trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
why are we so quick to throw mr zimmerman under the bus? I don't think we should be assuming zimmerman did any thing wrong.


Active Member
Yeah cuz getting knifed during a mugging in a park or at the ATM is LOTS OF FUN!! You don't get out much do you?

You know what;s *really* fun , when the muggers eyes get really HUGE at how large a small diameter hole can be when it's staring at them. And I could care less who thinks it's sadistic , it's freaking hilarious , that oooohhhhhSHIT!!! look........


Well-Known Member
And you'd be surprised by all this WHY? For crying out loud it's Florida and a Cracker asshole , in a community run by Cracker assholes so why would it surprise you?
i guess it being 2012 and all, i would have thought we could do a little better.


Active Member
92FS ... I want to trade it for the 96A1 but the sentimental value always stops me ... Kind of hard to hid that Colt..but Hell yeah that bitch screams BACK THE FUCK UP

WRONG!..........and a MAJOR defensive error and hole on your thinking * NO* sidearm screams BACK UP until it's trained on the assailant and even then it's YOUR job to scream it.

*NEVER* ever carry purely for the purpose of intimidation , which is why I actually prefer concealed , wait until intimidation is a necessary component of saving your ass , then is the time to dig on it and no sooner.


Well-Known Member
An eye witness account of the Trayvon Martin shooting. Doesn't fit the narrative on this thread so feel free to piss and sputter.

a single witness who only identified himself as "john" trying to say that he witnessed martin, who is about half the size of zimmerman, on top of zimmerman beating him up.


i've got a few bridges and some seaside land in arizona for ya.


Well-Known Member

a single witness who only identified himself as "john" trying to say that he witnessed martin, who is about half the size of zimmerman, on top of zimmerman beating him up.


i've got a few bridges and some seaside land in arizona for ya.
I have heard that Zimmerman had a bloody nose and neck.

You dont seem to want to get all of the facts before you try, convict and execute this guy.