Help me!


Well-Known Member
yaeh, you need to give way more info if you want help, with the info you gave, it could be anything.


Active Member
I have like two 1000 hps, I am using the botanicare power plant series, they are approx three weeks into flower, in soil.


Well-Known Member
i love how everyone is so interested in helping others out. Wish i could help you but i need more experience under my belt. I am sure your plants will be fine. Good Luck.


Active Member
I have like 4 strains right now so they are different heights. It's happening to all of them but my shortest the most. I would say from 2ft up to 5ft.


Active Member
Start with flushing your plants. They may be root bound.
What type of soil are you using. If you are using MG check the botanicare wed site and see if you can mix the two. Post pics when you get a chance

Good luck and dont panic. It might be a good time to take a few clones just incase you lost them


Active Member
how long before you went into flower did you repot? are you using nutes, if so what and how much are you using? if you potted up just before you went into flower. roots should be ok as they dont grow much in flower... i potted up 10days before i went into flower. that way i dont have to fed them until last few weeks of flower..please pic and some more info..


Well-Known Member
Lost lost lost in space and so so so so so so lost lost lost in space... so so lost lost lost lost lost lost in space.. dude.. dude dude....... man man man man...... lost lost lost in space ships..... :)


Active Member
Try Cuttin Some Of The Foilage Back The Same Happened To Mine It Was Because There Wernt No Light Getting To The Bottom Of The Plants They All Grew Bk I Was Using 1 400 I Cut Back A Lot Of The Leafs I Placed 2 100 Watt Lights At The Bottom It Seemed To Of Worked But Recon They Would Of Grown Back Anyway So May Not Need To Hope It Goes Well