purple stems?

Do purple stems mean anything (deficiency or possibly indica or sativa) a scientific response would alSo be appreciated. Thanks.:D

2012-03-25 16.11.12.jpg2012-03-25 16.10.13.jpg

The Growery

Active Member
it means that they are nute deficient, in your case the leaves are saying "give me nitrogen please". just start it off with a super diluted nute mix, something like 150 ppm since it looks only a couple weeks old. your soil looks moist already but you could add a cup of weak nute water to help it along till the next full watering but i don't think it's necessary, just remember to nute water in 3-4 days


Well-Known Member
Some strains just have purple stems, but purple stems can show if any of the N-P- or K is missing...all 3 deficiencies show purple stems..so depending on age, and size of plant it is probably just time for some basic grow nutes. Nothing fancy...but it is also possible that that plant just has purple stems...it doesn't mean anything really, or that anything is missing, but if things start changing colors then you know that they need something...


Well-Known Member
purple stems are normal. before telling you to add nutrients, what soil are you growing in? the soil may have plenty of nutes alreay, that plant is just starting to utilize nutrients in soil.

the purple stem really isnt a indication of anything at the stage your plants are in, maybe if they were much bigger it would be but right now its not.
purple stems are normal. before telling you to add nutrients, what soil are you growing in? the soil may have plenty of nutes alreay, that plant is just starting to utilize nutrients in soil.

the purple stem really isnt a indication of anything at the stage your plants are in, maybe if they were much bigger it would be but right now its not.
I'm using some jiffy potting "soil" it says it has plenty of nutes but just to be sure I've been watering with a quarter strength fert. The soil is almost 100% vermilicite or how ever you spell it, it retains water like a sponge and I think the roots like how easy it is to expand through because I've been noticing some great root development over the past few days.


Well-Known Member
With a plant that small your purple stems are defenitely genetic. I find more indica or indica Dom. Plants exibit purple stems.
With a plant that small your purple stems are defenitely genetic. I find more indica or indica Dom. Plants exibit purple stems.
Really? That's great news with the short seasons of the northeast I have to deal with. I thought for sure it was saliva but I'm not that experienced, Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I'm growing a self-bred Master Kush/Acupolto Gold hybrid, and I have a few phenotypes, but the strongest in my particular genetic line I work with is by far the purple stems... It's usually genetics that are the culprit, if u run a well-rounded gig, and keep your NPK ratios in check... I think it's got something to do with the strong Indica background myself... As most of the Indica strains, like the crystal-laden purps Ive grown before, kindof tend to exhibit purple in some form or another, whether it's mainly the calyxs, or the stigmas, or the leaves(not due to cold environs), or the purple stem thing... It is pretty common... I used to think it meant something really special, but I can't say that I still see it that way, although it is nice to look at-on a healthy plant, and not on one with a deficiency...


Active Member
Purple stems at that young of an age is definitely genetic. I'm currently growing out 20 grape ape seeds and they are all displaying deep purple stems.
I'm growing a self-bred Master Kush/Acupolto Gold hybrid, and I have a few phenotypes, but the strongest in my particular genetic line I work with is by far the purple stems... It's usually genetics that are the culprit, if u run a well-rounded gig, and keep your NPK ratios in check... I think it's got something to do with the strong Indica background myself... As most of the Indica strains, like the crystal-laden purps Ive grown before, kindof tend to exhibit purple in some form or another, whether it's mainly the calyxs, or the stigmas, or the leaves(not due to cold environs), or the purple stem thing... It is pretty common... I used to think it meant something really special, but I can't say that I still see it that way, although it is nice to look at-on a healthy plant, and not on one with a deficiency...
Almost every plant ive grown has had purple stems in the beginning, then slowly turns green as it gets thicker. I have a feeling it's just a seedling thing. My. Lower stem (before the cotyledons) is green. Just the new extending stem between nodes. Also the new stem growth is thicker than the base closesest to the soil.