What would you do? Rollitup style.


Well-Known Member
call the police........that's assault. or beat his ass with the piece of hickory you keep in your truck. oh wait........that's me


Well-Known Member
I've given up being a hero. I used to involve myself in other people's business but if the next man wants to smash his woman up in public I have a look and just walk on by. Here is why :

A few years ago I was driving down to our local pizza place :) I saw a young couple having a loud aggressive arguement. I pulled over called the cops put my tights and cape on and leapt to the rescue. I broke up said fight getting punched in the process, we had a stand off and the police quickly turned up. So obviously gave a statement etc. A few weeks later I received a letter informing me I had a court date on the charge of Disturbing the Peace and Assault. The fucking stupid dumb bitch woman gave a statement saying that I had punched her boyfriend. I didn't touch him, he hit me but because there was two of them he had a witness - her.
I ended up in court twice 1 prim hearing 1 actual hearing. I wasn't convicted , judge let off And i got my pizza that night. For a good year after that incident I kept a look out for that woman because I was going to smack her head in and anyone else who was gonna help her!

There's been other incidents. At the doctors once and this guy comes in tripping shouting 'nobody understands' and he starts thumping chairs and the walls. I'm sitting there all hungover and shit bah long boring story anyway if it happens again I'm just gonna walk outside and smoke a cigarette. And certainly if i see a woman getting burst by a man I think I may just chuckle. and drive on by. As i found being a hero/good citizen costs time/money and you'll end being blamed and paying the consequences for something that has nothing to do with you.
what if that was your little sister or daughter? don't walk on by because helping her may be an imposition.