Get your freak on. Share your unorthodox mushroom cultivation attempts and results


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! WOW I'm going to have to look into that, sounds amazing!
Have you done it?

I did it many years ago - the nutrient soup is rather difficult to create and of course I had to use special micro hepa filters for the air but I wanted to see if it could be done - and this was long before we knew how best to get the mycleium to fruit. I probably grew a bit over an ounce, they were highly active - I'd say half a gram was the same as an eighth give or take.


Well-Known Member
I did it many years ago - the nutrient soup is rather difficult to create and of course I had to use special micro hepa filters for the air but I wanted to see if it could be done - and this was long before we knew how best to get the mycleium to fruit. I probably grew a bit over an ounce, they were highly active - I'd say half a gram was the same as an eighth give or take.
Sounds f'ing amazing. You should try it again. And let me know your process.


Well-Known Member
Sounds f'ing amazing. You should try it again. And let me know your process.

Why should I do that Sprout? there was no real art to it, just a bunch of chemicals in a bottle with a hose in it. Coaxing an organism to go through its entire life cycle is much more pleasing.


Well-Known Member
Why should I do that Sprout? there was no real art to it, just a bunch of chemicals in a bottle with a hose in it. Coaxing an organism to go through its entire life cycle is much more pleasing.
Do it for the science of it. No. Rather. My own entertainment?


Well-Known Member
Nahh - did it already
Capt. Kirk raises his head. Bile amasses within the depths of his being. It formulates one solitary word. As powerful as the explosions of a thousand canons. He opens his mouth. Allowing the word to spew forth.



Well-Known Member
Guys, this is OLD technology when it comes to mushrooms, this was before people figured out that many mushrooms were easy to fruit, it akin to a "bioreactor" that large pharmecutical houses use to grow things like penicilin - the mycelium is force grown in solution with air bubbling through it and then either the solution is separated from the metabolites of the myceluim or the mycelium is filtered and dried. I saw some results that were tiny chalky spheres but mine just wound up being a kind of blue scum that easly broke down into a chalky powder - I must say though that it was very very potent.


Active Member
bro ive put cakes in the garden buried in soil worked also put them in a pot with soil and saran wrap on top and misted actually fruited decent


Well-Known Member
What is this about the nutrient soup? Here.... Look.... A loong looong time ago there was no internet, there was only a book publishing house called Loompanics, and it sold books on how to get lost, how to make bombs, how to pick locks and lots and lots of things about drugs, I think that Opium for the Masses was first published there but I'm not sure. Anyway, there was a little book with about 10 pages in it, probably cost me 5 bucks that had the formula and it had a big list of chemicals in there. I managed to snag the chemicals from a local college - none of them were watched, and I really don't recall where I got the filters. I probably made half an ounce total and my friends were all amazed.

There was another book that came out of loompanics and that was Oss and oerik's pivotal book - folks, those guys (Pen names) were the ones who cranked it all up - this was long before Stamets although his fledgling company would never have made it if the Oss and Orrik book hadn't been a sucess - and the methods worked by the way. Stamets and I had a short mail corresponance, I wish I had saved the letters - AND, AND damn it, I just remembered, he still owes me a dozen half gallon canning jars. Anyway, After I started actually fruiting mushrooms I never did the nutrient soup again.