What's For Dinner Tonight?

im haveing some canadians club and orangejuice at the minute.. been smokeing leaves while my bud drys lol. theres frosty but not quite doing the job
Why do people want to drink something that looks like piss. :p


I mean, I'll down a whole bottle in 3 seconds flat, alcohol is alcohol.... but, I like my red wines. =)
If that's a white Burgundy i'm all over that. If it's some Viognier or a Sleazling, I'll pass. cn
turkey, mashed potatoes and real turkey gravy, carrots, celery, onions, maybe asparagus. Then followed up by 3-2-1 Cake, a new hubby favorite.
I had leek and garlic sausages from my local butchers,with mash and peas with caramelized onion/red wine gravy,then consumed a pint of choc fudge brownie ice cream,now I can't move lol
Wish it was. He had a mylogram (?) with contrast yesterday, his back and neck are killing him today.

3-2-1 Cake is:

1 box Angel Food cake mix.
1 box any kind of cake mix (I've used brownie mix and it works)
Mix the 2 cake mixes together in a large plastic bag.

Now, in a large coffee cup put.

3 tbsp cake mix
2 tbsp water
1 minute in the microwave.

Hence the name. I add some a little something extra too. ;-)

Easy as pie, except it's cake.

Is that a new euphemism for sex?
Wish it was. He had a mylogram (?) with contrast yesterday, his back and neck are killing him today.

3-2-1 Cake is:

1 box Angel Food cake mix.
1 box any kind of cake mix (I've used brownie mix and it works)
Mix the 2 cake mixes together in a large plastic bag.

Now, in a large coffee cup put.

3 tbsp cake mix
2 tbsp water
1 minute in the microwave.

Hence the name. I add some a little something extra too. ;-)

Easy as pie, except it's cake.
... can I see your breasts, that's the simplest I can put it WinterWoman. :p No more euphemisms, puns, and wisecracks. :lol: