Breaking news!


Well-Known Member
Well it is good you have a place like that...I grew one in a window that I could see while driving by on the main road...never really noticed until one day I was like holy hellcats! Came home and ordered some


New Member
No over hang, the suns position to the window is perfect the sun shines directly in the window at the plant. Also on my 55 halapeno plants too :D
well might work and since its one second floor it might be safe

no neighbor facing that window or where someone might walk by ?


Well-Known Member
BREAKING NEWS !!!! FEDS Will Block Out the Sun in Northern Cali for two hours Every day @ noon to promote Hermies in marijuana gardens.


New Member
BREAKING NEWS !!!! FEDS Will Block Out the Sun in Northern Cali for two hours Every day @ noon to promote Hermies in marijuana gardens.
them fuckers that sucks
how they going to do it bro please help the cali people that grow by sunlight
they going to fly in all them ufo's they got stashed at AREA 51?
or just park a bunch of satelites and space junk in front of sun?


Active Member
Well it is good you have a place like that...I grew one in a window that I could see while driving by on the main road...never really noticed until one day I was like holy hellcats! Came home and ordered some
I have my front yard then some woods then my neighbor down below then a road past his, I am lucky, I'll post a pic tomorrow


New Member
Well it is good you have a place like that...I grew one in a window that I could see while driving by on the main road...never really noticed until one day I was like holy hellcats! Came home and ordered some

one time i had a couple plants out to water on second floor and i use a 5 gal bucket with milk crate upside down to catch run off in front of window

and i live in woods no neighbors no friends that know and a chick i know that i no longer know climbs my gate and walks 1/2 mile to my house but bitch brought some dude she just met that drove her
and he seen it from in front of house and said to her later ''man it was a fucking tree 5 foot tall he didnt realize it was sitting on a bucket almost 2 ft tall

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
My dream grow-op would employ a large garage door to open and close my plants off to the sun every twelve hours.


New Member
My dream grow-op would employ a large garage door to open and close my plants off to the sun every twelve hours.
why not a retractable roof and set up noise sensors that u can adjust to only pickup loud noises like choppers then it make roof retact
it possible and not hard to do


Well-Known Member
My dream grow-op would employ a large garage door to open and close my plants off to the sun every twelve hours.
A green house that was open on all sides during the day, but a press of the button seals it tight... Flower outdoors all year with just a little supplemental in the winter time.


Active Member
Ok, here is the pics promised last night, Btw whats so easy about sun growing when small, keep rotating your plant and it will change its direction to face the sun, i've rotated nadia 3 times today and she changes direction in under an hour.

2, the unsprouted seed to the right i threw in a shot glass, waited 24 hours it didn't sink, i got impatient, put it in dirt and it has gotten 24 hours light, 12 under CFl and 12 from sun when i moved her in the morning, She's a Cali special, Today very lightly uncovered the dirt she was in and can see her sprout, i project by tomorrow she'll be out of the ground and happy.

3, i've got mother fucking 55 jalapenos plants by accident, I threw like 75 seeds in 8 diff holes in the same size container as nadia is in and they went ape shit about a week ago.



New Member
Ok, here is the pics promised last night, Btw whats so easy about sun growing when small, keep rotating your plant and it will change its direction to face the sun, i've rotated nadia 3 times today and she changes direction in under an hour.

2, the unsprouted seed to the right i threw in a shot glass, waited 24 hours it didn't sink, i got impatient, put it in dirt and it has gotten 24 hours light, 12 under CFl and 12 from sun when i moved her in the morning, She's a Cali special, Today very lightly uncovered the dirt she was in and can see her sprout, i project by tomorrow she'll be out of the ground and happy.

3, i've got mother fucking 55 jalapenos plants by accident, I threw like 75 seeds in 8 diff holes in the same size container as nadia is in and they went ape shit about a week ago.

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nice view do u maitain your own yard looks like it is well cared for