get some cfl splitters and few more bulds, also have the space for the flower room cleared and "floor" put in, just a wall to put up now and its ready for paint and a light, have power ran and stuff sorted since last week...


Well-Known Member
just fitted new locks to both doors getting to the press so no more trouble there, heading to town later to get some cfl splitters and few more bulds, also have the space for the flower room cleared and "floor" put in, just a wall to put up now and its ready for paint and a light, have power ran and stuff sorted since last week...
Where do you get the CFL Splitters..? How much they cost..?


Well-Known Member
ae86 every min your with ur son ur ex and her mum will question him like a criminal thats just how women work, they will want to know every detail about ur house how clean it is, what kinda stuff is laying about and what you have been saying to your son, he is not old enough yet to understand but a few more years and he will spend time with whoever he wants and will remember the questioning after each visit with his dad in years to come, as for ur allmost mother-in-law as far as she is concerned you are a douchebag even before she found out about the plants, she will allways take her daughters side no matter what, cause she believes if you had of been a good guy you would still be with her daughter in the first place, best thing for you is to tell ur kid stuff that will sound good to his mother ect i wouldent be so sure about no cops yet, old women have a habbit of tipping off garda


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words dudes, appriciate it...

hahaha an accesory, uuummmmm... do-able...

browines.... i`d eat them all myself..

the tent looks good har, what exhaust fan do you use? nuggs... if i can get a big bag of them, i will be a very happy man..:)

@jingle, how much screen have you left to fill dude?
id say i have just more than half left.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no cops as theres stuff hanging over the ex`s head too, she had/has a coke habit from which i`ve saved her numerous times from being sorted over, the fact that its my ex and my kid in the house is really all that keeps people from her door, this her mam knows....

i get what your saying kang, like i`m a non drinker that smokes a few, they`ve know this about me from the start, my house is always clean cause to be honest i have like OCD when it comes to that, the kid always wants to be with me hates going home to his mams, i went to court to get him but as they have more money for solicitors and i was represented by myself the best i could get was joint custody and a 3 day week with him...

the thing about me always being a douche hahahaha, think you hit the nail on the head there, far as there concerned i was always scum on account of my family name and the side of the tracks i come from...

council estates FTW.............:)


Well-Known Member
Why did nobody tell me hanging new fans and filters in a tent by yourself is near on impossible. I think I almost died doing that.