Anonymous hits RIU

Nope don't think it was Anonymous I would have noticed it since I was online yesterday. Must have been some other organization or like Carne said an old mod thats annoyed. Besides its not like Anonymous they love M.J so why bring down a forum about M.J if you know what I mean.
Nope don't think it was Anonymous I would have noticed it since I was online yesterday. Must have been some other organization or like Carne said an old mod thats annoyed. Besides its not like Anonymous they love M.J so why bring down a forum about M.J if you know what I mean.

Defiantly something to do with the us gov. As I recall we were having a quite interesting talk about September 11th and some fun facts were being tossed around. I am not a 9/11 truther so don't get the wrong impression if you were not part of the thread.. I knew some were crossing the line and it was just a matter of time before the gov hit the big red freeze button. They made it seem like its was a hacker attack but I doubt it. Maybe talking about the Bush's attending Bohemian Grove and the 40 foot owl statue of Moloch that is worshiped there ticked them off. Or maybe it was how GWBush was part of the Skull and Bones at Yale University that they didn't like. Probably how some were saying that it seemed like the towers came down by a controlled demolition. Either way there are most defiantly federal agents reading every thread we post word for word and assessing us as dangerous or a BHO supporter.

Like Deprave said, I probably wont be coming on here very much anymore either. Not going to delete my account but I wont be coming on every day. So farewell for now, RIU! I know some of you will be happy to see me go but not as happy as I will be living my life without politics. Besides, shouldn't we all be spending our time doing something else? I know i need to read the bible a lot more. Is discussing politics on a Marijuana forum really going to change anything? If you want to be heard you need to start something in your community with like minded people. Let Obama know he does not have any support whatsoever. We The People. We have the power. We have the tax dollars that Obama needs to spend. We are the population. We have strength in numbers! They know this and are scarred. Why do you think Dictator obama updated the homeland security executive order? I can answer that, because he's a communist school girl. If I thought we could pull it off I would demand that Dictator obama step down from his throne. I'm not saying to be an Occupier because that is just a tool for the marxist movement. I'm saying to find good, caring, gentle people and say, "hey, what can we do to help our community?" and then, "what can we do to help our county? And state and then our country"

Sorry for the passionate post but I had to do it.. I'm not crazy, I just see things differently than some narrow minded, government loving, welfare sucking, socialist punks.

So for the federal agent that's reading my post I have to say this: Get a life you POS. My federal tax dollars pay for your food. You get paid by ME and everyone else on here. We are not dangerous people, well UncleBuck might be but that's just to children... So yeah were not dangerous, terrorist, or anti American. I am a Us Citizen and my fellow Americans and I are allowed to communicate as we please. We just want the great United States of America to be the beautiful thriving country it once was. My main concern is that we are on the path to stateless communism and it may come sooner than we would like to believe. So Mr. FederalAgent, think about what role you are playing in the destruction of our unique and marvelous country. Thanks.. -A concerned American

Oh p.s. I'll save you the post... I'm not paranoid, the internet is just a waste of my precious time. I could be outside enjoying this 80 degree weather were having!
Sorry dude that's not the first heated 9/11 thread and the gov't really don't have time to fuck with a bunch of stoners on Rollitup, there is much more profitable ventures. The site that hacked this site was also compromised so if there was any agenda it was to make that site look bad. The reason I won't be posting here too much anymore is because the backup dude is completely incompetent. I do this shit for a living and trust me "Fine Line between Data Security and Integrity" is a bullshit excuse. There is plenty of ways to backup a database like this site uses multiple times a day and to do so automatically with no human intervention necessary and do so securely This was just a total amateur move and with the amount of money this site makes total bullshit that nobody took two hours out of their day in the many years this site has been running to setup a proper backup setup or get an additional server or something! I delt with probably 30 of these VB hacks on this day and guees what, not one backup over 12 hours old, I managed thousands of server with hundreds of sites like this and guees what? They are all backed up and I still find time to post here.

Not totally blaming the RIU admin but more so his host or his admins are totally incompetent!

If you don't think this site makes any money think again, its on a bootleg ass server with attitude ads up the ying yang and super high google page ranking, especially for "marijuana growing", even its own members promote the sponsor so thats a double whammy and attitude affiliates pay out big. I have made money from them myself. This site is money for nothing and the chicks for free for the RIU admin and its all on our backs, we can't even delete our own posts. The only thing that keeps me here is some of the people.
Defiantly something to do with the us gov. As I recall we were having a quite interesting talk about September 11th and some fun facts were being tossed around. I am not a 9/11 truther so don't get the wrong impression if you were not part of the thread.. I knew some were crossing the line and it was just a matter of time before the gov hit the big red freeze button. They made it seem like its was a hacker attack but I doubt it. Maybe talking about the Bush's attending Bohemian Grove and the 40 foot owl statue of Moloch that is worshiped there ticked them off. Or maybe it was how GWBush was part of the Skull and Bones at Yale University that they didn't like. Probably how some were saying that it seemed like the towers came down by a controlled demolition. Either way there are most defiantly federal agents reading every thread we post word for word and assessing us as dangerous or a BHO supporter.

I've heard that smoking too much MJ can induce paranoia; didn't realize the effect could persist permanently.

I doubt this will help, but for what its worth, the internet is full of ridiculous (and mutually exclusive) speculations about the 9-11 "conspiracy". I mean we're talking some pretty truly "out there" theories, involving the Mossad, Space Aliens, Cheney, the Jews, the Illuminati, etc, etc. MIHOP. . .LIHOP. . .and all kinds of other unprovable speculative implausible nonsense.

So why on earth would some black-trenchcoat types from the US gov't bother to shut down the idle chatter on a freaking MARIJUANA board? The stoners on THIS board were close to unravelling "the truth", yet nowhere else on the internet was that true?
I've heard that smoking too much MJ can induce paranoia; didn't realize the effect could persist permanently.

I doubt this will help, but for what its worth, the internet is full of ridiculous (and mutually exclusive) speculations about the 9-11 "conspiracy". I mean we're talking some pretty truly "out there" theories, involving the Mossad, Space Aliens, Cheney, the Jews, the Illuminati, etc, etc. MIHOP. . .LIHOP. . .and all kinds of other unprovable speculative implausible nonsense.

So why on earth would some black-trenchcoat types from the US gov't bother to shut down the idle chatter on a freaking MARIJUANA board? The stoners on THIS board were close to unravelling "the truth", yet nowhere else on the internet was that true?

thats cuz us stoners are AWESOME
You guys may be right, idk and I don't care. While there may have been discussions before about 9/11, this is the year 2012.. Not only is it King Obama's re-election year but it is also the most technologically inclined year we have experienced. Internet is going to be the standard of communication. Your 4G cell phone is basically an internet phone. Life, human rights, and internet are changing faster and faster every day. And the government controls all of it.

Have you ever wondered if the user that is really getting under your skin was in fact hired to brainwash people with lies? You don't think that they have user names on most major forums so they can dismiss and flame any statement against them?

Like I said you guys may be correct but it doesn't mean it wont happen later on. I think there will be websites being shutdown by the gov in the future. RIU is ranked much higher than many other websites. Its currently ranked 18,292 in the world and 5,265 in the U.S. by We are not just a bunch of stoners, we are the people that they fear the most. We think for ourselves without their help or advice... SCARY!

And Jogro, I said in my previous post that I wasn't paranoid. The quote of mine that you used was my way of relating the thread to users that didn't have the chance to read it. I'm not paranoid of the government, they can come kill me where I sit. They can watch me in person and follow me on the internet. I have nothing to hide (: Can you honestly say that? I would rather not have them following me because its an invasion of privacy but I am not paranoid about it.

They know where we all are at every moment through our cell phones anyway... And for those of you with new shiny 4G phones, they can listen to you whenever they want and turn on your camera whenever they want (even when its turned off) The only way to insure your not being spied on is to take the battery out. Except for apples cuz you cant take the battery out...
Tbh I don't have a clue who was behind it. But it wouldn't surprise me if the government started hacking important websites in order to justify censoring the Internet. There is just too much of a risk for them because people can easily upload lost/stolen/hacked classified information and once uploaded there is virtually nothing they can do, it can easily be saved and re-uploaded again by anyone especially if hidden behind proxy's. I don't think they will attack websites like this though they would attack sites that would affect the country defense or financial system. There are teams of people working for governments that view the Internet, but I don't have a clue what there jobs are could be anything really. And anything you post on the Internet especially forums like this, you should already know it is in the public therefore it can ALWAYS come back to you don't matter if you delete your RIU account they can still go through it. Through out history governments have always lied to its people what makes you think just because we are in the 21st century things have changed, also do people honestly believe that our governments in the West don't use propaganda??
I'm sorry that you conspiracy theorists have your delusions, but it was a simple redirect exploit. You can say it was the government if you want, but our users were sent to a site with a message by Anonymous. We stopped it as soon as we could, although it did last many hours. Many VBulletin sites were hit that day at the same time. Our Admin is not incompetent, we do back-ups daily. As it happened, the hack occurred during a back-up procedure and that screwed things up. Rollie went back 3 weeks as a precaution, because some sites had the redirect code dormant for some time. We got the site back up as best as we could, and have been trying to restore everything and fix the glitches. It's a shame that some still have to criticize everything.

I'm sorry that you conspiracy theorists have your delusions, but it was a simple redirect exploit. You can say it was the government if you want, but our users were sent to a site with a message by Anonymous. We stopped it as soon as we could, although it did last many hours. Many VBulletin sites were hit that day at the same time. Our Admin is not incompetent, we do back-ups daily. As it happened, the hack occurred during a back-up procedure and that screwed things up. Rollie went back 3 weeks as a precaution, because some sites had the redirect code dormant for some time. We got the site back up as best as we could, and have been trying to restore everything and fix the glitches. It's a shame that some still have to criticize everything.


they all say this shit and talk shit on site but they stay here posting away
disregarding what they are claiming

i guess that means things are back to normal on riu
I'm sorry that you conspiracy theorists have your delusions, but it was a simple redirect exploit. You can say it was the government if you want, but our users were sent to a site with a message by Anonymous. We stopped it as soon as we could, although it did last many hours. Many VBulletin sites were hit that day at the same time. Our Admin is not incompetent, we do back-ups daily. As it happened, the hack occurred during a back-up procedure and that screwed things up. Rollie went back 3 weeks as a precaution, because some sites had the redirect code dormant for some time. We got the site back up as best as we could, and have been trying to restore everything and fix the glitches. It's a shame that some still have to criticize everything.


We can haz like button back please? :shock:
I'm sorry that you conspiracy theorists have your delusions, but it was a simple redirect exploit. You can say it was the government if you want, but our users were sent to a site with a message by Anonymous. We stopped it as soon as we could, although it did last many hours. Many VBulletin sites were hit that day at the same time. Our Admin is not incompetent, we do back-ups daily. As it happened, the hack occurred during a back-up procedure and that screwed things up. Rollie went back 3 weeks as a precaution, because some sites had the redirect code dormant for some time. We got the site back up as best as we could, and have been trying to restore everything and fix the glitches. It's a shame that some still have to criticize everything.


Getting hacked sucks. You guys are doing a good job getting the site functional. It doesn't matter what you do, someone will always complain.
I'm sorry that you conspiracy theorists have your delusions, but it was a simple redirect exploit. You can say it was the government if you want, but our users were sent to a site with a message by Anonymous. We stopped it as soon as we could, although it did last many hours. Many VBulletin sites were hit that day at the same time. Our Admin is not incompetent, we do back-ups daily. As it happened, the hack occurred during a back-up procedure and that screwed things up. Rollie went back 3 weeks as a precaution, because some sites had the redirect code dormant for some time. We got the site back up as best as we could, and have been trying to restore everything and fix the glitches. It's a shame that some still have to criticize everything.

Could we have the Likes back please? cn

<edit> Just read the above post ... and hoping my request doesn't qualify as complaint.
I am not worried about the hack. I understand what happened (this has happened before on other sites) and since I spend all my time in the politics section it is blah blah anyway...

We all would like the *like* button back. And I am sure alot of work is being done in the background but that would go a long way to get people somewhat happy again.
I am not worried about the hack. I understand what happened (this has happened before on other sites) and since I spend all my time in the politics section it is blah blah anyway...

We all would like the *like* button back. And I am sure alot of work is being done in the background but that would go a long way to get people somewhat happy again.
I am guessing that restoring the Likes is flip-a-switch easy for admin. That is only a guess, and I could be quite wrong.

Of course, I could be wrong about being wrong. :mrgreen: cn

I am guessing that restoring the Likes is flip-a-switch easy for admin. That is only a guess, and I could be quite wrong.

Of course, I could be wrong about being wrong. :mrgreen: cn


If it was a flip the switch thing it would already be back.