What do you do


Well-Known Member
ok so my sister is a fucking cunt.
or at least she has been for the last few weeks.
She just works, comes home, gets dressed and makeup done, then she goes out and smokes until she has to come home to go to bed.
She doesnt do any chores anymore, and when anyone tries to tell her anything its "Man whatever, I dont wanna hear it, you dont wanna make me mad" then she gets mad and shitty and acts like she runs shit.
For example, on facebook, she put "dont under estimate me" and I said " i wouldnt but underestimate is one word"
then she starts cussing me out, and when i reply, she's like drop it, you dont wanna make me angry.
But she always does that. She never gets to face her actions, my mom never calls her out on it, last time she told my sister "if you dont like my rules then you can leave" my sister took it as she was being kicked out, and acted like a fucking cunt. She still maintains that my mom kicked her out, when all my mom did was tell her, you have to follow my rules or leave, not "get out of my house"
she's acting like a little fucking tyrant, controlling what we talk about because she said "man shut the fuck up! your dimissed, your stupid and childish and blah blah blah." etc.
She acts like this off and on, and im so tired of it but my mom never takes my side. She treats my house like its a boarding house, a place to eat and sleep, but she has no respect for anyone in this house. Seriously, i cant remember the last time she washed a dish or cleaned the house,
And she used to act like this when she was younger, and stopped, but then her bf left her for another girl and now she's just being this god awful person. worst part is, she's 20 years old with this ghetto slightly entitled attitude and i have no idea where she gets it, but her friends enable it.

What do i do? I just want to fight it out with her, verbally, but she always just says shut the fuck up, you dont know shit, etc... and if I did get in a verbal argument with her, she'd get physical instead of talking about it, or like she'll just start talking shit on my body or my not having a job. Says it doesnt mean nothing that i go to school, that im a loser for not having a job. while she works at mc d's and dropped out her first semester of college.
honestly i feel like when we both move out and get our own lives and families, that our kids and us will never get along or be close, because of her fucking ghetto ass attitude. She's the only one of us who has never really been hit by our parents, and she's the worst one out of us, even though ask her and my mom, and i am the problem child in the family. This bitch has told me many times that no one likes me or wants me here, and that everything was better when i never lived with her
your family sounds like a bunch of crazy fuckers.
after school is done with you should dip the fuck out.

get a loft in ny and kick it out there.
they are. but they say im the bad one, that i try to play the victim, that im the problem. and i do love them, the funny thing is, a few weeks ago, my sister and i got along just fine, she was acting normal, then the thing with the bf happened, she starting hanging out with an old friend, now she's acting hella funny and different and doesnt really talk to me, all she does is work, get high, and take a shower and do her makeup.
ok so my sister is a fucking cunt.
or at least she has been for the last few weeks.
She just works, comes home, gets dressed and makeup done, then she goes out and smokes until she has to come home to go to bed.
She doesnt do any chores anymore, and when anyone tries to tell her anything its "Man whatever, I dont wanna hear it, you dont wanna make me mad" then she gets mad and shitty and acts like she runs shit.
For example, on facebook, she put "dont under estimate me" and I said " i wouldnt but underestimate is one word"
then she starts cussing me out, and when i reply, she's like drop it, you dont wanna make me angry.
But she always does that. She never gets to face her actions, my mom never calls her out on it, last time she told my sister "if you dont like my rules then you can leave" my sister took it as she was being kicked out, and acted like a fucking cunt. She still maintains that my mom kicked her out, when all my mom did was tell her, you have to follow my rules or leave, not "get out of my house"
she's acting like a little fucking tyrant, controlling what we talk about because she said "man shut the fuck up! your dimissed, your stupid and childish and blah blah blah." etc.
She acts like this off and on, and im so tired of it but my mom never takes my side. She treats my house like its a boarding house, a place to eat and sleep, but she has no respect for anyone in this house. Seriously, i cant remember the last time she washed a dish or cleaned the house,
And she used to act like this when she was younger, and stopped, but then her bf left her for another girl and now she's just being this god awful person. worst part is, she's 20 years old with this ghetto slightly entitled attitude and i have no idea where she gets it, but her friends enable it.

What do i do? I just want to fight it out with her, verbally, but she always just says shut the fuck up, you dont know shit, etc... and if I did get in a verbal argument with her, she'd get physical instead of talking about it, or like she'll just start talking shit on my body or my not having a job. Says it doesnt mean nothing that i go to school, that im a loser for not having a job. while she works at mc d's and dropped out her first semester of college.

Sounds rough. But you are going to school and getting an education. Stick with that.

You will be a better person for that.

If she gets in your face too much, pop her in the beak.
honestly i feel like when we both move out and get our own lives and families, that our kids and us will never get along or be close, because of her fucking ghetto ass attitude. She's the only one of us who has never really been hit by our parents, and she's the worst one out of us, even though ask her and my mom, and i am the problem child in the family. This bitch has told me many times that no one likes me or wants me here, and that everything was better when i never lived with her

reason she acts like that is cuz she was never hit
was she spoiled by parents?

most young people that act like she does only do it cuz they havent found out that its easy to talk shit but the things that come out of your mouth do have reprecussions

i had to teach my ex step son that valuable lesson the hard way
well hard for him
is she immature? doesn't take life seriously?
sounds like she's being influenced by this old acquaintance, and in a negative way.

your mom/sis can't admit when they're wrong can they?
they are. but they say im the bad one, that i try to play the victim, that im the problem. and i do love them, the funny thing is, a few weeks ago, my sister and i got along just fine, she was acting normal, then the thing with the bf happened, she starting hanging out with an old friend, now she's acting hella funny and different and doesnt really talk to me, all she does is work, get high, and take a shower and do her makeup.

maybe she is on drugs
im not saying she's had an easy life, in fact, its been hard, but most of it is her fault for the people she chose to associate with and trust, they were all ghetto and back stabbing. i told her that once, and i told her the way her life turned out was the product of the choices she made, she beat the brakes off of me and i couldnt hit her back because of reasons i shall not discuss.
honestly i feel like when we both move out and get our own lives and families, that our kids and us will never get along or be close, because of her fucking ghetto ass attitude. She's the only one of us who has never really been hit by our parents, and she's the worst one out of us, even though ask her and my mom, and i am the problem child in the family. This bitch has told me many times that no one likes me or wants me here, and that everything was better when i never lived with her
Ghetto ass attitude?
Im from the ghetto so wht is a ghetto attitude?
From what u describe it's not ghetto at all so please rephrase that!
I feel offended by that statement..
is she immature? doesn't take life seriously?
sounds like she's being influenced by this old acquaintance, and in a negative way.

your mom/sis can't admit when they're wrong can they?

no. they cant, and neither can i. its a family trait.
and she says she is mature because of the life she has led, but she isnt, she got in hella trouble for skipping jury duty, didnt pay her ticket on time, basically she doesnt take care of her shit, but will go out and smoke and drink. but god forbid if my mom and i try to say something, she gets super aggressive. my mom told her the other day "i need to leave before i smack you in your mouth. "
she talks to people hella shitty
start listening to classical music loud as fuck when you're home.

and when she starts her shit, just put your nose up and say in a british accent. "oh dear i'm incredibly sorry, but i mustn't stay and chat, far too busy, good day to you"
Ghetto ass attitude?
Im from the ghetto so wht is a ghetto attitude?
From what u describe it's not ghetto at all so please rephrase that!
I feel offended by that statement..

ghetto attitude: entitled, dont give a fuck about consequences, etc
Ghetto ass attitude?
Im from the ghetto so wht is a ghetto attitude?
From what u describe it's not ghetto at all so please rephrase that!
I feel offended by that statement..

So, you are trying to turn this person's pain into a focus on you? How did you become a moderator?
How do you know ghetto?
Im surprised to even hear shit like that out your mouth.
People she hang with are ghetto?
You need some education on ghetto.

I don't understand people with shit comments like that..
here's a good example of bitchiness.
we go outside to smoke in her car. we see a cop pull up on our street and go into a house.
i tell her we should wait, its stupid to do it so blatantly in front of the house when there is a cop up the street.
she gets hella mad at me, tells me im being too paranoid and stupid.

then her friend wants to download netflix to our wii.
i say no because its not my wii to make that decision.
she gets hella shitty with me, saying i need to grow up and quit being a bitch and just do it, and fuck what our stepdad thinks, even though he pays for the shit. then i told her im not gonna do it, and she gets all rowdy.