Pork and coke=worms?


Well-Known Member
so ive been seeing these videos about marinating pork in coke and apparently maggots/parasidic worms surface. now i know they say pork should be cooked well (can get tricanosis or w/e) but the extent of these maggots/worms are crazy. now im usually a skeptic but the overwhelming videos is starting to sway me. what yall think? some say its fat formed from the acidic soda, other say worms, but i havent seen their worms move/wiggle. ive also seen some vides where they dont get anything, might have to give this a try on my own. ive marinaded pork with orange juice be4 and didnt see these worms
apparently im only allowed to upload one video in a post, heres another [video=youtube;WDBAG0KPLcs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDBAG0KPLcs[/video]
The first one is faked. the second one is the clear fat on the pork oxidizing with the carbonation in the coke. Pretty sure pork is safe from the spontaneous generation.
Thought maybe you ate too much pork after doing a few lines and ended up with worms. Yet another misleading thread title lol.
The first one is faked. the second one is the clear fat on the pork oxidizing with the carbonation in the coke. Pretty sure pork is safe from the spontaneous generation.

yea my logical side makes me say no, but all these mass produced meats scare me once ina while as i question their quality control
I'm no expert I will admit... But I've always thought parasites were long and stringy.

Those look like maggots, not parasites, not to mention you could always find the "parasites" by cutting open the pork.

These videos are total bullshit... or they've been letting their pork sit out with the flies for too long
I'm no expert I will admit... But I've always thought parasites were long and stringy.

Those look like maggots, not parasites, not to mention you could always find the "parasites" by cutting open the pork.

These videos are total bullshit... or they've been letting their pork sit out with the flies for too long

yeah i have yet to stumble on parasites while butchering pork

I might try it just to see what they look like.

If you like trippy chemical reaction try doing "Magic Milk". That shit is seriously trippy... Use 18% cream for best results

No need to worry about mass produced meats so long as you cook it through. I do worry alittle about lunchmeats(which I never eat), and bacon though. I eat alot of bacon but I don't like that there are so many preservatives. I'd really like to smoke my own bacon sometime with wood and salt(not the "smoke" shit you can buy with the kit, since that has all the same preservatives in it).

As long as you cook it well theres nothing to be worried about with raw meats
deep fry that shit serve with sliced red onion and a twist of lime, bit of bread and butter and you'll be fine
I know off subject but can someone tell me how to start a post? I'm starting my grow and wanting to share with the site.