What would you do? Rollitup style.

This guy was such a douche, I wanted to hit him anyway. Big puffy loud mouth biker who thought his tattoos would scare someone. Lol in fucking Detroit! This is how smart he was. He gets a yellow lab puppy. He's too lazy to go outside and chain it to pee in the snow, so he lets it out the back door. 3 doors down they had a young female rottie in a fenced front yard. Everyone on the planet can figure out exactly where that puppy is going when he gets let out. Right down to see her. So toughguy would yell for the dog, who in turn would not come to him out of fear. So toughguy would storm down there, snatch it by the head and smack the bejeesus out of it all the way home. He's lucky he got one warning. When I smacked him and took the dog, I double dog dared him to even let me see him with a goldfish. He was gone in a few months. I hate people, dogs are my people.
:clap: good job
i saw a MFer one time punch a puppy in the snout in the face "to make it tough". was a little pit bull puppy and he was a drunk. the puppy's name was sunny boy :-) who became my best friend camera pictures 008.jpgcamera pictures 025.jpg
So realizing that I waited just a second to long to confront him

waited to long? or went into the house to grab a weapon?

you shouldn't be posting here, you should have beat his ass. you have 2 witnesses, the girl and your room mate.....
thanks, he was a great guy. i loved that dog. he passed at only 3 years old. sniff sniff, i miss my sunny boy :eyesmoke:
thanks, he was a great guy. i loved that dog. he passed at only 3 years old. sniff sniff, i miss my sunny boy :eyesmoke:

Got another one ? Thats what I do . I go down to the pound and pick one out . O damn .. they ate my dinner up on me . I still can't even yell at them for it now . Spoiled dogs I have
So we share a wall with them. Well my roommate does with this guys bedroom. He called me and told me that shits hitting the fan next to him. So called the cops. After that I walked out onto out porch and I could hear her crying. Cops showed up quickly. I didnt have them talk to me because well you know.. but I saw them walk out of their place. its quieted down but I hope I just didnt make it worse for her now because the cops didnt/couldnt do anything. Like I said I dont know specifics because I didnt talk to them. Doing what I can... people are fucking terrible. I dont care how much you hate what a girl is saying, you do not grab or get rough with them. Period. My ex had a knife to me, that was the closest thing I got to touching a girl. I took her hand with the knife in it and raised her hand as high as it would go which loosened her grip because I had a decent amount of height on her. I think the actions I took then were justified, but any other time she hit me, scratched me etc I never laid a finger on her.
The more you say the more I think you should beware. If she keeps going back even with the cops coming multiple times and him still abusing...could end up a world of shit for you. I'd definitely keep calling the cops tho, and now you almost have to keep some recording device handy, you might end up being a witness if he hurts her bad or she kills him or something. Girls that go back for that, astounding.
(I wasnt going to mention it but I think it does play an element in the story for whenever the cops have shown up to deal with him) Well Its a place with 4 Japanese study abroad students that I know like to pretend not to know English when people are trying to get their attention but then walk buy me having a full blown convo. So I think they might have played it off in a way the cops couldnt have done shit.
Personally I would have said something but I suppose I can can be a bit confrontational at times. I can't stop myself from commenting to someone parking in a handicapped space who is clearly capable. But a grown man yanking around a woman....not gonna happen in my presence. I'm sure you and your roommate aren't the only one to witness this crap and you would have had plenty of witnesses on your side. Did the right thing filing a report but unfortunately that doesn't do alot of good most times. Don't worry about "looking" like a bad guy when you ask that Faggot if he'd try to pull you around like that. Bet his attitude changes fast. Guys like that are super huge pussies.
The more you say the more I think you should beware. If she keeps going back even with the cops coming multiple times and him still abusing...could end up a world of shit for you. I'd definitely keep calling the cops tho, and now you almost have to keep some recording device handy, you might end up being a witness if he hurts her bad or she kills him or something. Girls that go back for that, astounding.

Agreed. What is worse is that now that the cops are gone.....he's pissed. Unless she stands up for herself or someone with no connection ( that's u op) puts this asshole in his place she will soon be very hurt or dead.
Personally I would have said something but I suppose I can can be a bit confrontational at times. I can't stop myself from commenting to someone parking in a handicapped space who is clearly capable. But a grown man yanking around a woman....not gonna happen in my presence. I'm sure you and your roommate aren't the only one to witness this crap and you would have had plenty of witnesses on your side. Did the right thing filing a report but unfortunately that doesn't do alot of good most times. Don't worry about "looking" like a bad guy when you ask that Faggot if he'd try to pull you around like that. Bet his attitude changes fast. Guys like that are super huge pussies.

Yeah, but then a lot of times when a guy steps in and punks the abuser, if the female is the type to stay with the asshole she will be paying for what you said later. When he has her alone again. This situation sounds like a mess, I'm not sure how I would handle it. I'd probably start by talking with the mgmt at your residence and telling them of the ongoing situation.
A girl that won't leave really complicates things when you hero. Good luck man.
I've given up being a hero. I used to involve myself in other people's business but if the next man wants to smash his woman up in public I have a look and just walk on by. Here is why :

A few years ago I was driving down to our local pizza place :) I saw a young couple having a loud aggressive arguement. I pulled over called the cops put my tights and cape on and leapt to the rescue. I broke up said fight getting punched in the process, we had a stand off and the police quickly turned up. So obviously gave a statement etc. A few weeks later I received a letter informing me I had a court date on the charge of Disturbing the Peace and Assault. The fucking stupid dumb bitch woman gave a statement saying that I had punched her boyfriend. I didn't touch him, he hit me but because there was two of them he had a witness - her.
I ended up in court twice 1 prim hearing 1 actual hearing. I wasn't convicted , judge let off And i got my pizza that night. For a good year after that incident I kept a look out for that woman because I was going to smack her head in and anyone else who was gonna help her!

There's been other incidents. At the doctors once and this guy comes in tripping shouting 'nobody understands' and he starts thumping chairs and the walls. I'm sitting there all hungover and shit bah long boring story anyway if it happens again I'm just gonna walk outside and smoke a cigarette. And certainly if i see a woman getting burst by a man I think I may just chuckle. and drive on by. As i found being a hero/good citizen costs time/money and you'll end being blamed and paying the consequences for something that has nothing to do with you.