The absolute easiest way to get Psylocibin


Well-Known Member

i gotta rub my eyes and re read this


DMT.... 4-HO-DMT

Shrooms essentially are a DMT analogue
ive done both, ive done a good share of shrooms as well. i can easily say pure dimethytryptamine is a more clear trip and it gives more of a meaning rather than changing my atmosphere, the way shrooms do. if im not mistaken you can extract the psychoactive chemical from mushrooms but i have only taken regular mushrooms, and i can easily say i felt exhausted the next day. if smoked out of a pipe, dmt will give you a 3-5 minute trip only because your brain deals with this molecule every night and absorbs it. mushrooms can make me trip from anywhere like 4-6 hours if i take vitamin C and take them on an empty stomach. i also feel dizzy on mushrooms, almost tipsy. dmt makes me lay down and close my eyes, and take about a 5 minute nap. when i wake up, i feel much better than before i did it. mushrooms are the opposite.


Well-Known Member
Um.... I can't agree with that, a suitable dose of mushrooms will bring you to another place and sit you there for hours.
yes, but its still altering your surroundings to change. i know what you mean, but while doing dmt i dont move around or open my eyes, while doing shrooms i like to walk around. it is "another place" but on dmt i feel like ive been shot out of reality.


Well-Known Member
You see. Now I must proceed with a dmt extraction. And take a trip into the darkest reaches of DaSprout.


Well-Known Member
Um.... I can't agree with that, a suitable dose of mushrooms will bring you to another place and sit you there for hours.
yes, but its still altering your surroundings to change. i know what you mean, but while doing dmt i dont move around or open my eyes, while doing shrooms i like to walk around. it is "another place" but on dmt i feel like ive been shot out of reality.
I think both you guys are correct it is just the way we interpret it and put it into words. For me, I've gone to different "places" with mushrooms but I was always still in my body. I've read reports of people just melting away on mushrooms but I've never been brave enough to take that high of a dose. 5g of cubensis was enough for me. DMT is a bit more dissociative for me. Like you are here in your body, then you are in this "place" then you fall back to earth into your body.

Maybe I'm not as good a writer as I though. Describing hyperspace and tripping in general has always been very difficult for me.


Well-Known Member
the higher you take 4-ho the more and more it changes

the better and better and better it gets


Well-Known Member
I think both you guys are correct it is just the way we interpret it and put it into words. For me, I've gone to different "places" with mushrooms but I was always still in my body. I've read reports of people just melting away on mushrooms but I've never been brave enough to take that high of a dose. 5g of cubensis was enough for me. DMT is a bit more dissociative for me. Like you are here in your body, then you are in this "place" then you fall back to earth into your body.

Maybe I'm not as good a writer as I though. Describing hyperspace and tripping in general has always been very difficult for me.
sonar sees what im saying, dimethytryptamine sends me to a different realm it seems like while shrooms just make me hallucinate. when i close my eyes on dmt i trip, but with shrooms i cant keep my eyes closed really, nature is just too beautiful to miss a minute of.


Well-Known Member
okay the mushroom experience is gonna verry from person to person

but the trips im talking about from them ive acheived from the 7-10 gram range


New Member
okay the mushroom experience is gonna verry from person to person

but the trips im talking about from them ive acheived from the 7-10 gram range
Are you talking about complete ego-loss? :lol:

I like the thread canndo.
My first attempt at growing was w/ a screleta forming strain given to me by a friend.
I didn't succeed because I didn't have good enough sterile technique when it came to inoculation.


Well-Known Member
okay the mushroom experience is gonna verry from person to person

but the trips im talking about from them ive acheived from the 7-10 gram range
why 7-10 grams? at most id take 5 gs boiled into tea or made into chocolate.


Well-Known Member
why 7-10 grams? at most id take 5 gs boiled into tea or made into chocolate.

thought i explained this before

the more you go with shrooms the better it gets

but ill try this once again

your trying to compare something you shouldnt

and what i mean by saying that is this

your trying to compare the actual trips of dmt and 4-ho-dmt (Shrooms)

and this is silly

the 2 chemicals are analogues of each other and you CAN acheive egoless states with both

its just easier wtih dmt because of the potency to weight ratio

my point in this was you were telling people shrooms are all fun and no work

and thats not true

choke down that 10 gram dose andin 3 hours let me know if you can comprehend the clock, the seat your sitting in or the ass your body is attached too


Well-Known Member
Sounds like mister toads wild ride Unnk. Except you forget who mr toad is. And what the hell a toad is to begin with. And you begin to wonder if you're a toad. Or the water that the toad sits in. When my shrooms are ready and dried. And I have gotten wet again. I will try 7-10. Heck I've done just over 5 b4. It was like I was transported back intime internally. I had those late seventies kid feelings come back. Good times. Good times.


Well-Known Member
okay the mushroom experience is gonna verry from person to person

but the trips im talking about from them ive acheived from the 7-10 gram range

You are talking cubensis though right? Not Mexicana or cyan?


Well-Known Member
Some of you folks are looking for the easiest way to get yourself a decent stash of mushroom but you don't want to go through the hastle and expense of fruiting cubensis. So why bother?

Here is the absolute easiest way possible to get yourself such a delight is to grow sclerotia.

Get yourself a case of pint jars, if you like tyvek use that, better yet purchase a dozen filter disks and drill small holes in your jar lids. The point in this excercise is that you will be growing myclium for a long period of time and so there needs to be some air exchange, not too much as you don't want the insides to get dry. And you will definitely want to use injection ports.

Your best substrate is rye grass seed - you can find it in the spring in any landscape place - Don't use mixes unless the mix is predominantly rye grass seed. If you can't find it, use rye berries, you don't want to use anything else, rice, flour, corn, that sort of stuff works poorly if at all.

Boil the grain or seed in water until it is fully saturated and then place it in your jars If you want to, put a teaspoon of finely ground coffee into the jar. It is said that coffee promotes the production of sclerotia.
- fill the jars about 3/4 full, don't pack them. Close the lid up tight, Let the jars sit for 24 hours and then either steam for a couple of hours or pressure cook for 45 minutes at 15 lbs.

After the jars have cooled, inject each one with a cc or three of spores (more on the spores later), if you use grain, you can shake the jar, if not, don't bother. Then put the jars in a dark place that won't get warmer than about 80 degrees and won't freeze. Wait 2 months or so and then open the jars, dump out the mycelial puck and pick through it for the truffles - you are done. The truffles are about 3/4 as potent but they there is more by weight their being only 70 percent water rather than 90 percent as in mushrooms. some say they have a slightly different effect and I agree, but I do not believe it is because of the form.


Cubensis spores will NOT work (although I firmly believe I discovered and then lost a sclerotia forming Cubensis about 10 years ago).

You want Mexicana (A) spores or Atlantia spores or Tampanensis (although these don't work as well).

If you think about it, the two months is not so long, if you have innoculated a dozen jars you will have all the truffles a person could want for himself and his friends to have quite a number of wonderful experiences - no fruting chamber, no contamination problems, no fanning, no light, no humidity problems, no mess.

Try it.
Would it be possible to do this with those 3 or 5 lbs rye berry bags? Or is it best to use jars? What kind of yield can be expected from a pint jar after 2 months (mexicana A)?


Well-Known Member
thought i explained this before

the more you go with shrooms the better it gets

but ill try this once again

your trying to compare something you shouldnt

and what i mean by saying that is this

your trying to compare the actual trips of dmt and 4-ho-dmt (Shrooms)

and this is silly

the 2 chemicals are analogues of each other and you CAN acheive egoless states with both

its just easier wtih dmt because of the potency to weight ratio

my point in this was you were telling people shrooms are all fun and no work

and thats not true

choke down that 10 gram dose andin 3 hours let me know if you can comprehend the clock, the seat your sitting in or the ass your body is attached too
i dont remember saying shrooms were all fun and no work, please show me this quote.
i simply said dmt gave me a clearer trip as well as more intensity, meanwhile shrooms make me trip hard but i walk around and look at everything change, rather than just closing my eyes and seeing geometric shapes and all sorts of colors i cant describe like i do when dmt enters my system.

ive done plenty of shrooms, not 10 grams but im pretty sure i did take 6 gs a few years ago, i woke up feeling exhausted and felt like my brain was fried from doing. after dmt i feel well rested and i feel as if ive learned more about myself. it also only lasts for 7 minutes when smoked so its the perfect "drug" for someone who still needs to be productive a few hours later. you probably know this already, but your brain absorbs this form of dmt easily and can still process shortly after.

while shrooms, are more of poison rather than the pure dmt. for shrooms i can trip for up to 6 hours if i drink it out of tea or eat it. if your body knew the chemical that makes you hallucinate it would adjust to it a lot faster rather than lasting for hours. shrooms are great, just not for someone who only wants to trip for a few minutes. im not bashing shrooms, but im simply saying how it effected me, but i can easily say dmt effects me positively and shrooms are great for the first 4 hours but after that its sort of down hill for me.


Well-Known Member
Would it be possible to do this with those 3 or 5 lbs rye berry bags? Or is it best to use jars? What kind of yield can be expected from a pint jar after 2 months (mexicana A)?

There shouldn't be any problem using those bags. I really can't see where jars would be better in this case. Of course you wouldn't have the coffee but I don't think that is much of a problem considering the ease of the whole operation.

Stamets estimates 50 to 70 grams per cup of grain. This is for Mexicana - remember that sclerotia is about 70 percent water.

Tampenensis yields are somewhat less, being 10 to 30 grams wet per cup and I understand that the Atlantis strain can be up to 100 grams wet per cup of grain. Now also remember that each of these strains, are higher in active content than any cubensis.

There is a debate over my having discovered a sclerotia forming cubensis. I recall that it fruited poorly but the fruit looked like cubensis. The debate is that it is impossible and now I am unsure of exactly what I had at the time.