Well-Known Member
im haveing some canadians club and orangejuice at the minute.. been smokeing leaves while my bud drys lol. theres frosty but not quite doing the job
If that's a white Burgundy i'm all over that. If it's some Viognier or a Sleazling, I'll pass. cnWhy do people want to drink something that looks like piss.
I mean, I'll down a whole bottle in 3 seconds flat, alcohol is alcohol.... but, I like my red wines. =)
Why do people want to drink something that looks like piss.
I mean, I'll down a whole bottle in 3 seconds flat, alcohol is alcohol.... but, I like my red wines. =)
Is that a new euphemism for sex?3-2-1 Cake, a new hubby favorite.
Is that a new euphemism for sex?
... can I see your breasts, that's the simplest I can put it WinterWoman.Wish it was. He had a mylogram (?) with contrast yesterday, his back and neck are killing him today.
3-2-1 Cake is:
1 box Angel Food cake mix.
1 box any kind of cake mix (I've used brownie mix and it works)
Mix the 2 cake mixes together in a large plastic bag.
Now, in a large coffee cup put.
3 tbsp cake mix
2 tbsp water
1 minute in the microwave.
Hence the name. I add some a little something extra too.
Easy as pie, except it's cake.
Who dat is?