Growing outdoors in Seattle?


Active Member
Allright. So I grew this Sativa dominant plant i am sure from seed and she is now 40 days old. I am planning on planting it in my backyard. I am not concerned how great the plant will do, or my yield, I just want to see how big I can grow this plant. I am vegging it under a 400w halide right now cause it is too cold. But I think around the begining or middle of April will be great. By that time she will be about 2' tall. Best part of all. W got 12 hours of sunlight right now, just cold. But on the summer solcstice we will have little over 19hours of sun. I bet this sucker will grow 20'.

So I will read up on growing outside. What i want to know is ther any Seattlites out ther. I realize the law in Wa. state for weed is don't ask don't tell, or out of sight out of mind. The houses on the left an right are rentals. Now my back yard is almost a 1/4 of an acre and I have some 200' evergreens in my back yard. The neighbor in back wont care or know, he's cool. It's his 14 year old boy I am worried about. I got three big dogs, but hey he knows. So if I have a neighbor see it and complain! What can the cops do? Make me chop it down. The law is very vague about that, this is my fuckin property, I pay a mortgage. And I have my MMJ card, plus I only grow 2-5 plants at a time and this will be the only one I grow back ther. I wanna see what the squirrells do. If in October all the squirrells are stoned, that'll be funny.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
if it visable your going to jail card or not buy a greenhouse from harbor frieght and grow a monster like a home owner and all of my neighbors are as well only one renter and i still keep it out of site 100% wait till the soil temp holds 58* and out side temp are above 65* this will put you closer to the high uv index which makes for more potent smoke


Active Member
if it visable your going to jail card or not buy a greenhouse from harbor frieght and grow a monster like a home owner and all of my neighbors are as well only one renter and i still keep it out of site 100% wait till the soil temp holds 58* and out side temp are above 65* this will put you closer to the high uv index which makes for more potent smoke
Dude could u say that again. I am not completely sure what u said. I live in south snohomish county. I am unicorporated and police barely enter this neighborhood. Some one would have to get upset and report it. They cant take me to jail. I am legal under Wa. State Law.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
really you want to repeat the very clear reply i gave, your a lost cause if thats the case, doesnt matter bro if it can be seen from any angle your asking to go to jail, it only take one old lady walking her dog and she pulls out her cricket cell phone and calls the police, they come you cut it down show your papers they still take you to jail, it happens more then you think man im just saying its best to get a green house


Well-Known Member
if you dont want to risk it, buy some plastic sheeting , and make a makeshift greenhouse, fence type deal, and no one will be able to tell whats behind it