Bizarre News: the strange and different.

I'm known for my fast, swift feet. That is if I don't pass out first. lol.

There is a logical and reasonable explanation for everything. Scared or not, I'd have looked for it. I probably would have called someone with electrical experience to come and check things out with me or after me.

The first thing I would have expected was a prank, because I've done shit like that to people where they left thinking for sure they just got haunted or got a sign from god they would die or whatever, so I would feel like that was what was being done to me. It would have bothered me to see the dog so freaked, but a lot of times dogs react to their owners emotions, and mine are pretty level in bad situations.

Finally, you have an excuse to flee, you're a girl.
You know people are getting banned recently for changing quotes. ;) Bullshit punishment but just thought I'd give you a heads up. :)

I know you would love nothing more, but I appreciate the heads up. Problem is, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. He knows, just like I do, that I'd be right back in a quick second if I chose to. He also prefers that, because it boosts the member count. C'est la vie.
You never do, just keep telling lies trying to make yourself feel better. :) I don't have any strings attached to me anymore. Feels quite good.

Says the guy who was so distraught over his true love that he was implying threats to shoot MR, what, a week ago? Totally the actions of an unaffected carefree dude. I see through you.

Says the guy who was so distraught over his true love that he was implying threats to shoot MR, what, a week ago? Totally the actions of an unaffected carefree dude. I see through you.

dude needs acting lessons. #1 try picking a believable role next time, you've already been type cast.
at least he still has his many other accounts to troll with :mrgreen:
I've always heard of people denying they slept with a person because it was so bad.... but Jesus. :( Almost makes me feel bad for the guy. :(
Baghdad Bob strikes again.

EDIT: another fact: No matter how good it really was, it was MUCH better in your head.
okay just incase no one else got it
dude needs acting lessons. #1 try picking a believable role next time, you've already been type cast.
at least he still has his many other accounts to troll with :mrgreen:
lol I only had one other account besides this one and it got deleted in November. :p This account has been banned since November, no reason to make another. Fail.