What do you do

How do you know ghetto?
Im surprised to even hear shit like that out your mouth.
People she hang with are ghetto?
You need some education on ghetto.

I don't understand people with shit comments like that..

um, i live in a town full of ghetto people, i know it when i see it. they say fuck the consequences, live in the moment, no concern for rules or politeness.
educate yourself
A ghetto is a section of a city predominantly occupied by a group who live there, especially because of social, economic, or legal issues.
The term was originally used in Venice to describe the area where Jews were compelled to live. The term ghetto now refers to an overcrowded urban area often associated with specific ethnic or racial populations living below the poverty line. From a statistical perspective, ghettos are typically high crime areas relative to other parts of the city. [SUP][1][/SUP]
here's a good example of bitchiness.
we go outside to smoke in her car. we see a cop pull up on our street and go into a house.
i tell her we should wait, its stupid to do it so blatantly in front of the house when there is a cop up the street.
she gets hella mad at me, tells me im being too paranoid and stupid.

then her friend wants to download netflix to our wii.
i say no because its not my wii to make that decision.
she gets hella shitty with me, saying i need to grow up and quit being a bitch and just do it, and fuck what our stepdad thinks, even though he pays for the shit. then i told her im not gonna do it, and she gets all rowdy.

You stick to your principles. That's all you can do.
im not using ghetto's connatation as an enclave of a homogenous group, im using the american connotation of ignorance and all the other things ive mentioned, which has become the main stream meaning in the united states.
im not using ghetto's connatation as an enclave of a homogenous group, im using the american connotation of ignorance and all the other things ive mentioned, which has become the main stream meaning in the united states.
Americas or yours? You can't go to a ghetto saying that shit!
copying and pasting a dictionary definition you got off of the internet doesn't make you well educated on the subject.

get fucked.
That was just to prove a point.. So carry on youngn
its really not stereotyping, if you knew the people i do and what not.
anyone can be ghetto, its the mentality not a skin color or whatever.
Most people who get offended by the word ghetto are either a) never been there and are bleeding hearts.
b) been there and refuse to acknowledge a real situation
Well Urca, family is family. No matter what...

They will always be with you.

And family can say some very mean and hurtful things.

I'm guessing, though, that your sister has your best interests in her heart. She just might not understand who you are.
Again that's YOUR opinion because what u r saying is not ghetto.. It sounds like your sister doesn't care what u have to say and that you r soft so she walks all over you..
I'm not going to get into that though, I'm from the slums of Oakland CA. "the ghettto"
So I guess since I'm from "the ghetto" that makes me "ghetto" right ?.... NO

its not living in the ghetto, its the mentality of some of the people who live there.
im from stockton... i see all types of people with a ghetto mentality, even if they dont live there.
i guess i should switch from calling it a ghetto mentality as much as its a ignorant mentality, but after all the things i have seen, the two are intertwined.
Again that's YOUR opinion because what u r saying is not ghetto.. It sounds like your sister doesn't care what u have to say and that you r soft so she walks all over you..

why come onto my thread and be a dick?
im just trying to figure out the sister situation and you're just trying to argue.
please stop
why come onto my thread and be a dick?
im just trying to figure out the sister situation and you're just trying to argue.
please stop
Be a dick really?
Sounds like u r a pussy and a dick at the sAme time..

u dnt know what ur talking About using ghetto obviously!
So the name calling needs to stop right here.
kick her ass to the curb and isn't she the one who puked in the tube and left it?? She would a been gone that day!!!
So your sister is 20 and being an irrational useless bitch? Sounds like it's time for her to go. Problem solved. Either have your parents kick her out for good or you have to step up to the plate and kill her. Either way, sounds like she is toxic and has to go. As far as describing her attitude as ghetto... You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
So your sister is 20 and being an irrational useless bitch? Sounds like it's time for her to go. Problem solved. Either have your parents kick her out for good or you have to step up to the plate and kill her. Either way, sounds like she is toxic and has to go. As far as describing her attitude as ghetto... You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
Thank you !!!!!^^^^
its whatever. most people i've spoken to define ghetto the same way. thats not the focus. shit, I said we could substitute ignorant for ghetto, for those who got offended by it.
And I will admit, I do have my faults too. I am lazy, dont have a job, but as of late, I am doing better than my sister... but i feel like a good ass beating by someone would change her attitude, but no one will ever put hands on her