The presidents helicopters just flew over my place!


Ursus marijanus
When I was a kid i lived in the NW suburbs of DC, apparently on a line between a Pennsylvania Ave address and Camp David. Once I asked my parents about those two big choppers (Sea King variants iirc) that would occasionally pass overhead in a tandem formation. "Oh that's the President". In the wild '70s when diplomacy routinely occurred in the Appalachians of rural Maryland, i'd see them coming or going monthly or more frequently. cn


Well-Known Member
luckily for us he doesn't stick out at night time so he's already 50% safer than a white pres


Well-Known Member
a set of teeth and a white shirt? not to sound prejudiced or anything but a buddy of mine got jumped by three black dudes in the dark near our HS and eventually school administrators started asking him questions... He basically said, " I saw teeth, two white shirts and a red shirt. That's all I know." The school administrators thought he was just trying to withold information but as the guy that saw what was happening from afar and ending up helping my friend (of course) that's the only description I could really give as well outside of maybe their height lol... We couldn't even try to get revenge (my buddy ended up with shoe print bruises all over his body and shit... was pretty bad) because we really had no idea what they looked like.