Chick FREAKS THE FUCK OUT in college classroom about evolution!

So do you guys agree this is a good reason to revive the second amendment and make it the law?
On quite a few occasions throughout life, people have done that shit to me (as is quite normal). The trick is to just knock them the fuck out, let them sleep off their stupid. I don't give a shit, I'm an "equal opportunities operator" when you get a puck in the jaw too, don't care if you're black, white, blue, a man or a woman.

Aside from defence I'm a pacifist, but sometimes the best way to diffuse a hostile situation is a strike at an opportune moment...cos diplomacy has already failed with the likes of that psycho bitch.

It is a pity you can't be a racist if you're black tho...Not really "equality in all things"...
All that cause some one said some thing about her Dad screwing monkeys???

LOL that's how we got AIDS right?????? ;) Not evolution! This is why we should keep uncivilized/stupid people out of churches! They take the book that some men wrote as the word of GOD! :roll: It just seems that those are the only kind of people in churches! Well that and child molesters! See how much hate boy lovers spread! ;)
yes it does. its lets you know that one is a sparrow and the pther is a pigeon.

and you are never going to end up with half pigeon half sparrows is more like black and white chickens...or dogs...they are all dogs, some just look better, and have better personalities and are
Fair point,I stand corrected :)

and you are never going to end up with half pigeon half sparrows is more like black and white chickens...or dogs...they are all dogs, some just look better, and have better personalities and are
What if in reality her father walked out on her mom and 4 baby sisters to go live with a gorilla and she is relaly sensitive...people are crazy...and sometimes they are crazy just to get people's attention...She seems to be a look at me type
I read that in the Victorian times/early 19th century they used to think if you surgically attached monkeys scrotum to your own balls that it would increase virility and sex drive,if we were to get aids from any thing that to me seems like the most logical reason,

LOL that's how we got AIDS right?????? ;) Not evolution! This is why we should keep uncivilized/stupid people out of churches! They take the book that some men wrote as the word of GOD! :roll: It just seems that those are the only kind of people in churches! Well that and child molesters! See how much hate boy lovers spread! ;)
I find it funny how the whole US wants to believe that racisim is done in this country! EVERYONE in racist in one way shape or form! And now that the blacks have the upper hand they run around yelling "sand nigger" and "white devil" they are real free with the racist names that they worked so hard to get rid of! LOL give someone power and you will see what they are made of!
What if in reality her father walked out on her mom and 4 baby sisters to go live with a gorilla and she is relaly sensitive...people are crazy...and sometimes they are crazy just to get people's attention...She seems to be a look at me type

She wasn't hugged as a child probably.