writing papers sucks

I actually enjoyed writing some papers in college. My Microeconomics teacher let me write about mmj. And my Sociology teacher let us use curse words! Like darn!
Very nice Neer-Neer.

I know the ink isn't good for you but I have a friend who like to doodle all over her papers before smoking.

I used most of my papers to lay into whatever literature we were given that I didn't like. Or the Xbox 360. Most of my tutors kept them for personal amusement.
writing papers does suck, this weekend i had to do some blurbs on a prisoners dilemma
yes, the prisoner's dilemma.
Its for my political philosophy class, since we are reading Hobbes.
Also, it came with a second question that i cant solve.

It says im a represenative of state a, and there is another state close by, that is equal in power, called state b.
We coexist in an anarchical world, and im given four options.

Either I attack, or they attack.

If they attack:

a. i attack
b I dont attack

If they dont attack

a. I attack
b. I dont attack

I have to make a decision on what is best for me, and say why it is a dilemma. But I dont get it
yes, the prisoner's dilemma.
Its for my political philosophy class, since we are reading Hobbes.
Also, it came with a second question that i cant solve.

It says im a represenative of state a, and there is another state close by, that is equal in power, called state b.
We coexist in an anarchical world, and im given four options.

Either I attack, or they attack.

If they attack:

a. i attack
b I dont attack

If they dont attack

a. I attack
b. I dont attack

I have to make a decision on what is best for me, and say why it is a dilemma. But I dont get it

you don't attack, for either one.
yes, the prisoner's dilemma.
Its for my political philosophy class, since we are reading Hobbes.
Also, it came with a second question that i cant solve.

It says im a represenative of state a, and there is another state close by, that is equal in power, called state b.
We coexist in an anarchical world, and im given four options.

Either I attack, or they attack.

If they attack:

a. i attack
b I dont attack

If they dont attack

a. I attack
b. I dont attack

I have to make a decision on what is best for me, and say why it is a dilemma. But I dont get it
I'm missing valuable information. Is there something being contested? Is there a consistency requirement? is there a payoff matrix? In the prisoner's dilemma, these things are preset. There are bound to be unstated conditions/premises to the above scenario. Otherwise the obvious choice is "neither attacks", boom, no dilemma.
However if not being attacked = amassing wealth that can be looted, eventually the temptation for the other player to attack will exceed the penalty for trying and failing. Oh the possibilities. cn
gave you all the information I was given. we are two states equal in power, and im given a choice whether or not to attack them arbitraily, based off of whats best for me, and the possibility that they might attack me. Its an anarchial world, and i guess i have to assume that they want whats in their best self interest, which is to amass more, but they are equal to me in all things.
I had to write an analysis over "Araby" by James Joyce a 6 part paper introduction,character,conflict,pointofview,setting,conclusion. and we have to have some "research" for it. we have to use someone elses work as work cited. i finished most of it. but i still have the conflict and conclusion. i suck at writing also.
I've written a bunch of history papers but I don't think I could do a literary analysis paper. Good luck with it.

Hardest paper I ever did was a 60 page history paper. I won the history department's yearly award for undergrad papers.
My sense is the senario plays out as a kind of mutually assured destruction, only with a twist. And they never end well for either party making the worst case senarios a non option. Everyone knows this. Diplomacy first. Get high. No problem. my answer for any dispute.
you don't attack, for either one.

But if you remain passive on both counts you risk the loss of your freedom or your life. . .however, if you are the aggressor you risk the same thing--which is the dilemma. So then the question becomes who has more guns.
I wrote a college paper high once...thought it might help. Thought my finished product was brilliant...absolutely genius and turned it in without even bothering to re-read it the next day.
I got a D. So if you do that.....just make sure it's stilll sounds smart in the morning :)
This paper is for a political philosophy class. The instructor likely just wants you to take a stand and support it with philosophical theories you have learned in class. To me, it seems like the root issue is how you view human nature. So for example, if you believe that people are really nasty and brutish at heart (like Hobbes) then you would likely choose to preemptively attack, because, they will likely attack you in the future anyway.
But if you remain passive on both counts you risk the loss of your freedom or your life. . .however, if you are the aggressor you risk the same thing--which is the dilemma. So then the question becomes who has more guns.

i would just go somewhere else lol.