I messed up!! Left lights on in flower!


Active Member
I left 2 13 watt floros on last night during the 12 hour sleep cycle of my plants.. Grant they were in a corner of my room not directly on the plants but I wonder what this might do? I just left them in there regular sched today with 12 hours of light so I dont know if I should give them a dark period or just leave it be.:o


Active Member
If your in early stage of flower 1-6 weeks, I would give them a 24 darkness, just so they dont get confused

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Your fine! Just don't let it happen again (or often). It happens to all of us at some point or another unless you have an absolutely fool proof system.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, honestly it shouldn't really be a problem unless your strain is really unstable and pre-disposed to hermaphrodism. We have done some hellacious things regarding lighting to our stuff in the past and have never really seen any ill results. Although I'm not recommending to stray from the routine! Haha.


Active Member
Cool,, Thanx ,man I thought I was carefull till I opened that door and seen them on.. I was jeese I cant believe I did that. Felt like I hurt my own children...lol


Well-Known Member
You should really invest into a light timer. You can get them as cheap as $10 and I've yet to have one fail in 10 years.


Well-Known Member
he may have one ^^^ i have left the over ride switch on for 2 or 3 weeks before on accident but this wasnt in the flower stage.


Active Member
I do have timers but those lights were not on one. Now they are. Just hooked them up and was experimenting with them, got side tracked during the day and forgot they were on.


Well-Known Member
I do have timers but those lights were not on one. Now they are. Just hooked them up and was experimenting with them, got side tracked during the day and forgot they were on.
Cool. I know a few guys who "don't trust timers" so they always try to turn everything on when it's time, but WITHOUT fail they end up fucking their light schedule up here and there. Us on timers take the ol Ronco approach. Set it and forget it. Boom.


Well-Known Member
Your fine! Just don't let it happen again (or often). It happens to all of us at some point or another unless you have an absolutely fool proof system.
The only fool proof system I know is to have only green light for maintenance in the grow. I had to go to that and just get used to it. I need all the fail-safe and fool proofing I can get. I have left the green lights on, but no problem with that.


Active Member
All seems ok,, Buds are budding and plants are looking healthy. One thing I did do was put a dehumidifier in the room, have to really watch your temps with that thing! Like having a heater in the room.